Angelo’s Engagement party: Part 1

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“Only Angie would pick a day like today” Rina complained as we entered the lobby of the hotel out of the heavy rain outside. I kept watch outside in the colder weather for such a fancy occasion I had no doubts there would be furs, silks and fancy updos ruined. “Angie can’t control the weather” Santos spoke up as he attempted to shake off the droplets from his coat. Catarina frankly just looked sceptical at his statement. Apart of me agreed with Angelo’s attitude it wouldn’t be surprising for him to of chosen a day with the worst possible weather that the outdoor engagement had to be quickly swapped to indoors but at the same time perhaps gave too much credit to think Angie would even be that involved in organising all of this. “Maybe it’s just reflecting the mood” I questioned to which Santos snorted. “Mm... Another arrangement with Vegas how do you think this one will go?” by then we had made our way to the venue door. The large double doors were wide open welcoming in all the guests. “Do you think it will go as bad as last time?” Catarina questioned as the three of us stood staring into the large room. It was a question we couldn’t answer yet it was merely their engagement party Lilla hadn’t moved to New York and only come a few times over the last few months to see Nic in those few meetings however she was always with someone so it was hard to gauge what she was like however she seemed a polar opposite of Dominica. “She seems quiet enough” I added. “As long as she’s alright. Don’t need another loud mouth causin’ shit... Angie would kill her” Santos spoke bluntly and received a smack on the chest from Catarina. A frown on his face at her action but she didn’t look impressed at his words. Santos grabbed her hand before she pulled it away and kissed her palm. The longer I spent with them the more I wondered if not all the men surrounding us were bastards. “Should we go in?” Catarina questioned. She still wasn’t a fan of social gatherings and after my life’s drama neither was I. “Probably... Probably find Angie too before he f***s everything up” Santos sighed held Rina’s hand on his arm and took the lead inside. ::: The place was busy with some faces I didn’t know and assumed they were from Lilla’s side easy to tell some from the sheer tension frankly. I had lost Rina in the crowd and already found myself a spot to be a wallflower for the evening. I was wondering where Marco was I could at least distract myself with him and Nic. Since it had been a few months since I started helping watch him I had grown attached to the little guy “Looking as beautiful as ever, Fia” I couldn’t help but clutch the stem of the wine glass in my hand at the sound of his voice. “Tommy” I merely acknowledged. I hated seeing his face besides being as horrible as Leo they also looked so much alike a walking reminder of my dead husband that whole family felt like sometimes. “Not even a thank you for the compliment?” he stepped closer he was a few feet away but I was already uncomfortable. “Thank you” I could barely muster a weak smile trying to be polite to this person was truly a lot of effort. I quickly tried to make my dash away when he caught me by the arm. I almost closed my eyes to the memories the sensation of the grip on my arm made me feel weak. “Where are you going?” he questioned. “The bathroom” I mumbled quickly getting from his grip and scampering off. I felt pathetic but there wasn’t much I could do as I made my way to the bathroom as fast as my feet could carry me. Opening the door and stepping inside I let out a shaky breath I wish I wasn’t afraid anymore but no matter how much time passed I still was. Tommy was worse than Leo and the insistence on us getting married still hung in the air which just kept me on edge. “You can do this, you can do this... Stop, no stop doubting yourself get out there and do this” The sound of someone speaking inside one of the stalls shook me from thought before I could say anything the door swung open and out stepped Lilla. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights when she spotted me. “I ah... Didn’t know anyone else was in here” she shuffled nervously. looking at her whenever I had seen her before she was always in large knitted jumpers with baggy slacks this was the first time I had really seen her dressed up it was floor length and long sleeved she wasn’t just an opposite to her sister but also Angelo it was hard to imagine them together he was always so rough. “Neither did I until um...” I pointed to the stall. Lilla cringed before walking to the sink and getting ready to wash her hands “You heard that. Please don’t tell anyone all this is as awkward as it is already” she explained. Hearing her talk and looking at her it was hard to think she was older than Dominica “Aren’t you Niccy’s nanny? I’ve seen you at Marco’s right? He’s such a cute baby I’m glad he’s doing so well....” she smiled suddenly “I’m glad I will be closer to him.” “I’m not his Nanny” I clarified “I’m Marco’s sister in laws cousin I just help out sometimes” Somehow explaining made me feel like one of those old family members explaining how a distant relative is related “but I’m sure he will be happy to have more family around” I attempted to be polite yet she stared at me through the mirror a giggle suddenly leaving her lips. She grabbed some paper towel “I hope he will what I’ve seen it’s better for him here than....” shaking her head she stopped mid-sentence “Never mind” Tossing the paper away she went for the door now seeming lost in thought. “Hey...” I spoke to her attention “I promise.” “Promise what?” “Promise not to tell anyone about you in the bathroom stall” She suddenly smiled at my words. “Thank you ah...” “Fia” I introduced. “Thank you Fia” She smiled once more before leaving the bathroom. I remained there for a moment hoping I could finish my night quietly it was still awkward as people gossiped about me I didn’t need to add this to my list. Finally, after a few breaths, I opened the door to walk out but before I could get a step my arm was grabbed and I was yanked to the hall.

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