
1232 Words

(Vasilissa's POV) I regret leaving without any proper planning and arrangements as I walked through the dark streets. I gulped and continued to walk forward. I don't know where the hell I am and this dark place is giving me creeps. My steps halted when I felt like someone following behind me. I didn't turn around to inspect, I made my way forward instead. What if there is a ghost following me? I shuddered at the thought. My heart is thumping at a high rate and I'm afraid it'll leap out of my throat any second. Beads of sweats are dripping down my forehead. I'm scared shitless. I don't want to continue walking but I don't have the guts to walk back either. I wanted to freeze with fear when I felt another presence but I didn't halt in the fear of dying. I started to pray to every g

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