Vegas and Angie

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Everyone was staring at him, like a chuckling f*****g monkey. Angie couldn't seem to contain himself after we informed him of the news as though it was all a joke. He was the middle in age between Santos and me yet somehow he always seemed to be like a baby in his actions “Angie!” Aunt Syl scolded while Uncle Anton his father slapped the side of his head. Angie groaned rubbing the side his father made contact. “Ow pops” he sulked. He was such a f*****g child it made me rethink the whole thing. “Angelo, you are twenty-six. You're not a child anymore it's time to start a family of your own” Uncle Anton lectured. “I have a girlfriend” he defended. His mother scoffed. “Marie isn't suitable for a wife, Angie” Uncle Anton continued. He wasn't wrong if I heard her voice call out Angelo’s name one more time I will have an aneurysm her voice was so grating. “What's wrong with Marie?” the fact he had to ask was enough to shake my head. Those rose-coloured glasses really hide those flags. “Where to start” Aunt Syl sighed. “You aren't marrying that girl, Angelo” his father ordered. “I can marry whoever I want--” he began but that's when my father slammed his fist down onto the table everyone fell quiet as he turned and pointy his thick finger towards Angelo. “Angelo, you are a part of this family and being a part of this we have to make sacrifices. My boys made them, I made them... Most of us and now it's your turn. Marco dealt with the brunt of this and now you need to f*****g suck it up and take it too” Leaning back into his seat my father's eyes glued onto Angie. He was a harsh man at times... Most of the time really but that was life. Santos always fought it more than I did probably because of their shared hot-headed temper. Mine was more like my grandfather reserved and only at times. It fell quiet I could see Angie stir unrest he wanted to say something, fight against my father but he wouldn't none of them would go against him and he had now laid out a demand that had to be met. He stood abruptly his heel kicking at the chair before storming out of the room. “That little...” my father started. I rest my hand on his shoulder easing the fight he wanted to give. “I will deal with it” I insisted at least I wouldn't end up screaming about it no was no use Angie was just as hot-headed but more immature. They scolded him but his mother babied him so much being their only child and all no that it was an excuse. ::: “Fuuck” Angie shouted as he was in the alleyway pacing back and forth. Like a caged animal wanting to break out, he reminded me of Santos at that moment I had seen my little brother so many times lose his s**t over things pace the floor I could deal with him however Angie was a different story. He didn't lose his temper often he was too busy goofing around being an i***t. I had no idea what kind of husband he would be but I surely hoped Dominica’s sister was the patron saint of patience to deal with his s**t. “We all have to do it sometime” I spoke leaning against the graffitied brick wall. It wasn't romantic, I was never a romantic guy anyway but it had to be seen practically. I didn't want to marry Dominica though sucking it up and doing it cause it had to be done. Santos had been the only one who really had a choice not much of one but the sick f**k did enjoy Catarina arguing with him. “I thought I had time and with all the deals I thought I would get to skip out on this shit...” he groaned and kicked at the ground. “Fate decided on another card for you” I smirked at the teasing manner. “f**k off... She's Dominica’s sister what if she's batshit crazy like her apples and tree and all that shit...” “She isn't like Dominica from what I know she's a bit of a black sheep with them. Something for you to bond over huh?” I commented. “Hahaha... f**k you” he dripped with sarcasm “What if she just hides the crazy really well. If I wake up and she's got a knife to my d**k or something I'm gonna be pissed.” “Guess that's a risk you will have to take” I shrugged off. “Fuck...” rubbing at his face before turning to me “Will you help me” I couldn't even hide the amused smile crossing my face at his stupidity “Right, right” he mumbled to himself. “Listen” pushing myself from the wall and straightening my jacket “You’re future wife, Angie is the only daughter left from the head of Vegas. It will put you in quite a valuable spot especially if you do things well understand?” I didn't give a s**t really but it was business and the leverage behind it was something that could be useful. “I get it” he mumbled he probably didn't however it didn't matter as long as he stopped acting like a jerk about it and all this wasn't s**t I had time for. My son was still in hospital my wife had just died it was a f*****g mess if we could keep business smooth at least that would be something. “Good man” I ruffled his hair messing up the gelled-styled dark hair to which he pushed me away. “Yeah, yeah” he was still pouting like a f*****g baby but at least he agreed. Hopefully, he could just keep it together and not turn it into a clusterfuck.
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