Chapter 3: Bad News

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Domina’s POV: I watched Mya run off. I saw the fear in her eyes when Alpha Markus touched her. Alpha Markus turned around to face me. I slapped him across the face. “You're never to touch her again. She’s mine,“ I hissed. Markus held his cheek. “Sorry, Domina. I didn’t know.” “Good. Now, back to the matter at hand.” “Ah, yes,” Alpha Markus said, still rubbing his cheek. “Are you ready to transition back into your pack?” I questioned. “It will feel good to be back home and to modern civilization.” Markus gestured. I laughed at his comment. Then, I scanned Markus’s face. He looked sort of put out. I began to think about Markus’s comment about modern civilization. I know I live very outdated. But times were simpler back then. I still lived by the old Roman ways. “Yes, a little updating wouldn’t hurt.” Tundra snickered in my mind. “No, Tundra.” I scoffed. “I like it the way it is now. Cold and gloomy.” Obsidian chimed in. “Your nothing but a heartless, grumpy, black she bitch.” Tundra huffed. “And your nothing but a happy-go-lucky, stick up your ass she bitch.” Obsidian fired back. That’s it, I had enough of them two bickering back and forth. I shut them out. It wasn’t enough to have one wolf in my mind. Try having a wolf and a Lycan going at it at the same time. I began to rub my temples. “Tundra and Obsidian going at it again?” I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around and smiled. “You got my letter,” I said, with my arms wide open. “Of course. You know I would come at your calling. You should get a phone. It’s much easier that way,” he said, bear-hugging me. “And yes, they are both going at it. To answer your question.” I huffed. He began to chuckle at my comment. After we embraced. He turned to Alpha Markus. “Alpha Markus.” “Alpha Julian,” Alpha Markus said, with a nod. “I hope Domina didn’t give you too much grief over the last five years,” Julian said, pointing at Markus’s face. “None at all. And this... was my fault,” Alpha Markus said, pointing at his cheek. “He touched Mya,” I said, folding my arms across my chest. “I didn’t know.” Alpha Markus shrugged. “You mean to tell me that for the five years that you were here, you never met Domina’s personal slave?” Alpha Markus shook his head. Julian turned toward me and raised his brow. “You know me when it comes to her. I keep her well hidden.” I retorted. My general came rushing into my den. He saluted me with his fist over his heart. “Domina,” he said, taking a knee. “Rise,” I said, in a commanding voice. “You are wanted in the throne room. For judgment.” General Ezra is one of my oldest generals. He was the one who created our kind with his prayer. He vowed his life to us. My sister took his vow to the heart. Besides me, he is the only beast who can not die. My sister blessed him with immortality. Cruel, really. His family awaits him in the afterlife. An afterlife he will never see. I see him longing for death just to be with them once again. My heart goes out to him. “Thank you, general. I will be there momentarily,” I said sweetly. He nodded and left. “Come,” I said with a clap of my hands. We all began to file out. I reached up, unclasped my chiffon dress at my shoulders, and shifted into Tundra. My ladies-in-waiting grabbed the garment before it even hit the floor. I liked to walk in my throne room in a neutral setting. Tundra sets the mood. As she is motherly-natured. It is up to me if I shift into a human or Obsidian. My guards open the big golden doors to my throne room. Tundra set the mood as we walked up to the dais. Tundra turned around and sat at the foot of the throne. She’s too large to sit on the chair. Tundra looked at the general and nodded. The general gave the command. A few moments later, an elderly couple came shuffling in. They looked so frail. Tundra didn’t like it one bit. “My people,” Tundra whined in my head. “State your business,” Ezra spoke swiftly. The old man spoke out. “Domina, please hear our prayers. We are from the Red Moon pack. Our Alpha. Alpha Zander has taken our farmlands for taxation. Then he sells it to the humans for extra profit. We have nothing left. Our pack is starving. Our pups go for days without food. Alpha Zander splurges our money with fine dining, cars, she-wolves, and booze. If we can not grow crops to feed our cattle, we cannot distribute to the factories to buy, we have no revenue.” The old man said as he patted his mate’s withered hand. I shifted into human form. My ladies had my dress back on me before your eyes could blink. I began to pace back and forth thinking. The Red Moon pack is our agriculture division. Instead of buying products from the human markets, we have our own kind produce. If our agriculture fails... I stopped pacing and looked at the old couple. “That’s a serious accusation. Do you have proof?” I questioned. “Yes, Domina. I passed everything over to the Elders. I came several times. Each time, I was dismissed as someone who was just complaining about an alpha.” “And this problem is only happening to you?” I questioned. The old man shook his head. “Domina, it’s all of our farmers. They are too scared to come forth because they are afraid of Alpha Zander. Someone had to do something. I am ready to fight to the death to bring justice for the Red Moon pack.” The old man said firmly. This pissed me off. I shot a look over to the Grand Elder. The Elders should have handled this. This matter should have never reached its way up to me. Elder John stood up. “We just took it as a formality.” Elder John shrugged. I strutted over to Elder John and hoisted him in the air. “Do you know why we have reaping’s?” He nodded. “Formality, you say. Children are starving. Not even my slaves starve. They eat well. What good is a cow with no milk? Or a horse without shoes... it goes lame.” I growled. Elder John began to tremble in my hand. “Why wasn’t this problem brought to the Grand General sooner if you thought it was only a formality?” I questioned. “I didn’t think it was serious enough,” Elder John said, sheepishly. “Nevertheless, he has cause!” I said with rage. I continued. “Do you think I like breeding every five years? No! Why do I do it? Because it’s my job. Now, do your f*****g job. Bring this Alpha in or else. An Alpha must help his people. Protect the weak. Help the pack thrive. Not to steal from them. The Alphas represent me. They are to act in my stead. How dare this Alpha think he’s above me? I am The ALPHA, The OMEGA, The MATRIARCH! And no one is above me.” I seethed. I dropped Elder John to the ground. He landed with a thud. I turned to my general, give a thousand acres of my land. Disburse it between the farmers. Replenish their livestock. And give them anything else they need for the children,” I said with authority. “It will be done today,” General Ezra said, with his fist over his heart. The old man smiled. “Thank you, Domina.” “Bless you, my child.” The old woman chimed in. The old couple turned and shuffled out of the throne room. I sat down on my throne chair, trying to hold Obsidian back. She wanted blood for this. Tundra was whimpering. Alpha Markus looked appalled. Julian didn’t know what to say. He nodded and left. Elder Thomas came over and handed me the reports. I looked over the file. Pictures of Alpha Zander on a yacht with she-wolves. Past three years' tax reports. Alpha Zander was stealing from his pack for his lavish lifestyle. I flung the file. I needed Mya. Only she can make me happy right now. I turned to the general. “Where is Mya at now?” He looked at his watch. “She should be in ballet class.” He whispered. Mya, oh, how I love her. I want to lavish on her. However, my advisor told me not to show favoritism amongst the slaves. I sighed. “Come, I want to see my daughter dance.” I beamed.
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