Family visit

1367 Words
‘I could kill her’ it's what played through my mind as I watched my mother go through my closet. A surprise visit I could scoff it was planned it was always planned with her... My eyes narrowed as she pulled out a bunch of my dresses “hmm... You will look lovely in this” she remarked holding up a blue knee-length dress. I wanted to roll my eyes but refrained to only nod in an agreement “I mean since we are visiting we may as well go out right?” she commented. I supposed she still thought I was a naive child easily able to blatantly lie. “I could always cook--” “Nonsense..” she waved me off. My mother gave me a broad smile putting down the clothes on the bed before stepping closer to where I sat by the dressing table “Fia, you're a beautiful young woman you need more--” “I have a life, I have a job” I attempted to defend. My mother scoffed, however, “You should be starting a family, Fia” tossing a soft pink dress towards me “now put this on we are going out.” ::: I felt like a child with my parents dragging me around. I had lived in this city since I was eighteen yet somehow it was like I was merely a small child visiting a strange place with my parents it was how it felt anyway. Wandering behind my parents regretting wearing the dress my mother picked the air was too chilly for it forcing me to clutch the cardigan I wore over it tighter around myself thankful when we finally arrived at the familiar restaurant. It was one under the Damiani’s thumb just one she had had to gather books for a few times before. My mother no doubt had a plan, dressing me up and taking me to one of the owned restaurants. It was a show to show I was ready to get back out there. Everyone knew however my previous situation, she could live in denial of it but my previous marriage and the murder of my last husband hung over my head like a neon sign. “Come, Fia” my father ordered as he held open the door. There were familiar faces inside some sceptical which wasn't surprising since my father was still from New Orleans and most of these people had been in the world their whole lives just like my father. Greeting people respectfully as we walked through the place I wanted to turn and run as soon as I saw where they were leading me. A table that sat by the back corner there they were my husband Leo’s family. I hadn't seen them since the funeral and frankly, I would have been happy to never see them again. Leo may have had me fooled when I was young and naive but his family had always been indifferent towards me his mother Veronica was a social climber always dripping in fur the only reason she was alright with our marriage because of my social standing, his father Enrico was always a cold quiet man but worse I noticed his older brother Tommy there he was far worse than Leo I don't know how many times he has had to be pulled in line especially since he got so heavy-handed with the working girls. “Ronny, Enrico” my mother greeted with a smile while I merely wanted to dig myself into a hole. Looking around desperately for someone I knew the only one there was Angelo who only gave a curious look. “Aren't you going to say hello” my father looked at me sternly. “Hello” I hated how it came out. It had been months since Leo died and I still sounded like that meek pathetic girl when I was around these people. “Still so beautiful, Fia” Veronica commented. No thanks to your son were what I wanted to say but bit down my tongue to reframe. “Thank you...” “How about we sit down” my father encouraged. I had to sit opposite Tommy and I could barely stand facing him. Despite being a gross human being he also looked so much like Leo, same dark hickory coloured eyes just like their mother. Tommy however always carried a snide grin while Leo had always been quite serious. They fell into chatter with one another while I tuned out to most of their conversation unless they mentioned my name and kept trying to keep myself from looking at Tommy. “Fia” my mother snapped. “Yes?” “Did you hear what we said?” she questioned I simply shook my head “we were talking about everything that has happened that maybe you and Tommy should spend some time together” the mere thought made me want to gouge out my eyes especially when I inadvertently looked in his direction all I could see was Leo, the way he was so sweet before he became so twisted... Our honeymoon was probably the last decent memory I had of him otherwise all could see were his fingers digging into my skin, and his harsh words... How in the end I was nothing to him... Worthless. The thoughts made me want to hyperventilate. “Excuse me” I managed to get out before practically jumping from the seat and barreling out of there. I would take the cold air biting at my skin rather than hear another word. My husband is dead and they want to set me up with his brother months later, were they out of their f*****g minds. Standing on the curbside watching cars rush by was where I stood I couldn't leave but didn't want to return so there I was stuck. “Alright Fia?” the words caught me off guard and I almost flinched when a weight was put on my shoulders. I glanced up seeing Angelo putting his jacket over my shoulders. He was close with Santos so I had gotten to know him better in the past few months. “My parents brought me here to see Leo’s family and want me to start getting to know Tommy” I sighed. “What pricks... Sorry” he said rubbing awkwardly at the back of his neck. I laughed “It's okay... You didn't have to come check on me.” “I wanted to” he shrugged “plus if something happened Rina would find out she would tell Santos and I would have my a*s handed to me.” I couldn't help but laugh I appreciated the lightening of the heavy mood from inside “whatever the reason thank you... I don't--” stopping myself I couldn't bring myself to finish the words. “Don’t want to deal with them? I mean fair that family are a piece of shit...” he grimaced seeming to forget about my marriage. “It's okay... They are” I agreed. Angelo opened his mouth to speak when the restaurant door slammed open and my mother stormed out “Fia!” she snapped before seeming to realise Angelo was beside me “oh hello Angelo” he simply gave a nod in greeting “Fia... We really need to be getting back inside--” “She can't” I looked at Angelo confused at his comment “Marco called and ah he needs Fia for some paperwork he needs to be sorted.” A scowl formed on my mother's face she was caught she couldn't accuse Angelo of lying and she couldn't argue against the request of Marco part of the family that heads New York “I see... I guess we will have to finish without you then” she stomped back inside no doubt trying to refrain her anger. “Thank you” I couldn't help but smile at him. “It's nothing. Just say I like helping damsels in distress” he nudged at my shoulder “come on I will drop you off at Santos and Rina’s.”
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