Chapter 2: Who Shifted

1462 Words
Mya's POV: I wouldn’t comply with his demands. My body trembled. He squeezed my cheeks harder, forcing me to look at him. I peered at him over my lashes. “Beautiful.” He whispered. “How old are you?” He continued. “Ten,” I whispered. Domina flitted over to Alpha Markus and gently pushed his hands away from my face. As soon as he released me, I ran. How dare that man touch me? Now, Domina will punish me for sure. She will beat me with silver metal whips. I shuttered at the thought. I raced through the castle as I tried to get to school on time. Mother Agnes was at the door with her crop. Thwack, Thwack. Her crop came down across my back. She loved that damn bamboo crop. It was laced with silver. The pain brought me to my knees. I felt my back begin to sizzle from the silver. “Damn you, wretched girl. You are late.” Mother Agnes hissed. Thwack, Thwack, as she continued to beat me to my sitting area. I knew she wouldn’t want to hear my excuse as to why I was late. It didn’t matter to Agnes if I were with Domina or not. Julia and her cronies laughed at my misfortune. When Mother Agnes had her fill of beating the life out of me, she turned on her haunches and made her way to the front of the class to start her lesson. As for me, I sat Indian-style on my mat in excruciating pain. I cried silent tears and wiped them away with my hands. My only thought was of the beating to come because of the man. I could feel Artic trying to heal me. After an hour of sitting through history class, Mother Agnes dismissed us to go to our next class. My next class was dance. I loved dance. Mother Geraldine was a beautiful dancer. But we call her Miss Dean for short. She is the only one of our superiors who doesn't give out punishments. And it was the only time we got to dress up in our ballet costumes. Sometimes, Domina would come to watch me dance. She says I’m a graceful dancer. That I belong in theater. As I made my way to ballet, Julia and her cronies pulled me into an empty classroom. “You're going to pay for our beating you little bitch.” Julia growled as her eyes turned black. Julia’s wolf was trying to take over. Artic wasn’t having it. “We may be runts, but bigger things come in small packages,” Artic said sarcastically. Artic was trying to take over. “No, Artic. We can’t.” I linked. “Let me at this b***h. Mya, you might be ten years old, but I’m not. I’m tired of these jealous she-wolves.” Artic snapped. What did Artic mean by that? I thought. “No, Artic. Domina has forbidden us to shift without her permission.” I growled. Artic shut me out. I hate when she does that. Julia’s claws came out. She began to thrash my abdomen with her claws. My new clothes were saturated in blood. Julia heard footsteps coming from the corridor. “This ain’t over bitch.” Julia hissed. Julia and her cronies ran out of the classroom. I sank to the floor holding my stomach. Artic was trying to heal me as fast as she could. It was hopeless. I think I heard someone screaming. “MYA!” I found myself drifting away. Unknown POV: I was coming back from a meeting with Domina and Alpha Markus. Alpha Markus was Domina’s pick from the reaping five years ago. He didn’t have a mate to have pups with to give as collateral. So, his father took over his pack until his five years were up. Alpha Markus tried to get Domina pregnant. It just didn’t happen. I think Domina was kinda glad for the reprieve. No children to raise for five years. I was walking down the corridor when I saw three females running out of a classroom. Odd. I thought. As I neared the doorway where the girls ran out of, Erebus, my wolf, caught the scent. “Blood.” He snarled. I sniffed the air. I can smell blood, with a hint of morning due and apples. “Mate,” Erebus growled. I began to head toward the doorway. The smell got stronger. I rounded the corner to see a young girl, bleeding to death. Her stomach was ripped open. “Erebus, this is a child. Are you sure?” I questioned. “Yes. She is a child, but her wolf is not. She is my mate.” Erebus growled. “I will not take a child!” I huffed. “Not now, you i***t. When she is older and ready.” Erebus fired. I shut him out. I put my foot up and lightly tilted her head back to see who it was. When I got a good look, I jumped backward. “s**t, s**t, s**t. Not her. Anyone but her.” I shouted. “MYA!” I shouted. It’s forbidden for men to touch the slave girls. I paced back and forth. I screamed for Claudia. “Mother Superior!” I shouted. Claudia came running into the room. I looked at Claudia, she was old. Her hands withered, her face full of wrinkles. You can barely see her blue eyes. But man, for an old woman, she can move. I have to give her that one. Her hands flew to her mouth. “What in the goddess name... No, no, no. Domina will not like this.” “These are claw marks. Who shifted?” I growled. Claudia shook her head. “Answer me!” I shouted. I went to pick Mya up, damn the rules. I wasn’t going to let this poor girl die. Claudia shook her head no. “Why doesn’t Mya have a personal den mother to escort her to her classes? You can’t carry her.” I barked out. “I...” Claudia started but was cut off by a thunderous sound. s**t, Domina knows. I thought. We heard windows shatter, snarling, claws being scraped along the walls. This only meant one thing... Obsidian. Domina burst through the door. Her black beast was out. No one could calm Obsidian down when she was out. Not even me. Claudia tried to stop her. Domina flung her like a rag doll. Claudia went through the wall into the next room. I looked over to Claudia. She will be okay. This isn’t the first time that Claudia has taken a beating from Obsidian. Domina turned around. Well, I should say Obsidian turned around. The floor cracked with every footstep she made. Her black beast was a Lycan. Eyes red as rubies. She howled when she saw Mya covered in blood. Obsidian picked Mya up and cradled her like a newborn pup. I've never seen Obsidian be gentle with anyone. “Obsidian.” I softly spoke. She glared at me with piercing eyes. As if I were the one who hurt Mya. “I found her that way. I was going to take her to the hospital,” I said, in a hushed tone. Obsidian snarled at me. She turned her attention back to Mya. The room became full of guards and onlookers. Claudia, back to her feet, ushered everyone out. Yeap, I was right. That woman could take a licking and keep on ticking. Obsidian began licking the wounds on Mya’s stomach. Her stomach was torn to shreds. Parts of her flesh hung off her little lifeless body. Obsidian’s saliva was healing Mya. “Obsidian, I think Mya should have a personal chaperone during school hours. Whoever did this, will do this again.” Obsidian nodded. She made her way out of the room, as she clutched onto Mya. Everyone was on their knees as Obsidian, her entourage, and I passed by. When we got back to the main den, Obsidian laid Mya down on Domina's bed. Domina shifted into her white wolf, Tundra. Tundra jumped on the bed as she continuously licked Mya. Domina was now in her motherly role. It never occurred to me as to why Domina was so close to Mya. Mya was born the only white wolf in existence. Domina always wanted a pup, who looked like Tundra. Now, she has one. And she will never let Mya go. How was I going to tell Domina that Mya was my mate? I would never tell her. I will protect Mya from the shadows. When she turns of age, I will have to reject her. But, for now, Mya has me.
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