
1129 Words

(Leonardo's POV) I made my way towards one of the guest's room she is staying at. It took me a good few minutes to reach my destination. It hurts me that she is distancing herself from me. I'm not able to do anything. She knows how to trick me into staying away from her. She is ignoring me and no matter how much I try, I'm not able to catch her. It's like she has bound me from coming near her and it's making me feel vulnerable, which is a foreign feeling for me. I barged into the room only to find it empty. I put the food on the bedside table and checked in the bathroom but she wasn't there too. I took my phone out and dialled Nicolo. He picked up immediately. "Yes boss", he asked in a series tone as he knows I don't call anyone unless it's important. "Is Lisa with you?", I asked,

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