Chapter 4: Tender Love

1357 Words
Domina's POV: Just as I stood up, I felt pain. Excruciating pain. The pain of death. As if one of my children were dying. “Mya!” I bellowed. I couldn't hold Obsidian back. She shredded my dress and let out a deafening roar. The windows in the throne room shattered. Obsidian dashed down the dais. My guards couldn’t open the doors fast enough. Obsidian plowed through the doors. Pieces of gold fragments flew through the air. With each passing step she took, the ground cracked. She extended both of her arms out as she dashed through the castle corridors. Her claws sounded like nails on a chalkboard along the walls of the castle. Obsidian was out for blood. We sniffed the air. The smell of Mya’s blood filled our nostrils as we followed the scent. The scent led us to a classroom. Claudia tried to stop Obsidian. Clearly, she tried to stop us from seeing what we were about to see. With one swift arm movement, Claudia went flying. I saw Julian hovering over Mya about to pick her up. “I’ll kill him,” Obsidian linked. Julian stepped back. Obsidian gently picked Mya up. My beast is never gentle. She was made for death and destruction. “My beautiful little girl.” Obsidian cried in my mind. Tundra was howling. Obsidian looked at Mya’s neck that bared her mark and Tundra’s. Her mark was of a black wolf howling at the moon. Tundra’s mark was the shape of the crescent moon. This was Obsidian’s only pup that she ever marked. The rest of my children only have Tundra’s. Mya was hers. Tundra nor I won’t interfere with Obsidian. No one would. Obsidian began licking Mya. She was trying to help Artic heal Mya faster. Artic began to plead with us to save her other half. She didn’t want to leave so soon. She loved Mya. Artic is an old soul from my sister Selene. A direct descendant from the original beasts that fought in the war from the raged king. Obsidian made her way down the corridor. Every movement from her was light and graceful. She was trying not to hurt Mya. When we reached our den, Obsidian laid Mya down on my bed. There was no way Obsidian would fit on my bed. Obsidian shifted into Tundra. Tundra hopped on the bed, spun around in a circle, curled up alongside Mya, and continued to lick her. Mya’s POV: I felt something cold poking me. Then, I felt something very abrasive against my skin. But where am I? This did not feel like my cot or a hospital bed. This bed was soft as clouds. I opened my eyes and saw a snout. I reached up with a shaky hand. “She’s awake.” I heard someone say. “Domina,” I said, with a shaky voice. “I’m here.” “It hurts,” I whispered. “Ssh, ssh. Save your strength.” It was times like this that I felt that Domina really loved me. Like truly loved me. I had to know one thing. “Domina, why am I a slave?” I asked in a whisper. I felt Domina tense up as she continued to stroke my hair. “That is the way my sister wants it. You were born to pay tribute to the lost innocent human children that our kind slaughtered. For every human child that died, a pup will be born or picked and is made to work hard or fight in the army.” Domina explained. “Why not punish the adults?” I questioned. “Being forced to breed with me... Splitting mates apart or taking a pup away from the adults is their punishment.” “Alpha Markus was lucky then. He has no mate.” I gestured. “How do you know about Alpha Markus?” Domina questioned. “I heard you talking about him to one of your ladies,” I said with a smile. “So, cheeky.” Domina winked. “Domina, will I ever have a mate to love me?” I questioned. “You have me and I'm the only one you need. Let’s not talk of such things now. Your job is to gain your strength. You need to eat.” “May I sleep with you tonight? I know I’m not allowed luxury. I’m scared and I want Tundra to stay with me.” Domina pondered at the thought. “Yes. Because Obsidian said if I didn’t, she would make my life a living hell. Only for tonight.” Domina said amused. For once, I was grateful for my mother’s. Obsidian is a scary beast. I have seen her a few times. God have mercy on your soul if you piss her off. Every time Obsidian looked at me, she looked at me with admiration and love. When I was born, Obsidian had me suckle from her and only her and not from Tundra. At least, that’s what Domina told me. “Let’s get you cleaned up. My bed needs clean linens.” Domina whispered. Domina picked me up and took me to the grand bath again. Instead, it was different this time. Domina was naked. She sat down on one of the marble steps that led into the bathing pool. I snuggled between her breasts, allowing the warm water to soothe my aching skin. The aroma had me drifting off to sleep. Being a royal slave sometimes has its perks. Domina’s POV: It’s been a long time since I’ve done this with my pup. I looked down at my sleeping pup. Oh, how I missed this bonding time. The feel of skin-on-skin contact. Tundra and Obsidian were purring with delight. It felt so good to have her in my arms once more. Alpha Markus strolled into my den and crouched alongside me. “You truly love her?” “With every fiber of my soul,” I said, with a smile as I trickled water down Mya’s back. “I envy you,” Markus whispered. I looked at him with a straight face. “Why is that?” I questioned. “Because when I go home, I will have no mate. No pups to call my own. I’m thirty-four years old. I want a family so badly. When I was picked for the reaping, I thought I would finally get a pup of my own,” Alpha Markus said sadly. Maybe, I should tell him. I thought. “No need to feel in despair, Markus. Tundra told me she is one month pregnant with a male pup. My sister heard your prayer and blessed you with a son. You will pick a chosen mate from one of my ladies, and you will raise the pup with your chosen mate. This pup will not be chosen to be a slave. Selene did this on purpose. You were the first Alpha to be picked from the reaping to have no mate. It seems that my sister forgot to make you your other half.” Alpha Markus looked shocked, mad, and happy all at the same time. “Can I stay to see my son grow in your womb? I don’t want to miss this experience,” Alpha Markus said excitedly. “You may. It will give you time to court one of my ladies and pick which one you fancy.” I whispered. “Oh, I almost forgot the reason why I came in here. The royal dinner is served.” Alpha Markus whispered. “I will not be going. Have my dinner sent here along with food for Mya. She has not eaten anything at all today. Poor thing must be starving. Now, if you please give me some privacy,” I said softly. Alpha Markus nodded. He stood up and took his leave. My ladies had towels ready for Mya and me. I dried her off first, then inspected her body. Not a single mark on her. I had my ladies give me a simple white nightgown for her. I dressed her and put her to bed.
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