Days like these

1045 Words
The car ride was painfully slow driving back into the city and faced with the unfortunate bounds of traffic didn’t help the matter. I knew she was staring at me, those eyes wanting to rip my head off but I didn’t want to face her, I was already exhausted having to hear the be-rage of whatever circled her mind would only add to it however as soon as I laid my head back on the headrest and closing my eyes was a giant mistake “I cannot believe you waited so long to get me out!” she snapped sitting there that pouty childish look on her face. I rubbed at the bridge of my nose I knew this ride would now only feel longer “What could I do Dominica? You’re my wife carrying my child and putting who the f**k knows what into your body something had to be done.” “Maybe you should remember that, Marco. I’m your wife and not a f*****g dog to do as you command” she practically screeched. I couldn’t believe my father had stuck me with this raving lunatic. I had always been good with my words yet nothing was right or enough for her except if she was getting her own way or wanted something. “I’ve never commanded you to do anything, Dominica. I’ve given you everything you’ve wanted have I not?—“ she opened her mouth to speak but extended my hand to signal for her to be quiet “I’m simply asking you to think of our child’s health and your own for the moment. We will revisit things when the baby is born” as if though like I would ever accept the life she insisted on living. she sat quietly seeming to pout over it before finally turning to me “What will I get in return?” there it was always wanting something. “What do you want?” I practically groaned at the thought of the woman wanting to bargain now. “I don’t know yet but it will have to be something good, Marco” Those words always meant shiny or expensive or something both. “We will see” I sighed turning my gaze out the window. The depressing reality was there was no reasoning with this woman only to buy her off it would be helpful if she wasn’t my wife. “Where are we going anyway?” she seemed confused as we turned a different way than our usual route. “We are staying at the townhouse” I confirmed “Townhouse! I want to go to the penthouse, Marco. What about all my things” she shouted. “You need space from the city at the moment, Dominica and I’ve got things for you at the townhouse” She turned away in a huff. I could only wait till this drive was over. ::: “Nonna!” I called opening the front door. It was almost nine and I couldn’t stand one more second of Dominica’s complaining. “Marco” she called of course she was still in the kitchen her hands busy with fresh sheets of pasta. She came from a traditional family and always made everything by hand even the pantry was stoked with tomatoes, capsicums and probably who knows how many different types of things jarred in varying oils “What are you doing here at this time? Did something happen?” she looked with concern “Is Santy okay?” her question wasn’t a surprise Santos was always close with Nonna he didn’t have a relationship with our mother so Nonna was the closest he had. He was also the baby of the family despite now towering over all of us and probably being able to knock most people out with one punch. “He’s fine, everything is fine” I clarified walking to the old country-style sink to wash my hands. “Then why are you here at this time” she pushed. “Can’t I just come to see you” I smiled stepping up beside her and leaning down to kiss her cheek. She was only a small woman standing maybe at about five feet. She scoffed in return “Marco Damiani, you’re helping me make pasta the only time you help is when something is wrong” I stopped mid-movement at her words I was already reaching for the old cutter across the bench. She wasn’t wrong anytime something was wrong I would come to the kitchen to help her cook especially at night it was when she did her prep. “I brought home Dominica today” I replied before returning my focus to the task at hand. Nonna let out a sigh “It’s only been a day and you’re already here. Sounds like things are going well then.” “Nonna—“ “I told your father not to set you up with that girl—“ “But who else? Santos? Angie?” I questioned neither were feasible options “Santos would have killed her and Angie would have left her on the side of the road.” Nonna scoffed “I wish it was none of you boys to have this fate. I knew, I told your father it wasn’t a good idea—“ “There is no point dwelling. It’s done, she’s my wife I have to deal with that” I put myself back to work I didn’t want to face my grandmother knowing her face was no doubt full of sympathy and pity looks I didn’t want to see. “I didn’t want you to be unhappy, Marco... I want all you boys to be happy you know” shrugging at her words. “Sometimes some cards just aren’t in our favour Nonna..” It was sad but true. I have a good family, hopefully, good children I can care for but my marriage would no doubt always be an unhappy one something I just had to suck up and accept. “Oh Marco...” she placed her hand on my arm I couldn’t help but smile a little at her support. “Let’s just Ah... Get back to cooking shall we...”
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