
971 Words
When I woke up the next morning I was alone in the bed, the sheets were cold indicating he was gone for a long time. At first, I thought it was all a dream. That he was a dream but his scent lingering on the sheets says otherwise. I quickly got and went for the search for him. The first place I searched was his office but he wasn't there then I searched the library, pool, garden, every single room, game room, piano room but no luck, I didn't find him. Then a thought occurred to that he has left again leaving me here alone. The thought made my mood sour. Upset and tired from searching I went to the kitchen for breakfast. When I entered everyone in the house was present. All the members of the Berlusconi family. My eyes went to head table and there he is, sitting there with an air of authority and arrogance, looking like a king. To his left seat was Nicolo' Romano, his right-hand man/ best friend. Leo noticed my sad expression and his whole demeanour changed. He beckoned me to go to him and when I was close enough he pulled me on his lap. "Who made you sad baby?", he asked softly. His face is full of anger for the person who dared to make me sad but little did he know he was the person that made me sad, the thought of him leaving me here alone again for God knows many years made me sad, not being able to see him for long made me sad. "I thought you left me again", I admitted. His expression softens and kissed my forehead. "Never again gattina. I won't leave you again", he said. "Promise?", I pleaded. He never breaks the promise he has made with me. Ever. "Promise", he promised me. I pecked his cheeks, happy that he won't leave again. I got up from his lap and sat down on the chair on his right side. Halfway during the breakfast, an annoying sound of heels clicking echoed in the room. All the members looked up towards the door from where the sound was coming. An extremely gorgeous woman entered the dining room. She has brunette hair falling down her shoulder in waves, slim figure and long legs. "Babyy", she screeched in a high pitched voice. So high that my hands started twitching to cover my ears but I refrained myself. She sat on Leo's lap. " baby I missed you so much. I heard that you're here so I thought I'll surprise you", she said smiling and started kissing him. Suddenly my appetite is gone. I excused myself and went to our room. He didn't say he found a girl when he was there. Was it the reason he was ignoring my calls. I don't know what to do. I love him and I thought maybe he loves me too. He saved me from monsters, he took my revenge, he sleeps with me and he called me his queen that means he loves me too right. But I don't think he does. Why would he, she is confident, slim and beautiful so obviously he would prefer her over me. I told my bodyguard Matteo to not let anyone in my room, not even him and he said okay. He told everyone who wants to get inside that I'm sleeping and don't want to be disturbed. He did the same with Leo. At first, Leo was angry that he tried to stop him but after Matteo told him that it was my order he left. *** It's night now and I'm not able to sleep. I'm waiting for hours for Leo to come and sleep beside me but he hasn't come yet. He must be in his office to finish the work so I decided to go there. When I reached his office door I can hear muffled voices. Moans and grunts. Against my better judgment, I opened the door only to see the sight that broke my heart in pieces. The girl from before, whatever her name is, laying on his desk with him on top of her. When they heard the sound of the door opening they both looked up. My eyes were breaming with tears when it met his. I can't see him properly because of my tears. I was speechless, heartbroken to find the reason he wasn't beside me in our bed. I can't see properly but I can swear when I was turning around the girl has an arrogant smirk on her face like mocking me. I don't want to be anywhere near him after what I saw and that's why I didn't go to our room. I went to Nicolo's room and barged inside without knocking. He was fast asleep but when I closed the door with force he jumped up, waking up from his slumber. He was shocked to see me but when he saw tears in my eyes. He sat up and I lunged in his arms. I broke down. Nicolo' is like an older brother for me. When I first came here both him and Leo was the only one I was comfortable with and he was always there to protect me. He cradled me slowly and asked what happened, "shhh angel stop crying and tell me what happened". " I-i-i was in our room-m waiting f-for him t-to come b-but when he d-didn't I-i went to his office to found h-him having s*x-x with the girl-l from morning", I stuttered when I told him everything. Nicolo' sighed. "It'll be okay baby, you'll be okay, now come let's sleep", he cooed and I nodded getting inside the blanket. I didn't sleep at all that night which resulted in panda eyes plus druggie eyes due to crying. ***
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