What's to come

1097 Words
I watched my brother this intimidating guy as he fawned over his wife as much as he tried to play it off in public anyone with eyes could see how obvious he was. It was amusing but at the same time, I was a little envious not that I dreamed of a life like that, a wife or anything more the normality granted it wasn't easy at the beginning but at least it delved into something not so s**t my life consisted of drama and fights it was exhausting if I wasn't being told I was an asshole or wake up to being slapped for something for a day I would die of shock. I didn't care if Dominica and I didn't get along I just wanted us to be civil and normal “Marco” the sound of Fia’s voice brought me out of thought as we stood at the stove. She held out a bottle of herbs for me. “Add it to the sauce, Marco. Or the dish will be ruined” my Nonna scolded. Taking the jar I added it to the sauce “Did you come alone again?” she finally commented. I had probably been in the kitchen almost an hour before she finally brought it up not a surprise she never liked my wife. “Dominica just got home and is eight months pregnant. She needs to take it easy” The words were a joke anyone knew the last thing she did was take it easy it's how we lost our first child when she was ten weeks pregnant. “Just say she didn't want to attend. No need for the politeness” my grandmother scoffed calling out the bullshit of my words. “I'm sure it's hard getting around so heavily pregnant anyway” Fia added I glanced at her unintentionally frowning because she quickly turned away. I did appreciate the supportive comment however I just didn't expect it. “Don't be too kind over the situation sweetheart” Nonna patted her shoulder and Fia simply smiled at her. “Let's not discuss my marriage now” I attempted to dig myself out of the situation but Nonna was the only person who could bulldoze me. “You're the one in my kitchen, Marco” I almost cringed at the words. She wasn't wrong if there was an issue I always ended up finding a way into the kitchen with Nonna ever since I was a boy. The party around us continued but it was suddenly quiet. “And now really isn't the time--” “Then why are you here?” she pushed usually my Nonna was soft she could be tough but usually soft I knew the subject was a touchy one though and definitely made her tense. “You don't exactly seem like the cooking type” Fia let out a laugh she was obviously trying to lighten the mood. Someone around me trying to smooth things over felt such a foreign concept it took me a moment to understand what she was trying to do. “Oh my Marco, he's been helping me in the kitchen since he was ten years old. Learning all my best dishes didn't you” Nonna spoke with a fond smile. Quickly adjusting to the change in subject. “Someone else in this house needed to learn. The rest were all useless and most likely starve if something happened to you” I defended but Nonna and even Fia laughed. “Oh Marco” she shook her head and finished off a plate before carrying it away to the backyard. Fia went to lift the large pot to the sink but I waved her away carrying it for her my words would be easier said with my back to her anyway. “Thank you” I knew it was practically mumbled out but giving thanks wasn't exactly a common thing for me. “For?” she questioned taking over and stirring the sauce while I strained the content of the pot. The ridiculous amount of food would no doubt turn into leftovers for the next few days. “Attempting to keep the peace” Glancing over my shoulder Fia was already staring at me. It was odd in her company outside of working with her, she was an easy person to work with as well so I didn't know why it would be any different but there was a more casualness to the environment “Are you really just in here too because you love cooking?” I questioned carrying the pot back for her and placing it down on the stovetop. Her eyebrows creased as she stared down at the sauce beginning to bubble from the heat “You know my history, Marco. I'm only here for Rina anyway” she attempted to shrug it off however it was obvious it bothered her. I did of course know her history the rumours of her and her husband Leo were around and the latest news of everyone knowing her father was involved in trying to take New York “I'm surprised you didn't kick me out of here and back to New Orleans--” “Were you involved with your father in trying to kill us or get New York?” she seemed stunned at my question her eyes widening. “N...No of course not” she stammered over the words. “Then don't worry about it” Leaning against the counter beside her I leaned closer lowering my voice to a whisper “Plus like any of these pricks can judge” a small smile seemed to form on her face and I couldn't help but smile in return. The feeling of relieving that worry was somehow satisfactory for me then my phone began to ring “Just a moment” I excused myself and pulled the phone from my pocket I was confused seeing my cleaner's number across the screen “Mallory?” I more asked there was only sobbing on the other end “Mallory what's going on?” I pushed. “I....I... I forgot my wallet I had to come back... I... I didn't know anyone....” her crying continued “Mister Damiani... I called for an ambulance...” “An ambulance? For what? What’s going on? Where is Dominica?” my gut was now warning me a feeling of wishing I didn’t leave my house came over. “Mister Damiani....” she sniffled “I think she’s on the floor... She's not moving...”
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