Chapter 5 Secret Revealed

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"My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness." -Maya Angelou POV: Stella It's Thursday and we leave in four days. My mother hasn't helped one bit to pack and prepare for the move. I'm on my way to ask Uncle Zander for a favor. I need to rent a Uhaul moving truck. My mom doesn't allow me to drive her car and she won't get one. She's the one who is so desperate to move and become Luna. Why can't she do this herself? I asked her to get someone to get us one but she said I can do it myself. I've been busy all week packing things into boxes and suitcases. Mom wants to sell the house but she can't. Technically the house belongs to my grandpa Evan. He's my dad's father. After a rogue killed Dad, Grandpa left. He's still a member of the pack but he lives outside of pack territory. My grandmother died when I was a baby. It was hard for him, having lost his mate and then his son. He comes to see me every Christmas and sends a birthday card every year. It's during those times my mother pretends to be nice to me. She likes to maintain the image of a good person when in reality she's horrible. Anyway, I'm standing in front of the packhouse about to enter inside. "Oh look the rankless slut thinks she has the right to enter the packhouse. If you're here for Nathan he's busy. He doesn't need some wolfless w***e throwing herself at him." Violet says as she blocks me from entering the building. Violet is one of my former best friends. If there's one gift I got from losing Ava, it seeing people's true colors. I thought Terra and Violet were my true friends but really they were only my friends for their popularity. Now that I'm broken and will never be beta they want nothing to do with me. "I'm here to see Alpha Zander. I don't care about Nathan. He's nothing to me." I cross my arms and stand my ground to them. Violet has always had a thing for Nathan. Out of all the friendships I had Nathan's friendship hurt the most. We were really close until three days after I lost my dad. He began avoiding me. I wish I knew what happened. I know he didn't end it because I'm broken. This was before that happened, though it does add to it. He recently completed his Alpha training and will be taking over the pack next week. I wish I could be here to see that. As much as him not being my friend hurts I'm still proud of him. "You better not because Nathan is mine." Violets says. I roll my eyes. "Whatever you say. I honestly don't care. If Nathan wants to stick his d**k into her and catch some disease Comet can't wash off then more power to him." I say with a smirk. "You bitch." Terra says as she knocks me to the ground. I knew that was going to happen. Violet kicks me in the stomach three times before they walk away laughing at me. "Such a weak, pathetic, useless bitch." Violet says as they walk away. "Stella, are you ok? What happened?" I hear Uncle Zander ask. "Oh, n-nothing I just tripped on the s-step and f-fell." I stutter as I grab his hand for help to get up. "Oh, well be careful. So what brings you here today?" He asks. "Well, I actually came to see you. I need a favor." I say. He smiles and nods. "What can I do for you kiddo?" He asks. "Zander, I'm going... Oh hello, Stella." Luna Jane interrupts us. She's never liked me and I have no idea why. Even when I was little she didn't like me. "Hello, Luna Jane. How are you today?" I ask politely. "I'm fine, thank you. Anyway, Zander, I'm going shopping for Nathan's coronation dinner. Do you need anything while I'm out?" Luna Jane asks her mate. I used to call her Aunt Jane but she didn't like that so I stopped. I didn't want her to hate me any more than she already does. "Ok, Love. I will see you later and make this up to you." He says to her. I wonder what he needs to make up for. "You better. Stella, don't take too much of his attention. Just get what you need and leave him be." Luna Jane says to me. She also never has liked it when I'm around Uncle Zander. "I promise," I say. "Jane that is uncalled for. If Stella needs my help I'm going to help her." Uncle Zander tells his mate. "Fine, I let this slide since she's leaving anyway. I'll be happy once her slut of a mother and her are gone." Luna Jane says before turning away from us a walking away. Uncle Zander sighs deeply. "I'm sorry about her Stella. What did you need?" He asks. "Mom is busy and we need a Uhaul. Can you take me to get on please?" I ask. He sighs. "I wish I could. I have a meeting in an hour but I can get ask Nathan to take you." He says. "Oh um, o-ok. You don't have to ask Nathan. I can figure something else out." I say nervously. I don't want to get in Nathan's way. "Nonsense. I'll mind link him right now." Uncle Zander waves me off. A few minutes go by in silence. "He will be out in fifteen minutes. Don't worry about anything. Nathan will take care of the cost." He says. "Oh no, that's not necessary. I can handle it. I just need the ride." I say. "Stella, it is no problem, ok? By the way, I have something for you. I was actually on my way to come see you. This is for you. It's a graduation present. I'm sorry I couldn't be there." He says while placing a square black box in my hand. "Oh, thank you." I'm surprised he did this. I didn't think anyone cared. I open the box to find a beautiful gold bracelet inside. It's a simple bar bracelet with my dad's name written on it. "There's an engraving on the back." Uncle Zander says. I flip it over and read it. It says 'Star bird.' A single tear drops from my eye. My dad called me Star Bird. Stella means Star and Ava means bird or life. "Thank you," I say. He takes the bracelet and puts it on my wrist. "I'm proud of you Stella and you're going to do great things in this world." He says and hugs me. I don't believe that I will do great things but I'm glad someone is proud of me. It means a lot. "Hey, you ready?" Nathan says from behind me. "Yeah, let's go," I say. I tell Uncle Zander goodbye before I go with Nathan. I get in the car with Nathan. It's been a while since I've been alone with Nathan. There is an awkward silence as he drives the car. "I heard you're moving to a different pack." Nathan breaks the silence suddenly. "Uh, yeah to the Shadow Knight pack," I say awkwardly. "Are you going to join their pack or are you coming back when you turn 18?" He asks. "I don't know but most likely I will be joining their pack. I'm not coming back, Nathan. You should be happy then. You won't have to see my face anymore. Your pack won't have a weak rankless broken wolf anymore." I say bitterly. Why does he care? "I don't think of you that way." He says. "Whatever," I say annoyed. The car fills in silence again. What did he expect me to do? Come back and get bullied and beaten every day. I get that already. I want out of this situation and in three months I will be. "Can I ask you something?" I ask. I want to know something and this may be the last chance I ever get to get the answer. "What is it?" He asks. "Why did you drop me as a friend? My dad died and you pushed me away." I ask. He doesn't answer me at first. "I'm sorry. I was stuck between my parents. My mom hated it when I was around you. She hates it even more when dad is." He says. "So, that didn't bother you before," I say. " That was before I found out the truth." He says and pulls into a random parking lot. "What are you doing? This isn't the place." I ask. "Yeah, I know but this needs to be said. If I'm never going to see you again then you should at least know the truth. Live life with no regrets, right?" He says before taking a deep breath. "Beta David isn't your father." He says. What? I shake my head no. "No, that's impossible." I deny. "It's the truth, Stella. Haven't you ever wondered why my mom hates your very existence? It's because My dad is your dad. Stella, you're my sister." My jaw drops. No, this can't be. This is impossible. "No, you're lying!" I deny it all. Alpha Zander is not my father it can't be. I've never had any reason to question who my biological parents are. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. My mom has blonde hair and green eyes. My dad Had dark brown hair and green eyes. I always thought my blue eyes were just a variation of those green eyes. Alpha Zander has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I always thought I just looked like my mother. If this is true it explains my blue eyes. "I'm not. I overheard a conversation after Beta David was killed in the rogue attack. Dad was talking to Mom about taking you in. Dad hated leaving you with Monica for some reason. He wanted to claim you. I don't know all the details or why that never happened but Dad made me promise to never tell you or anyone." Nathan explains further. As much as I hate this I believe him. "Why did you let the pack bully me? There has to be more." I ask. "I know what you want. I was afraid if I stayed your friend I'd let it slip. The bullying I defended you every time. I just did it where you didn't know or see. I can't make people stop doing something. I can try but at the end of the day, it is their choice. I knew If I went to Dad about it things would be worse for you so I kept it to myself. Now can I ask you a question?" Nathan explains. "What?" I ask. "How did you lose your wolf? You were a pure white wolf. They don't just die or leave because they can't handle the death of a loved one." Nathan asks. I freeze at his question. "Look, Nathan, because you were honest with me I'll tell you but please don't ask me anymore after. It will break me. My mom killed Ava. She used a syringe filled with silver and wolfsbane. She injected me right into my spine." I tell him. I almost died that day myself. If Ava hadn't taken sacrificed herself I would have died. Without a wolf Silver and wolfsbane no longer affect me. Nathan grips the steering wheel tightly in anger. "Dad should have fought hard with Mom to claim you. None of this would have happened if he claimed you. I can't even imagine losing Max." Nathan growls. Maxwell is Nathan's wolf. He calls him Max for short. In werewolf culture, our middle name is generally our wolf's name. Nathan's full name is Nathan Maxwell Emerson. "You can know that. Maybe this is my fate." Is say. "No this isn't your fate. The moon goddess doesn't just gift someone a white wolf for no reason. Monica robbed you of your destiny." Nathan says. "Nathan, there is nothing you can do now. Can we go now? I need time to process this. Also, I want to talk to Uncle Zander. Birth father or not, he is not my dad. David is my father." I state. "Yeah, ok," he says restarting the car. I need time. This is a lot and hard to handle. Things aren't as they seem anymore.
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