Chapter 8

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Chapter 8Living With Rejection-02 Thanking elder Norris and promising to visit again soon. I left the cabin to ponder over my dilemma in the comfort of my room. Opening the doors of the pack house, I walked to the kitchen again. Ignoring the laughter and whispers around me. I opened the fridge to grab some leftover lasagna. The moment I opened the fridge, it immediately slammed shut. I looked up to see Cassidy; she's a vampire, "There isn't any food here to be wasted on freaks, so why don't you go get your own?" she hissed. I sighed, seeing everyone looking in our direction to find out my next move. I had no intention of fighting with her, so I just shook my head and walked away, everyone laughed, calling me names, but like usual, I ignored them. Going up the stairs, I bumped into Ashley, Jasmine's so-called best friend, "Look, it's the freak walk far from her or you might catch something," she sneered. "Oh stop it, Ashley," Jasmine replied. "She's no longer a freak, she's a rejected freak." The both of them burst out laughing, running down the stairs. On the other hand, I made my way up to the third floor and into my room. My friends had all gone out to the lake today for some party that was kept there. After I managed to blackmail and force them to go without me, seeing as they were looking forward to it all of last week and I didn't want to ruin their fun. I turned on the TV and scrolled through Netflix, trying to find a movie; clicking on the princess diaries, I snuggled up under my covers and got comfy. Halfway through the movie, pain shot through my whole body worst than it's ever been this time, I felt like I couldn't breathe, and my body felt like it was on fire. However, it also felt like some part of me had been freed. After half an hour of cringing in pain and breathing exercises, I could move around again. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I thought about my life throughout the years. Why did all this have to happen to me? I didn't do anything to anyone, yet I always got treated like crap. Why didn't my parents want me? Why did they leave me in the woods of all places? I tried to hold back the tears, but eventually, they slipped past my lashes, and the waterworks began. I cried for about two hours. By this, my eyes were swollen, my throat hoarse, and my body felt drained. It was already dark outside, and I could hear the party at the lake still going on, meaning the guys weren't back as yet. The pack house also sounded empty. I guess everyone went to the party. I got up from the floor, my mind wondering back to what elder Norris said. How was I going to control something I had no knowledge about. Maybe I should take a vacation but taking a vacation meant returning when school began again, which wouldn't solve anything. I might not feel the effects of the mate bond, but I'd still be abused and bullied, being all alone. Wondering why my parents didn't want me, so I decided I was gonna leave. Not just the pack but the country on a whole. I'll miss my friends and Dominic, but I could always keep in touch. Grabbing the big brown duffle bag I have in my closet, I filled it with clothes and my essentials. Next, I took my medium-sized suite case and filled it with my shoes, important documents etc. Looking back, I was actually grateful my friends forced me to go to the mall or I wouldn't have anything to pack right now. After packing everything I needed, I got a piece of paper to write a note. To my whom it may concern, I'm leaving the pack and I won't be returning ever. Archangel Gabriel, I apologize if you see this as an insult that was never my intention. To my five best friends and my awesome brother, I will miss you guys so much but I can't keep living a life of misery. I know you'll probably be upset with me just up and leaving without a proper goodbye, but it was an in the heat of the moment decision. I love you guys and I will miss you please take care and tell elder Norris I said thanks for everything. -Catalaya After writing my note, I placed it on my pillow. I grabbed my purse as well as my car keys and then made my way downstairs with my luggage. Heading into the garage, I closed the door behind me and then placed my bags in the trunk of my car. I put the key in the ignition and then started the car. After taking one last look at the only home I've ever known, I drove down the driveway and towards the Western borders. After twenty minutes of driving, I could see the borderline in front of me. The closer I got, I saw silhouettes of what looked like people. I hope whoever it was, doesn't cause me any trouble. I sighed, continuing my journey. As I crossed the border, someone stepped onto the road. I slammed onto the breaks before the car could hit them. Then, turning up my headlights, I realized it was... "Merlin!!!?" I said in shock, then Harley, Freya, Alana and Aquarius walked out of the shadows with luggage in hand. They all looked upset, and I knew why but pretended otherwise. "What are you guys doing here and why do have luggages with you?" "Well, we were about to leave the party around four in the evening when Lana got a vision. She saw you writing a note and you were crying, at first, we thought you were gonna try to commit suicide or something, so we hurried home but you weren't there, then we sensed you coming from elder Norris's cabin, and we could tell you were distraught. While we were waiting, she got another vision of you leaving, so we all decided if you were leaving then we would too," Merlin told me. "I can't believe you would leave without us Cat, after everything we've been through. What happened to our oath?" Aquarius yelled. "I'm sorry guys, I just didn't want you to uproot your lives for me," I told them sincerely. "Yeah well, you can't get rid of us that easily. We're the only Family you've got, so pop the trunk so we can load up our luggage and hit the road." Alana said, standing behind the car. I couldn't believe they were doing this for me. I thought as I felt my eyes well up with tears. Wiping my face, I popped the trunk and decided this was a new start for us all, so no more tears. I drove off again after everyone got in as we made our way to new beginnings.
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