
1115 Words
The next day when I woke up I quickly took shower and get changed in our room, careful not to get caught by him. I don't want to face him. Not now when the image from last night is still freshly embedded in my mind. I don't want to talk to him nor see him that is why when I entered the dining room I kept my head down and sat down at the chair closer to the gate, far from Leo. When I was sitting all the other people present in the room looked shocked to see me sitting at the farthest chair. I didn't pay any mind to anyone except Matteo and Nicolo, I nodded towards both of them with a small smile. I didn't even glance towards him. I was hurt to see she was sitting on my chair. No one has ever sat on that chair except me, Leo has made sure of it but now he has given that spot to her. "Come here gattina", his voice boomed throughout the room. I ignored him like he hasn't even spoken not did I look towards him. I wasn't hungry so I mostly played with my food. Everyone started leaving and so did I. I heard him calling my name but like before I ignored him and continued to walk towards the library. Time seems to fly fast when you are engrossed with something. Before I know it's night again. I was successful in avoiding him the whole day since I didn't go out of the library. Footsteps can be heard from outside. And from the powerful and confident steps, I can tell it's him. He opened the door and came inside, stopping just step away from me. Crouching down he took my hands "talk to me, Cara. Don't ignore me please" I snatched my hands back with force. My mind was on him but I kept my eyes on the book, not reading, just staring. "Tell me cara why you're not talking to me", his voice was soft and pleading. "Just go", I said in a cold voice. He sighed when I didn't say anything. "I'll wait for you in our room", with that he stood up. He bent down to kiss my forehead and I swiftly dodged it. I don't have to look at him to know he has hurt expression. But I can't help it. I don't want any false show of love. Action speaks its volume. After a few minutes, he left with a dejected expression. I waited until he is far away when I left the library. I didn't go to his room, instead, I settled in one of the rooms I have said the maids to prepare for me, it's on the other side of the mansion, far from his room. I was making sure I will not have to face him. I know it's childish to run away from problems but I can't help it. I used to thought he loves me too just as I love him but he wouldn't have a girlfriend if he loves me. So before he can break me more than he already has, I have to distance myself from him. Both mentally and physically. I'm already broken and I can't afford to let my heart broken too. I can't let him play with my heart and then tossed it around like it's nothing. I want to keep at least one part of me to myself. I tossed and turned around in bed most of the night. I'm thinking too much but my brain can't stop thinking. I was feeling helpless and I hate that feeling since I was a kid. I hate uncertainty, it tends to make me restless, fearful even. After much difficulty, I managed to sleep at around 4 am. I'm back in the little cage they call my room. It only has a mattress and a bedside table to store the two-three pair of clothing I own. I heard footsteps coming near my room and I leaned more into the wall to make myself disappear if that is possible but I know it's only my wishful thinking. The more I grow, the more his advantages towards me grew. My door burst open and he came in with his nasty grin which promises all the bad things he is going to do. I tried to scoot further in the wall but that wasn't possible. I was already clinging to the wall like a lizard in the corner. I know I'll not be able to be safe from him. I'll never be safe from him. He stalked towards me before fisting my hair. He dragged me across the floor and threw me on the old mattress. " on your knees slut", there was that word again. I don't want to get punishment so I quickly sat on my knees. "Good girl", he praised me at my submissiveness. He then fumbled with his belt before removing it completely. He took his pee stick out and rubbed it against my lips. "Open up slut. Open your mouth for daddy. Let daddy teach his little slut how to suck c**k", I shook my head at him, sealing my lips tight. It angered him and slapped me hard across my face. "Do my little slut want me to f**k her p***y?", I shook my head no. I don't want him to do that with me. "Then pleasure me by your mouth", he growled in anger. I opened my mouth and he shoved his c**k (as he likes to say it) inside my mouth. I whimpered when my jaw stretched to the point of pain. " good little slut. I bet your little p***y is tighter than your mouth", he groaned in pleasure. It seemed like forever when he roared and shoot white liquid in my throat. "Swallow daddy's c*m like a good little slut", I wanted to shook my head but I have already take punishment and don't want to take another, my sides are still hurting from his kick so I swallowed the liquid down my throat. As he left my room after pulling his pant up, I rushed to the bathroom, puking my gut out. I woke up startled. The dream felt so real. I started to hyper vent. I started to claw at my neck as it feels like my throat is closing up, I was having trouble breathing. Before I started to get a panic attack, I think about something that will distract me. When the image of nature didn't work I thought of him. His arms around my waist, pulling me to his chest in a protective hold. My heart started to calm down, my breathing back to normal. I sighed and looked towards the clock. It's already afternoon. ***
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