The Funeral

1010 Words
I knew I looked like s**t, the days were taking its toll but sucking it up was the only option. Today definitely wasn't an option to f**k up “You all good?” Santos questioned from my bedroom doorway. Between my Nonna, Angie, Santos and Catarina the house always had someone in it watching over me. Niccolo was still in hospital and probably would be for another two weeks maybe more depending on his recovery. “Mhm” I replied once again adjusting my tie no matter how I moved it it felt wrong and didn't sit right. “You look like s**t” he commented to which I flipped him off in reply “Alright, alright. You ready to see the inlaws?” “Yeah... As much as I want my balls lit on fire” I mumbled out but I heard Santos laugh. It was Dominica’s funeral I had to deal with her mother over the whole thing even in death nothing was too much for their princess but she was my wife so I was willing to cop it on the chin. Even worse meeting with her father after today was going to be like a nail on a chalkboard but I already came down with a plan with it came to that. They were mad I knew that, I would give them that but I also knew they wouldn't start s**t. “You ready to go then,” he asked as I adjusted my tie for the twentieth time at least. “Ready as I’ll ever be...” ::: It felt like a blur my mind somehow missing every part of the day, people becoming faceless as they each expressed their condolences. A numbness however settled within me as I felt like an outsider looking in on the situation watching things move around me and by the time my thoughts seemed to be together I was standing in the cemetery beside the casket that had been lowered in as they shoveled dirt over it. I found myself wondering if Dominica would have complained about the day or even the casket looking down at the faint lines of the white and gold box would she of hated it too... “Marco...” The sound of my name caught me off guard but the slap to the face was what really did it. Staring blankly at the woman who stood before me hitting seemed to be something she and her daughter shared. I could feel the sting of the metal of the rings on my cheek but ignored it letting the no-doubt reddening mark show. “Now isn't the time” the man seethed at her. It was Dominica’s parents Vic and Mara. The woman looked just like her both even died their hair the same blonde however her father was a more short and stout man, balding and pudgy around the face. “My baby” she sobbed. I didn't get a word out before my father and brother were at my side. “You've just lost your daughter so we understand but you really think this is the place for this” my father snapped. “This bastard...” she pointed an accusatory finger at me “killed my baby” she cried heavily. “Watch your mouth” Santos spoke through gritted teeth. “Jesus Christ...” Vic groaned before glancing to the girl behind “Take your mother to the car” It must have been Lilla, I hadn't really seen her Dominica’s older sister was a quiet girl the seemingly oddball of her family who looked like she spent most days in the library. We stood there awkwardly as the small awkward girl escorted her mother towards the vehicles “Look I'm ah... Sorry, it's a sensitive time” Vic suddenly said. “Of course, Of course. You have to understand for my boy too a widower and father in one go” my father defended. Only not long ago we fought over all this yet here he was like always. It was just our way of fighting amongst ourselves but chomping at the bit against everyone else. “But ah... Seeing with this unfortunate event... My wife is heavily grieving and with her only grandchild being here now---” “My son stays here” There was no compromise here. I didn't give a f**k they weren't taking him even if he was the only child of their precious princess. “Woah, woah no one is talking about taking... But with our baby gone my wife would probably feel more comfortable having another one of us close by...” it was a deal, a f*****g deal of course Dominica was gone they didn't have a bargaining chip especially with Nic being a baby it wasn't enough to grasp onto here especially if I got remarried they wanted a more solid foundation. “What are you thinking?” my father toyed with the idea. As long as it wasn't dragging me into another marriage I doubted it at his own daughter's funeral would be a spit on the grave. “My other girl... She is good with kids no doubt wants to get to know her nephew and always wanted to have a look around New York... Just sayin’” he gave a careless shrug. He was a true prick if we couldn't use Vegas I would have tossed his useless a*s into the hole as they covered it over. “Santos is married and Marco... we are... Considering your at your daughter's funeral you really think it's the time to talk...” my father said glancing around. “I'm just chatting, just chatting alright” Vic defended “But ah... You got other family besides your boys don't you” I didn't show it but inside I winced the next guy to us on the family line. Glancing over my shoulder to my cousin who carelessly leaned against one of the headstones his arm slung around his latest girlfriend's shoulders... Angie...
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