Anniversary at the Damiani’s

1366 Words
The house wasn't what I expected. It was a simple suburban place considering the Damiani family it was not what I was expecting. “Ready?” Catarina glanced around the passenger seat at me. I certainly wasn't ready but what could I do, I was hesitant to even attend but Catarina insisted and she was going to New Orleans for a few days after where I would have to adjust back to my solitude. “Fia?” she questioned. “Right, yes I'm ready” I feigned a smile however I was nervous. I had only been around these people really when I was married. A lot I knew still looked at me with suspicion even worse now with what happened with New Orleans and my father. Catarina was safe no one would dare utter a word with Santos around I wasn't so sure, however. Reluctantly still I got out of the car and followed them to the house. It was bustling and loud people greeted Catarina and Santos with a smile and hug while I awkwardly got myself out of the way. Back in New Orleans, I was always the fawned-over one I didn’t miss that thankfully the pressure of being perfect all the time was exhausting from my mother. Makeup, clothes, shoes and jewellery had to be just right I could speak three languages and had to learn the piano it all felt wasted for her I’m sure she aspired for me to marry Santos or Marco but both of them were never on the table she opted for an underbosses boy granted I agreed on what a fool I was for doing so. “It’s more casual than I expected” I commented to Catarina when I finally had a moment with her. I used to be so good in social gatherings somehow that felt so distant now every person I spoke to I knew they knew what happened with my father, and my husband and it hung over every interaction. Inside my stomach knotted and was unsettled my brain overloaded with what if all I wanted to do was hide. The old me who would walk into a room and make everyone’s head turn must be shaking her head. “Are you okay?” she asked we grew up together of course she knew if something was wrong. “I’m okay, go have fun” I smiled encouragingly at her I didn’t want to dampen her party. “Relax would ya, I will keep her company. Go find Santos before he starts f*****g Hulk smashing walls looking for you” I couldn’t help but smile a little Catarina shook her head walking away before I turned to see Angelo beside me “How you doing?” he winked. “We are not on Friends right now” I laughed. I didn’t mind Angelo he was definitely one of the guys I could rely on that I was understanding there certainly weren’t many. “Friends? Woman I’m asking a question” he smiled giving me a nudge with his elbow. Angelo was Santos and Marco’s first cousin that was obvious by their appearance. That same dark wavy head of hair, a similar long facial structure besides the eyes Angelo’s were a darker brown similar shade to my own. “I’m okay..” he seemed to see through me at my uneasiness before nudging me again. “You like to cook yeah? Come on” he insisted leading me through the sitting area gladly away from the woman side eyeing me. We went through a small hall and archway where an older woman was “Nonna!” Angelo bellowed. “Angie honey” she gushed coming over to us and smiling “Is this your date?” she questioned. “Nonna, come on. Look at her. You think she would be slumming it with me?” he teased which got a smack from his grandmother. “Angie!..” “It’s Rina’s cousin Fia, Nonna you’ve met her” he explained through laughs. “Our Rina’s cousin. Of course, look at you just beautiful” She smiled at me and the look on her face I hadn’t felt so welcome in such a long time “Come” she beckoned me to the wood-topped cabinets. “She likes to cook too plus extra hands in the kitchen always good especially with Nonna getting up there” he smirked snatching some of the cheese from the counter. “You” his grandmother scowled raising her hand to smack him but he ran away laughing “Cheeky boy” she shook her head. I couldn’t help but smile at their banter it was refreshing to see such a fun-loving atmosphere not what I was expecting considering “don’t mind him. He’s always been like that.” “Maybe I can get Rina to smack him later for you” I attempted to joke and thankfully she laughed. “Don't you worry I can still take care of this lot” She smiled, she was a little woman but I definitely believed her. I decided to stay in the kitchen if felt like the best place I didn’t have to deal with the other wives looking at me funny for one and Loretta was much better company “Quick stir, stir” she shooed at me which only made me laugh as I listened to her instructions “how long have you been married now? What is it two or three years right but you don’t wear a wedding ring?” It was an attempt at small talk but the smile fall from my face luckily my back was to her because I didn't want to face her on this “It would be three years but he died a few months ago and I just took the ring off” I shrugged it off. Truth was I was ready to throw the ring at him the day he died. “I'm sorry... And you're so young...” “Yes my mother can't wait to marry me off again” I laughed attempting to be light-hearted but I felt her place her hand on my back in comfort. “If you're still here, Fia I have no doubt you will be safe” she encouraged. I appreciated her words before we could talk further my eyes widened at the sight of Marco, he just marched into the kitchen without a word over to the opposite counter I watched confused as this usually well-put-together man just mindlessly started chopping vegetables for his grandmother “Marco, what's wrong?” she questioned an obvious concern. He went to speak when he noticed me and stopped “Hi Fia...” he said before turning to Loretta “We will talk about it later yeah?” he was such a closed-off person it was interesting to see him interact with his grandmother. “Okay” she approached him reaching out to pat his cheek “Is it why Dominica clearly didn't want to come with you?” he merely sighed in response and continued chopping it fell quiet the mood had shifted and that enjoyment I was having faded. “You didn't have to help in the kitchen you know?” Marco spoke I didn't realise he had come to my side and dropped some of the vegetables into the pot next to me. “Fia is here enjoying my company, Marco” she scolded “and she likes to cook.” “I know she likes to cook” he gave a small smile. It was faint but more than anything I've really seen on more distant features. “If I had known you cooked” I glanced over as he mixed the vegetables in his own pot “I would request you start bringing the food” I didn't know why I said that perhaps the more light-hearted atmosphere usually we speak about work only occasionally other things. “As you can talk you buy that food” My eyes almost felt like they would fall out at his jest. He was so casual it was so offbeat. “Touche...”
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