
1037 Words
I didn't realize where I was at first, my usually dull-lit room barely letting in sunlight in the morning but the confusion as I turned the brightness against the lids of my eyes even before opening them. It seemed maybe six however it was the sunrise that was peering through the curtains of the lounge room. Looking around I realised I was still on the couch however a blanket had been tossed over me looking around suddenly once more I realized Nic wasn't with me until I noticed him asleep in his porta cot a few feet away. Sitting up slowly rubbing at my eyes in a still awkward sleep state I noticed he wasn't alone on the seat beside him was Fia, I sighed she must have been tired too considering she had curled up awkwardly on a single seat chair I took the blanket that was just over me and put it over her. She must have stayed up late into the night as everything had been cleaned up and put away the parade of toys and baby clothes that littered the floor was gone. She was certainly surprising I never expected much from her the only woman I could ever count on was my grandmother but when it had been coming to certain things Fia was stepping up which left me a little unsure of whether I was beginning to appreciate her presence or simply confused by it. Wandering to the kitchen to get Nic a bottle ready for when he would wake up in no doubt ten to twenty minutes I glanced at my phone that sat on the kitchen countertop. After three missed calls from Santy, I decided to call back. “Hello,” he answered groggily after several rings. “You called?” I questioned trying to remain quiet with the two still asleep in the adjoining room. “Huh... Ah” he mumbled obviously still half asleep “I met with some of the guys last night” he spoke between yawning “I know it’s not been long but you need to show up... We did a cleanup last night. The f*****g chatter from that lot...” “What clean up?” irritation arose I didn’t know about a hit going on “What the f**k I’ve only been gone almost two weeks.” “It was pops deal he knew you were busy and didn’t wanna bother you. I’m just saying I know Nonna and Rina have been busy to help maybe a nanny or somethin’—“ “I’m not getting some fuckin’ Nanny, Santy” I cut him off. “Okay, okay. We need to find something for your boy having a baby ain’t no excuse for these pricks for you not to be around and in control and if you ain’t in control who is?” I couldn’t fault him it was true you step out of the line and someone steps in. There were perks but downsides to my position. “I know, I will come round and sort s**t alright?” “You know I’m only saying 'cause of the other pricks” he quickly explained. I did know out of all the people I knew Santy always had my back the one person I knew would take a bullet for me was my baby brother the kid was loyal he always had been. His comparisons about being a vicious dog weren’t just because he would rip out someone’s throat. “I got it” I sighed “I’ll talk to you later alright” I lowered my voice hearing movement coming from the lounge room. “Yeah, yeah” was all he said before hanging up. I tossed my phone carelessly onto the counter. What a f**k up all this was I wondered if my wife was here I wouldn’t be in this but then again she was so drunk or high most days what use would she of been for the baby. Rubbing at my forehead before getting back to setting up the bottle. “Hey...” I heard Fia’s voice glancing over my shoulder she stood by the archway out of place like she didn’t know what to do “I’m sorry for sleeping here but you seemed beat and Nic woke up then I thought maybe to tidy up a little since you’ve been busy...” I almost smiled at her rambling. “Fia” I said stopping her she looked surprised for a moment “It’s fine. You want a coffee?” she slowly nodded and made her way to the kitchen island and sat at one of the metal barstool chairs “Thanks for helping” the words felt foreign thanking someone for something just wasn’t something I was used to. “I’m happy to help, Marco. You’ve done a lot of me” my back to her as I faced the coffee machine mulling over her words. Was that it? A sense of owing doing this? A way of paying me back. “You don’t owe me anything” I found myself snapping back. A lot of people owed me s**t that was life but this with Fia, I didn’t like just here for what like an IOU or something it felt completely f****d. “I didn’t mean it like that, Marco” she clarified which had me wondering could she read my f*****g mind? “I was just saying you’ve been kind to me it feels like we are on friendly terms I wanted to help” That further explanation somehow made me a little at ease. Watching the dark coffee-filled water pour into the white mug I thought about her words before bringing it over for her. “I guess we are on friendly terms” It was unintentional but somehow I couldn’t help but tease the words she used. Friendly indeed whether it of been for her close ties to my family or just being a kind person I wasn’t sure anymore or why the extent of my own willingness for her somehow continued to expand with each and every time. “With that being said I have a favour to ask...”
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