Chapter 9

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Chapter 9Aftermath Of Rejection-01 Third person POV Dominic Freeman sat in the pack's library, drafting up a plan. He knew that since his parents had kicked Catalaya out, he had to find some way to provide for her. After all, she's only 17 years old. Despite what his parents said, she was still his little sister, and he would do anything for her. It didn't bother him when they told everyone that she wasn't their daughter because he already knew it. Dominic was four years old when his parents brought Catalaya home. Even though he already had his sister Jasmine he still loved her very much. Growing up, he started noticing things like the fact that Catalaya had different coloured skin than him and the rest of the family, but that changed nothing. When he was thirteen, he heard his sister, who was nine years old, asking his father and mother why she had different colour skin from them. They told her she got her skin colour from a great grandparent who had the same colour skin as she did and that this person was originally from a different pack. Being the naive kid she was, Catalaya believed. But Dominic knew better. However, he didn't see it fit to tell Catalaya that as it would only break her heart, but now that the secret was out, there was nothing he could do. With that memory in mind, he decided he would care for her until she was able to do it on her own and even after that. After creating his foolproof plan, he left the library and ventured to the third floor of the pack house to find his sister. Upon reaching her room, he knocked on the door and waited but received no answer. Knocking twice more, he tried the door. Finding it unlocked, he walked inside to see an empty room. Panic quickly flooded through him as he found his sister's belongings were no longer there. Did they kick her out too? Did those assholes take her stuff? Did she- No, of course, she wouldn't leave without at least telling me. He thought, stopping his mind from going there. He turned to leave when he spotted a piece of paper on a pillow on the bed. Walking over, he picked it up and started to read the note. Pain and sadness enveloped him as his worst fears were brought to light through the words written. His grief quickly morphed into anger as he stormed out of the room to confront the person who was the cause of it all. ***************************************** After rejecting Catalaya, Noah carried on as if nothing had happened. He acted like he hadn't humiliated and rejected her in front of the whole pack. In fact, he had the time of his life sleeping with a different girl every night. So then, knowing full well that she would be the one feeling the consequences of his actions, and to make matters worse, he marked and mated Jasmine. However, Noah wasn't expecting that the morning after his all-night rave at a party on the lake, he would wake up to realize that his ex-mate, along with his sister and their four friends, had all left the pack. He was the cause of it all. When Noah had woken up that morning, he was expecting it to be just like any other normal day. After his morning shower, he ventured down into the kitchen to grab breakfast and then played some games with the guys. He was in the game room playing his second round of C.O.D when Dominic stormed into the game room and gave him a strong right across his jaw while yelling, "This is all your fault," flashing a piece of paper around. Surprised, Noah shot up from his seat. He couldn't fathom why Dominic would hit him, they had never had an altercation before, and they had a pretty decent relationship in his eyes. Deciding to find out what could have caused Dominic's actions, Noah asked, "Why the heck did you punch me and what's my fault?" Dominic stopped, pacing to answer Noah with "she's gone." Confused with his explanation or rather the lack thereof, he questioned, "What are you talking about who's gone?" "Catalaya, I'm talking about my sister she left and she's not returning," he replied, handing him the piece of paper in his hands. Noah looked at the paper to see a note written. It read: To my whom it may concern, I'm leaving the pack and I won't be returning ever. Archangel Gabriel, I apologize if you see this as an insult that was never my intention. To my five best friends and my awesome brother, I will miss you guys so much but I can't keep living a life of misery. I know you'll probably be upset with me just up and leaving without a proper goodbye, but it was an in the heat of the moment decision. I love you guys and I will miss you please take care and tell elder Norris I said thanks for everything. -Catalaya He couldn't believe what he had just read. No one had ever left the pack before. It was one of the safest places on earth. Where would she go? She has no money and no family. Noah had no personal grudges against Catalaya as she had never done anything to him, but she was weak and an eyesore, so he didn't want her as his mate, but that didn't mean he wanted her to leave. What was she thinking? It wasn't like he cared about her or anything like that. It's just that it gave the pack a bad reputation. People were always trying to get into their pack, not leave it. So this would be a strange turn of events. He knew he was the one who had pushed her to this decision, but he wasn't about to admit it to anyone, especially not her fuming brother standing in front of him. He was about to say something to Dominic when he heard his mother scream, "Gabriel!!!"
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