Chapter 1: Slave

1968 Words
Mya’s POV: Slave. What is the meaning of slave? It’s where one person owns another. Being a slave doesn’t have a gender. Nor does it matter by the color of your skin. Slavery dates back millions of years. Just like the oldest profession in the book... prostitution. I hate being a slave. I always thought of my real parents. What would it be like to live a normal life? Clothes, money, living the high life. Instead, I’m forced to live like ancient times. Domina liked it that way. I laid there in my den, on my small cot with the other slave girls. I began to smile and ponder at the thought. The door opened with a huge bang. I jolted upright. “Get up! All of you! You lazy bitches have work to do.” It was Claudia, Mother Superior. Nasty mean woman. She’s the head superior. Claudia turned on her heels and stormed out. I scrambled out of bed to dress. I knelt at the foot of my bed and reached under. I pulled out my gold bands and my dressings. I could hear the girls behind me complain. I knew better than to complain. If Claudia heard it, we would get beaten with silver metal whips. I began to cuff my gold bands around my wrists, ankles, and neck. My bands are made of solid gold and lightweight. I was the only slave to have them. For I was the royal personal slave of Domina’s. I wrapped my leather sheepskin around my hips and fastened it. As for the rest of my body, was to remain bare. The older girls get chest coverings. Just when I was about to head out, I was shoved into the wall. “You b***h. You think you’re all high and mighty with your golden bands.” I curled into a ball, trying to protect my face, trying to look as small as possible. I didn’t want to look up. I knew who it was. Julia. She is tall, with fair skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair. Julia is jealous of me. She and her cronies took turns beating me every morning. Kick, punch. She began stomping on my ankle. I screamed out from the pain. “Please. Stop!” I begged. “Awe, look! She’s begging.” Julia taunted. “Please,” I whispered. “Runt! Why would Domina choose you? Pathetic little bitch.” Julia hissed. I knew begging would do me no good. They would just continue their assault. Begging was like fuel to their fire. “Domina’s pet!” Lilly shouted as she grabbed my head and bounced it off the wall. My head throbbed in pain. The girls ripped off my leather wrap, laughing at me. I tried to reach for my wrap. The girls flung it behind them. I lay there naked as they continued their assaults on me. They knew if Claudia didn’t see me ready, I would get beat. And I knew Claudia would come back to see what’s the holdup and see me naked. I prayed to Selene just for today. Almost through my prayer, a booming voice roared throughout our den. “How dare you touch what is mine!” The beating immediately stopped. The girls lay on the floor face down with their hands above their heads. No one made a sound. It was Domina. I was scared to move. I just stayed in my little ball. I felt gentle hands pick me up. Her touch was so soothing. I wrapped my hands around her neck and my legs around her waist. I kept my eyes sealed shut. “How dare you beat on my daughter? She is special to me. You will not touch what is mine. Claudia!” Domina shouted. “Yes, Domina,” Claudia said, in a low tone. “Ten lashes each. Those three. Silver bullwhip.” Domina pointed. Claudia nodded her head. The room filled with gasps. Julia began to beg. ”Please, Domina! Have mercy!” Domina passed me over to one of her ladies-in-waiting. She glided over to where Julia lay, knelt, and picked up Julia’s head by her chin. “Look at me!” Domina commanded. Julia’s eyes gazed up. Domina began to squeeze her cheeks. “Mercy, you say. Mya is only ten years old. And you have been beating on her for years. How old are you, Julia?” Domina commanded. “Fourteen,” Julia said meekly. “Then, where the f**k is her mercy?” Domina seethed. Julia's eyes brimmed with tears. “Answer me you little b***h!” Domina said, now shaking Julia’s face. Julia didn’t answer fast enough. Domina slammed her face on the ground with a large thud. Julia’s nose began to bleed. Lilly and Sarah made not a sound. They lay there like invalids. I wish Domina did not do this. This will only make things harder for me. Julia is going to want revenge for this. Domina stood up and made her way back over to me. Her lady-in-waiting passed me back over. Domina began to hum a soft melody, stroking my head. “Let’s get you a new wrap. We mustn’t display our womanhood around men.” Domina cooed. I just nodded my head. We made our way through the castle. People bowed their heads as Domina whisked by them. Two guards opened Domina’s den door. Domina’s den is all white, with white pillars throughout. The pillars themselves have gold leaf designs. The flooring was made of white marble. She has a king-sized bed that sat on a raised platform. Beautiful exotic plants sit or hung throughout the den. Her den looked like the Garden of Eden. I didn’t know what the Garden of Eden looked like. In my mind, it probably looked like this. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” Domina said, tapping my nose. I just nodded. Domina placed me down on a chair. This was the first time that I got to sit on one of her lavish chairs. Me, even as a royal slave did not get luxury. I was made to wait on Domina hand in foot. Besides school. It was very important to Domina that I get an education. But after school, I was made to work. What’s so different this time? Maybe Domina finally took pity on me. I didn’t know. “Now we mustn’t get used to luxury, Mya,” Domina said, shaking her finger. I nodded. Domina lifted me once again and walked over to a huge white marble pool that sat in the middle of her den. The pool has flower petals inside. The aroma of Jasmine filled my nostrils. I can see the steam rising from the water. I noticed carvings of wolves around the entrance of the pool. I never took notice of them before. I always kept my head bowed and my eyes on the floor. Domina began taking off my bands. “These are looking dingy. You need new ones.” Domina mumbled. I wasn’t paying attention. I was enjoying this rare opportunity. I usually bathed in a pond-like structure that was segregated from the boys. It was forbidden for girls and boys to be together. “Do you know what next week is?” Domina questioned as she broke me from my train of thought. I looked up at her. Her beautiful face looked as if she were sculptured from a Greek Goddess statue. Her blonde ringlets sat around her crown perfectly. Her skin was flawless. Some say she resembled Helen of Troy. “No,” I murmured. Domina smiled down at me. “Reaping. And guess who’s coming?” “Father?” I guessed. “That’s right. And you have a special job.” Now, I understand why Domina was pampering me. My father was coming. I beamed up at her. “Is Father a part of the reaping again?” I asked. “No, my child. Once you are chosen, you will never be chosen again. But because you are special to me, I’m allowing your father to come with his mate. Now, remember. I am your mother. Your mother who birthed you is not. She is not allowed to touch you. She is allowed to speak to you and bring you gifts. For it is your tenth belated birthday gift from me. Even though you turned ten a few days ago.” Domina explained. “Is my father allowed to touch me?” I questioned. “Yes. Think of it as if your father and I were mates.” Domina said with a sigh. “You don’t like the reaping, do you?” Domina huffed as she poured water over my head from a vase. “No. The reaping is there because a long time ago, our kind killed innocent human children. It’s retribution per se.” Domina began scrubbing my hair as she continued. “Now, as a royal slave, your job is to attend to the guests. Cater to them as you do me. Walk around filling wine glasses, and taking dirty dishes away. Can you handle this task I ask of you? You will be around men. Only during the reaping ball will it be allowed. They were given strict instructions besides your father not to touch you.” “Yes, mother,” I said, trying to appease her. That did the trick. She hugged me. Then, I lay backward as she began to scrub my legs. One of her ladies ambled her way over toward us as she was carrying something shiny. “Domina.” Domina stopped scrubbing and turned around. “Thank you, Rose.” Rose bowed, turned on her heel, and left. Domina directed her attention back toward me and pointed at my chest. “You are starting to bud. You must keep wrappings around your chest now.” I wrapped my arms over my chest. For the first time, I started to feel naked. Domina laughed at me. After my bath, Domina dressed me. She wrapped a white cloth over my chest. Then she wrapped a white cloth around my hips and clasped it at my right hip. My eyes lit up. Domina made me new gold bands. She put the new bands around my neck, wrists, and ankles. The only luxury I own. I loved my bands. After I was dressed, Domina began brushing my long jet-black hair. I did have a strip of white down the right side of my hair. It was some form of birthmark. I think. Domina braided my hair in one braid and patted my butt. “Off to school. And you are to take a bath here for this week only. After that, back to your normal schedule.” Domina pointed. “Yes, Mother,” I said, placating her once more. Just before I left, a huge man walked in. He stopped in front of me. I dropped to my knees, with my head low. Just as I was taught when men were around. “Stand up.” The man said, in a husky voice. I didn’t move. I was scared that I would be beaten for looking at a man. “Who is this?” The man questioned. “Mya. My royal slave.” Domina answered. “The famous Mya that everyone talks about. The one with different color eyes.” The man said, in a cheerful tone. I didn’t care who this man was, I wasn’t about to get beaten for him. I felt a large pair of hands hoist me up to my feet. I began to shake in fear. A man was touching me. I kept my head bowed. He grabbed my face. “Look at me! I want to see those eyes.”
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