Dealing with business

1028 Words
I stared into the trunk of the black Buick, Stravos wriggled and cried but it was only muffled by the tape on his mouth and the binds on his wrists and ankles “How much?” I questioned Leo who stood on the other side of the car looking bored of the situation frankly I had had enough myself. This would have been something for Santos to handle but he already had to clean up one of the clubs and with the money going missing I needed to step in myself. “Fifty K” he glanced at me dark eyes staring with an eyebrow raised. I clicked my tongue unimpressed how could this of happened was what I wondered I needed to find someone else to handle the books. “My, my you’ve been busy haven’t you” scoffing then glancing back at Leo We didn’t bother elaborating on what we were going to do we both knew. Stravos let out a pitiful cry but it was too late. “Just be thankful we don’t go knocking at your families door for retribution hey, Stravy” Leo teased. Stravos was a heavy-set, middle-aged man he had been an accountant for us for years which is why I was surprised there wasn’t more taken frankly but here we were fifty K wasn’t really much in our expenses but it was enough to of crossed a line. Cheat a little you probably end up with a smashed-up face and mangled hand but it was the disloyalty. That trust was gone if he couldn’t deal with the finances without skimming he couldn’t be trusted. I sighed once again at his weeping “what did you need to skim for huh? You have a nice house, nice things, expensive clothes and cars” Leaning closer into the trunk it was dark out the only light around us illuminating from that car. I yanked the tape swiftly from his mouth. “I’m sorry, Marco I’m sorry” he wept it was quite a pathetic sight really before another sound could be heard my phone began to ring from my pocket. Shaking my head I pulled out the handgun from my holster as I reached for my phone with the other hand. I looked down at the flashing number on the screen not even sparing Stravos another glance when I pulled the trigger as soon as I did the whimpering and struggling stopped “get rid of this by the port” I ordered Leo and answered my phone stepping away as Leo slammed closed the trunk “What is it?” I answered. “Things are sorted here” Santos simply replied. I could always trust my brother to finish a job that was needed “f*****g i***t, making deals everywhere then what, we have to clean up the mess” he complained. “As long as it’s handled, Santy that’s what matters” I clarified he had always been much more hot-headed than myself. “Dellahue is done” he grumbled into the phone “that’s four cleanin up” he explained the phone wasn’t the safest to explain things so things always had to be simple or cryptic. “Mm... They should have been more careful next time. If anything though it sent a message” I reasoned over the matter. “One more thing” I frowned at his words I didn’t need any more bodies tonight. f**k knows how many they would find if they gut this city. “What?” “Catarina’s cousin was there...” “Who?” “Catarina’s cousin Fia” once he said that I knew. The one who used to get smacked around she gained my sympathies perhaps from us both having shitty marriages though it was more common infidelity, angry words and some would get a slappin’. “Right, she alright?” “Yeah but ah... I think she needs a new job” I sighed I had more important things to deal with than this. “She’s widowed, Santy shouldn’t she be back with her parents?” perhaps it was harsh cause no doubt another future husband waited for her back home but that was life sometimes cruel with twisted roads. “No...” he sighed through the phone his voice lowering “she’s the only family Catarina has out here. Look she was doing good but just got caught in the rough side s**t” he explained further. Of course, I should have known as soon as he mentioned the girl being her cousin Santos would do anything for Catarina despite him trying to hide this around the guys he’s my younger brother and it’s hard not to miss. Watching in the direction Leo had pulled away leaving me standing alone in the darkness, the lights of the city were still a bit away and the street lights weren’t overly close so I was mostly engulfed in the night which helps my mind start to wander “mm... I might have something for her actually.” “Yeah?” “Yeah... Tell her to meet me tomorrow alright?” it wasn’t really a question. “Alright... You all good?” Santos questioned my mood was tough to hide from him especially since he knew me so well. The situation was complicated business was tough with cockroaches in each corner and a never-ending f*****g drama it wasn’t like my home life was much better I was soon to be a father with a wife constantly having to be supervised like a child her rehab visit would still be a few months and I could only hope she could keep her s**t together once we have the kid. “I’m all good” I mumbled however into the phone we weren’t exactly touchy-feely spouting out our grievances sometimes it was best to shut up and push on. “Alright, tomorrow” he confirmed before hanging up. Sighing into the lonely night my only companion my shadow at the moment which I didn’t mind times alone were moments I enjoyed At least I got some f*****g peace and quiet at those times.
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