Visiting Queens

1092 Words
It wasn’t too late when I got to Queens, the same house I had grown up in, it now only housed my father and Nonna you wouldn’t think it from the constant coming and going of company which pleased Nonna since she always loved to entertain. Once I entered the house not bothering to knock, I didn’t even get time to sit down before my father started “You spoken to Engardi?” I simply shook my head it was bad enough the prick was my father in law let alone having to talk to him “he’s not too pleased about the treatment of his princess” the words came with such distaste from my father I sighed as I sat down across from him at the small circular table by the kitchen. It was where we always spoke by how much time everyone spent there you would think there were no other rooms in the house. It hadn’t really been redone since the nineteen eighties a few things here and there the old bedrooms that were once mine and Santos’s had been remodelled to guest rooms it was only a simple four-bedroom. Not that Pop cared he could have brought a bigger place years ago or even closer to the city but this was his home. “She calls him crying from rehab?” I questioned there was no doubt it was true. She was a spoilt brat after all. “Mhm...” my father confirmed with a nod. “For f**k sake what does he want me to do? She’s running around off her f*****g face heavily pregnant” I groaned “I’m not checking her out not when she’s pulling this shit.” “I know, son I know” my father gave my hand a Pat but his face said otherwise as much as he now regretted his decision on the matter it wasn’t like I could just divorce her it didn’t work like that and he certainly couldn’t go dumping her off the end of a pier so we sat between a rock and a hard place. “It’s my marriage I will deal with it” I shrugged it off really it was a private matter anyway. “Hello my baby” Nonna gushed emerging from the kitchen she was quick to embrace me which I was happy to reciprocate. Nonna had been the only stable woman in my life for as long as I could remember I was appreciative of that. “Hey Nonna” she kissed my cheeks as I replied. “My baby you look tired. Look at your eyes” she sighed “your overworking him, Enzio” my Nonna scolded and I attempted not to chuckle. “Ma, come on he’s a grown man. If he’s working hard it isn’t on me” he defended. “Or is it that awful wife of yours...” “Nonna...” I sighed “I’m fine, I’m perfectly alright I promise okay” I looked up at Nonna from where I sat the small little Italian woman barely taller when I sat down. “Okay...” reaching out she patted my cheek “I’ll make you your favourite huh?” I could have drooled at the thought that only meant her creamy Tortellini and garlic focaccia. It wasn’t a question though before I could even reply she was off to the kitchen getting everything ready no doubt she’d already prepped the tortellini this morning. “When Santos gets back from New Orleans he’s going to deal with Luciano” my father explained. I nodded knowing it was coming after all my brother was f*****g rabid when something pissed him off and no doubt he was ready to take Luciano’s head on a stick “you going with him?” “Nah... Santos can handle that. You know how he is” I didn’t need to elaborate on that we both knew what Santos was like after all. “We will have to get on top of things with Montrel, too many f*****g many of his boys walking ‘round here, Marco” my father was getting paranoid not that I could blame him when you were at the top the only way to go was down. “Not too many pops. We will keep a close eye otherwise it’s just the girls living here” my father looked sceptical after all it wasn’t like you could take a chance with anyone really. “Keep an eye on them anyway. We don’t want to take any chances especially if Vegas is going to start s**t” my father explained. “Dominica is still here and still my wife he won’t start s**t, Pop” it was true I knew it. He wouldn’t risk his Princess and especially not a future grandchild. He slowly nodded in understanding, after all, it’s why he took the agreement anyway everyone knows how much Dominica means to her parents they have four children two boys following in their father's footsteps a girl in between no one really sees and Dominica their youngest pride and joy... The irony really. ::: The apartment was quiet, I didn’t stay here often it was a small place I brought near my fathers. My main one was the one I shared with Dominica, it was the one she preferred which wasn’t surprising it was a large penthouse she designed and had been making headway on a nursery for the baby there. My favourite was neither of the apartments but a three-story townhouse I brought when I was twenty-three by Kip’s Bay. Not many people knew about it but I liked walking by the east river on shitty weather days watching the fog roll in I was always up early in the morning anyway and it was just something I always found myself enjoying. The place by my fathers in Queens was one I used when it was too late to get back to the city and I was too tired to do so. It was in an old building that had been redone before I moved in I wasn’t there enough to care but I did keep a lot of my collections of paintings and photography. In front of the large window I sat on a brown leather couch, I was expecting the usual nightly call from Dominica, which was undoubtedly going to be tiresome before I even finished the thought my phone began to ring without even looking I answered “hello...”
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