Work days can suck

1262 Words
My work wasn't very complicated something I certainly didn't mind. It was what they called low risk. Managing files and paperwork for businesses that the family-owned or had their fingers in, I had to make a run to each one as they explained it wasn’t as suspicious seeing a sweet looking at a young woman going in these places. I picked up books I wasn’t allowed to read just put them in my bag and leave. I preferred it anyway than being in my apartment, despite living in a new place it was quite a nice place, a view of the city and I wasn't far from Catarina as well but I lived alone and at night by myself in I still thought of my husband, how he would stalk me like I was a gazelle and he was a lion all too willing to pounce sometimes I could still feel his eyes piercing the back of my skull like I couldn't have a peaceful moment of solitude without him haunting me so the work was a good way to distract myself amongst the busy hustle and bustle. I stood by the door waiting for the owner to get the books out for me so I could go over them I wanted to get it over with and leave. I wondered where the older man could be he was never usually late. Time somehow seemed to slow or perhaps it was my anxiety taking in every movement of the people around me “come on” I mumbled to myself before sighing and checking if the door was already open, some sort of luck it was pushing it open I quickly walked inside wondering if perhaps he was already in waiting for me “Mr Dellahue?” I was polite enough when it came to these things not wanting to be too friendly. However opening the door was a mistake a realisation as soon as I looked up Mr Dellahue was pressed to the table in the middle of the room, his face contorted in pain as a large man behind him held him in place. The older man was in no shape to fight them off he was rather short and plump while the three men in the room were quite large. As I went to turn I was yanked by the arm inside and the door slammed closed behind me “you came at the wrong time girly” he didn’t have to tell me that was pretty obvious but before I could reply a gasp left my lips as the large man holding Mr Dellahue plunged a knife into the side of his neck if I were innocent perhaps I would have flinched but wasn’t I myself a murderer, I had taken a life with my own hands, watched blood spill could I really be so sensitive seeing it again. It began to pool from the wound the gurgling noises he made were quick to cease and his vacant eyes met mine my mind wandered to my husband that same vacant look and the silence in the room seemed to further I could hear the blood beginning to drip from the edge of the table “now that’s out of the way” the taller man said he was obviously in charge a smirk curled on his lips “what were you meeting our old friend here for?” the man’s attention was on me as though a dead body wasn’t sitting in the middle of the room though it was their obvious day to day so why would it faze them. “I Ah...” was all I could seem to let out. “You ah what?... What were you here for?” it was that look. The look I was far too familiar with the hunter and the prey. I wanted to curl up in defeat as he advanced towards me the room was small as it is so it was only a matter of time before the man was practically on top of me. “Business” the word sounded pathetic as I attempted not to let it out in a whimper. “What kind? I mean you’re obviously not one of the working girls here so where are you from?” I looked up at the man he wasn’t familiar, he wasn’t part of the Familigia At least not to my knowledge of the people I had seen if he was surely I wouldn’t have been instructed to meet him today. Thoughts seemed to loop within my mind as I tried to make sense of this, think of an answer for this I was no doubt going to die today though so did it matter. His fingers brushed along my arm despite my discomfort I couldn’t bring myself to pull away I didn’t squirm till his hand made it to my neck my body tensed at the sensation even before his fingers curled around “you goin’ to tell me sweetheart hmm?” he cooed by my ear a numbness settled over me. These threats this pain I’ve been here before, I went through it every day and it left me empty even now with the man in front of me I couldn’t bring myself to feel anything the only thing was the unsettling site of Mr Dellahue on the table like a Marionette with the strings cut. “Just business” I mumbled out his fingers tightened before he jerked me forward and slammed me into the door. A sting radiated up my back and head. “You’re testing my patience but if that’s the game you want to play” the man sneered relinquishing his hands and stepping back “your no use to me” he nodded to the other man that had stabbed Mr Dellahue, the large beast of a man who didn’t say a word but simply exchanged the nod in understanding. As he advanced the realisation that my life was over was depressing I had barely lived merely existed, I had finally gotten away from my husband and here I was just to fall into the hands of another brute. To my surprise I was shoved away when the door was forced open no doubt another bruise as I fell into the wall as Santos, Angelo and Elio barged into the room things seemed to happen so fast shouting at one another but my eyes stayed on the body it didn’t phase them, the body laying there blood all around normal people would react, would scream, cover their eyes call the police but it was just another day here. “Fia! Fia!” Santos shouted he was such a harsh, large man. His shouting wasn’t to scare me but it was hard not to with him being so intimidating. Blinking rapidly I finally focused on him. “Yeah?” I whispered. Santos carelessly shoved one of the men into the wall causing a thud before stepping closer “f**k” he grumbled “your cousin is going to kill me” how my cousin had such a hold on the man I would never understand “get her the f**k out of here would you” he called to Angelo who was quick to come over and escort me out “we will deal with this later” I heard him shout I didn’t get a chance to look back not that I wanted to before Angelo closed the door behind us leading me to God only knows where.
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