
826 Words
Mya's POV: Thousands of years ago, a war broke out over lands. A raged king wanted dominion over all. A commanding general promised his people victory against the raged king. How this general was gravely mistaken. His wife and son were brutally murdered by the raged king. Thousands of his people were strewn about his land... dead. They were butchered, maimed, villages burned. He could hear children crying amongst the c*****e. The general looked around at the destruction and collapsed to his knees in despair. He looked up at the beautiful moon, his eyes flooded with tears for his family, his people. In desperation, he prayed to the moon during a Lunar Eclipse, begging the moon to give him powers to help win the losing war. The general promised that he would devote his life if someone answered his prayers. The Moon Goddess was overjoyed that this general prayed to her. As no one ever prayed to her before. Selene answered the general’s prayers that fateful night. The general rolled along the ground, screaming out in pain. His bones started to crack. His body became disfigured. When it was over, the general became a beast. His army of men began to shift. That night, the general and his army won the war against the raged king. As time passed, the wolves became feral. Rogues. With one thing on their minds...blood. The general could not tame the beasts alone. They began to kill innocent humans. The general could not let the innocent be slaughtered. Once again, he prayed to the moon. Selene, the Moon Goddess, did not want to destroy her beautiful creatures, but she knew something had to be done. The killing of the innocent had to be stopped. Selene sent down her sister, Domina. Domina came with a force to be reckoned with. She came down with the wrath of God in her. The rogues submitted to her, bearing their necks. Domina gave a decree. She was the matriarch of us all. Rules were to be followed or face death. The wolves were no longer rogues. They were divided up into packs and dispersed throughout the world. Those who would not submit... Domina shifted into a black beast on two legs and hunted those down one by one. Her fangs were sharp and elongated. Blood drooled from her mouth from her victims. Her claws were sharp as razors. She would dismember heads from bodies. Those who challenged her, she would tear her victim's hearts out and eat them while her victims were alive. Domina wanted those who thought they could reign over her... see their deaths. Selene and Domina both agreed on one thing... the wolves were to pay pennants for the slaughtering of innocent humans. Every five years, there was to be held a reaping. The Alphas and Lunas were given a choice. Either the chosen Alpha stays with Domina for five years and breeds with Domina. Or the Alpha breeds with his mate in wolf form to have a litter of pups, and Domina picks a pup from the litter. The choice was theirs. Most ranked wolves would take the latter and mate as wolves. Domina would choose with the ought most care. The female pups would be turned into the slaves of Domina's. The male pups would be turned into slaves and will fight to the death. Those who won the fight would join Domina's army. It was the year of the reaping. Alpha Nero and Luna Mira both decided that if Alpha Nero were chosen, they would breed in wolf form and let Domina take a pup from the litter. On the day of the reaping, Alpha Nero dressed in a tux. The Luna stayed in wolf form, as she was heavily pregnant. They left for the reaping ball. Domina announced that Alpha Nero was the chosen one. His Luna was made to stay behind until birth. A week later, Mira began walking in circles. Then, she plopped down, panting. She began to whine. She was in labor. Domina and the den mothers arrived to help Mira. But this reaping was different. Domina could feel it. Domina paced back and forth in her all-white wolf form as Luna Mira was giving birth. With grunts and whimpers, Mira birthed a litter of four pups. Domina's eyes glittered as she stared down at this one particular pup. The pup stared back at her with the same intensity. This pup's fur was white as snow. Eyes so majestic and of different colors. One gray. The other blue. But the pup was the runt of the litter. Domina never chose the runt. For they are weak. Something was different. Domina fell deeply in love with this pup. She shifted back into human form and picked up the she-pup. She spun in slow circles with the pup above her head. "Your name shall be... Mya. My beautiful daughter." This is where my story truly begins.
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