Tremaine "Mae," I whined. "I think I'm dying." "You're not dying you big baby. You've got a cold." "I hate you. Why'd you get me sick?" I pouted. "I told you to let me sleep in the guest room when I was sick. But no, someone wanted to be a big baby and cry about being alone. Didn't you say you don't get sick anyways?" I sniffed. "You don't care about me at all." "Tre take your medicine and go to sleep." I pouted my lips at her. "No, I'm not giving you a kiss just so I can get sick again." "Imma tell Chas you don't love me anymore," I fake cried. She shrugged. "I think I can live with that." "Alright get out of my room." She laughed as she left. I chuckled a bit. It’s been a few weeks since our first date and it really helped. It’s pretty much official between the two of us and I’