Chapter 10

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Chapter 10Aftermath Of Rejection-02 He dropped the paper in his hand, casting a spell that took him to the door of his parents' room. As he opened the door, his father appeared beside his mother on the bed, "Mom, what's wrong?" Noah asked, looking around the room frantically for intruders as his mom mumbled between sobs. "She's. Gone. My. Baby. Is. Gone." Noah looked at his mother, confused, "Who's gone, mom?" That seemed to be the only type of conversation he'll be having today. After not hearing an answer to his son's question, Archangel Gabriel took the paper his wife had in her hands. He saw a note written in his daughter's handwriting. He read out loud: Dear mom and dad, I'm writing this note to let you know that I am leaving the pack by the time you find this I'll be gone. Don't blame yourselves or think you were bad parents and that's why I left, in fact, you guys were the best parents a girl could ask for but I made a pact and I intend on keeping my promise just as you've always taught me to. Mom I love you so much thank you for teaching me to be strong and dad thank you for always protecting me however I'm disappointed in you for not protecting Catalaya when I asked you to she is like a sister to me and you let Noah and everyone else abuse her and treat her like garbage and I won't stand for it anymore I cannot accept that this his how you allowed him to treat my sister and so I'm leaving. I still love you and mom even that i***t Noah but I can't stay in the pack anymore ~Alana Gabriel couldn't believe what he had just read. His daughter had left the pack, his little princess was gone, and he had no idea where. He also knew it'll be next to impossible to find her since her mother was the one who taught her to use magic. He knew he should have stopped Noah from bullying that girl, but the damage was already done by the time he found out. He remembered the day he and Emerson found her in the woods, a beautiful blue-eyed baby with skin the colour of rich chocolate. She looked so beautiful and innocent that he couldn't resist the urge to pick her up. He could tell she was a human, but even so, he asked his good friend Emerson to look after her, and after much convincing, he agreed. Gabriel was curious about the child's whereabouts, so he started trying to find her origin, but it wasn't until she was 12 years old that he found out who she was. He couldn't believe it. He checked, double checked, and triple checked to make sure his findings were correct. After finding out who she was and that the pack had been abusing her. He wanted to stop it, knowing that if that man ever found out, he would kill them all, but then he thought, what if they broke her to the point of giving up where she decides to never look for where she's from, plus she already thought the Freeman's were her family after they made up some story about their ancestors to account for the difference in skin colour. But now she knew the truth well, at least a part of it, which caused her to run away, and so did his daughter. He was a failure as a father and a failure as an angel, but still, the prideful man wouldn't admit it. Sylvia was so lost in her grief that she hadn't realized that Noah was in the room along with her husband. She couldn't believe her daughter was gone, but what irked her the most was that the pack was abusing Catalaya, and she had no idea what was going on. How could she have been so oblivious, and what made matters worst, her husband knew about it and did nothing. Everything around her was a blur, and it was only when she felt someone remove Alana's note from her hand that she realized she wasn't alone. She looked up at Noah standing by the door with shock written on his face. Then, she felt a flame of rage that burned like an inferno come over her. "You! This is all your fault. You, I will never forgive you for this." she yelled. "You bullied that sweet girl until you broke her, but that wasn't enough for you was it you had to reject and humiliate her in front of everybody, forcing her to run away and as a result chasing away your sister as well how could you be so heartless?" she shouted as she slapped him across the face. "And you," She turned to her husband, who looked like he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it, afraid of what his wife will do to him for not stopping their son from abusing an innocent girl. After all, his wife wasn't the devil's second in command for over a century for nothing. That woman could command the flames of hell if she needed to. She slammed him into the wall as she shouted, "HOW COULD YOU LET NOAH ABUSE THAT SWEET LITTLE GIRL SHE WAS SO INNOCENT ALWAYS WILLING TO HELP ANYONE AROUND THE HOUSE SHE EVEN TOOK CARE OF OUR DAUGHTER WHEN SHE WAS HURT AND THIS IS THE THANKS YOU GIVE HER!!!" her voice shaking the entire mansion. Noah and Gabriel had never seen Sylvia this angry before. They had no idea how deep of a bond Sylvia shared with Catalaya. Not even Sylvia herself understood it completely. All she knew was that Catalaya was like a daughter to her. She always had the overwhelming feeling of protecting her. But now, she felt as if she had failed, and this was the source of her anger. The dark power emitting from her body was so abundant. It was suffocating everyone in the pack house. Gabriel, an Archangel, could withstand her power, but that didn't mean it wasn't scary. Realized his wife was about to lose control of the darkness surrounding her. Gabriel cast a spell to take her somewhere else before she could blow the pack house to smithereens. -----------------------------------------------------
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