
1694 Words

I pulled back from the kiss and raised my hands to slap him, but before my hands can touch his cheeks he caught my hands in his. "Let go", I twisted my hands so he can lose the hold but he just kissed the inside of my hands and intervened our fingers. "Just hear me out once. Give me a chance and I'll clear everything", he pleaded with me. I searched his eyes for any deception but he seems honest so I decided to give him a chance. I huffed my reply. He took out his phone with his free hand and dialled someone. "Keep eyes on McKenna until I reach home. Make sure she doesn't escape", he growled in a dark tone. I visibly gulped because his whole demeanour changed when he called the person. Feeling the anger rolling off of him, I decided to shut my mouth for some time. Any sane person in

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