Call Me

1196 Words
Stress was an understatement, I was ready to ring her f*****g neck. Words from last night's conversation radiated inside my head. As usual, Dominica called me at around nine she finally wasn't crying thankfully. “Dominica” I answered as soon as she greeted me “how are you feeling?” not touchy-feely we never were or our relationship was distant and formal at best and hostile and tumultuous at worst. “Better...” she mumbled “I think I can come home now...” “We still have a few months before the baby. We need to make sure you're feeling your best--” “Feeling my best? Why? So you can dump me alone at home with the f*****g baby to take care of. I have a life, Marco!” she shouted over the phone. “Of course not Dominica” I sighed “we can get a nanny and my grandmother is very excited about the baby... don't stress” I attempted to appease her. She always has such a short temper. It went quiet for a while I actually thought perhaps she fell asleep on the other end. “I want to come home, Marco” she snapped. “Dominica...” “If you don’t bring me home I swear I will leave and you will see me or this f*****g baby ever again!” she practically screamed through the phone. “Don't start with threats” I spoke through gritted teeth trying to sound calm. “It’s not a threat you f*****g prick it’s a promise. Although if your so desperate for the baby I could cut the damn thing out before I go—“ “Watch your f*****g mouth” I growled out. “Then get me out Marco!” she shouted before hanging up. Trying to let out a steady breath I hit my fist down on the table. “f**k” I groaned she was so unstable with or without the drinks and drugs so who knew what she would really do. Rubbing my pointer and thumb over the bridge of my nose I couldn’t bring her home nor did I want to she was a f*****g flight risk I didn’t trust her a*s and I wouldn’t trust she would try to slit my throat in my sleep. I sighed and decided to make a call back to the clinic “Hello, it’s Marco Damiani, Dominica my wife is in your facility” “Yes of course Mr Damiani, I will just ask some security questions to confirm” she spoke the routine we had to go through each time “how may we help you?” the woman sounded oddly chipper on the other end after I confirmed the details with her. “I was on the phone with my wife and she seems to be having a distressing time I would insist your mental health team attend to her immediately” I insisted. “Oh of course Mr Damiani, thank you for letting us know we will call you back with any updates” “Thank you” I simply replied before hanging up. :: That woman would be the death of me at this point shipping her back to Las Vegas wasn’t the worst thing in mind but it would have too much backlash her crying to her father from rehab was bad enough. I sighed leaning my forehead on the palm of my hand on the desk there wasn’t much else I could do with her after the rehab called me back last night sending her to the psych evaluation but no doubt she will have her sweet as-pie act on and be out another loving call tonight I’m sure to lay ahead of me. A knock at the door shook me from my thoughts however “Yeah?” I shouted rubbing at my face and trying to regain myself from the shitstorm of my life. “Marco?” Fia said opening the door. She smiled a little entering the room though sometimes it made me wonder if it was a facade and underneath wasn’t such a pleasant woman. “I brought the papers for you. Changed some things around just go over them and if anything needs more adjusting to let me know” she approached and put the black book on the table in front of me along with a cup of coffee and a cardboard container. “What’s this?” I questioned to the container. “Oh, it’s a breakfast sandwich. it’s pretty early so I wasn’t sure if you had eaten” she shrugged as though it was so casual. She had gotten into the habit of bringing me coffee occasionally and food more of a snack but never actually was curious about whether she was sucking up to me or if she was just being nice which frankly felt foreign. “Thanks” was all I could say. She simply gave a gracious smile before sitting across from me. Sitting opposite I began going through the book she had returned and the changes she made we sat quietly for a while “I heard what happened at the restaurant” Angelo had called me pretty much straight away for a seemingly tough guy he was a f*****g gossip but word spreads fast anyway. “Oh...” she squirmed her eyes nervously darted as though I was about to push her into the situation. The truth was I hated it too “From Angelo or... Tommy?” “Angie” I clarified watching as she seemed uneasy I sighed. I knew what that family was like we all grew up together with everyone around me I pretty much knew since I was in diapers so I knew them well and knew they were giant pricks “he told me about what happened with your folks...” “They... Umm, want me to get to know Tommy” As if Leo wasn’t bad enough Tommy was worse pops was close to his grandfather probably the only reason the lot isn’t underneath one of the construction sites ready to be cemented over. “Since you fled I’m guessing you don’t want to?” it wasn’t really a question she looked at me as though I was out of my mind to ask. Fia was stunning, a face like a f*****g Angel but close up you could see what kind of husband Leo had been he had left his mark on her and even by the look on her face she knew if her fate were tied to Tommy it would be worse. “I... I... I really don’t” the words were soft but I heard them clear enough her eyes were practically pleading a hint of terror sat behind the brown eyes. Slowly I nodded shitty marriages happened, unfortunately, it was a cross some of us had to bear but there was no need for Fia to have to do that twice “Okay, if they to match you again...” looking her in the eye to make myself clear “call me, I will take care of it.”
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