Chapter 4 A Mating Agreement

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"The way I see it if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." -Dolly Parton POV: Ryder "Dear may your father and I speak with you for a moment?" My mother asks standing in front of my opened office door. I sometimes like to leave it open. "Yes, come in," I answer. I guess I should introduce myself first. My name is Ryder Ace Knight. I'm the oldest alpha triplet of the Shadow Knight Pack. My brothers and I share the alpha title due to being triplets. I'm the first born while Noah is the middle triplet. That leaves Jonah as the youngest trip. We are 26 years old. The only way to tell us apart is through our eyes. We each have different colored eyes. Mine are green. Noah's are hazel while Jonah's eyes are chocolate brown. Noah is training today and Jonah is out of town. He's visiting the Wilder Pack. We have a treaty with them. Alpha Elder Garret Wilder and my father, Jake are good friends. Our packs have been allies for years. It's important that we maintain this. They visit us on occasion as we do them. It helps to keep our relationship friendly. My parents sit on the loveseat in the corner of my office. "What is it you want to talk about?" I ask. She probably wants to talk about my mate again. Lately, she's been hounding my brothers and me about it. We haven't found our fated mate. There's a small chance we have separate mates. However, there is a greater chance of us having the same mate. She's been pushing for us to take a chosen mate. She's only ever bought it up with the three of us together now she has me alone. I'm going into the conversation knowing full well I will give in to her. She's going to lay out the facts. A pack needs their Luna. It's what's best for the pack. If I'm being honest about it, I've been considering this a lot. The only reason we haven't agreed to it yet is Noah. Noah only wants his fated mate. I understand this. I want mine as well. Jonah wants the same thing. There isn't a wolf in their right mind that would deny that urge to claim their fated mate. "Chosen mate is a bad idea. I want my fated mate." Ace, my wolf demands. This is another reason. My wolf is strongly against the idea. "The pack needs a Luna. I've made up my mind. If our fated mate does happen to come along I will choose her and call the whole thing off." I tell my wolf. "I wanted to talk to you about your mate. You boys haven't found your fated mate yet. Don't you think it's time you chose a mate? It is what is best for the pack." There it is. Mom stated it straightforwardly. "Mom I know and I've been thinking about it. I agree we do need a Luna. I can speak with Jonah and Noah about it. I have a few ideas for a suitable person to take the position." I say in a professional manner. Anytime I deal with my mother like this I channel my inner Jonah. He's the diplomatic one of us. "Oh, that is fantastic. I'm so glad to hear it. I already have someone lined up. She's already agreed to be your Luna." Mom says excitedly. I'd like to say I'm shocked she pulled this but knowing her I'm not. Of course, she would have already arranged this and had just been trying to convince us to agree to it. "Who is it? I'm not mating some random woman." I state. I do have one condition to this. I'm not blindly mating anyone. In order for me to make some woman my luna I have to trust her. "Her name is Monica Cassidy. You know her family. She's an old friend of mine. She's from here but she moved to the Rose Thorn pack years ago. She lost her mate a few years back." Mom says happily. If she's an old friend of my mom's and had a mate that means she's older than I am. I'm don't care about age generally but how would that look on us? I guess it wouldn't look too bad because my parents are all about image. "Whose her family?" I ask. "The Becketts. She's Evelyn and Mathew's daughter. I should warn you though, Monica has a daughter. She informed me she's a bit of a troublemaker. Unfortunately, she's a minor and legally has to come with her mother since the only family she has left is here." Mom explains. I know Mathew. He's one of our Zetas. A Zeta is a pack warrior. His son, Hayden followed in his footsteps as a Zeta. Evelyn is an Eta. An Eta is a pack doctor. She's actually the head Eta. You can think of a pack like a corporate company. You have the CEO which would be the Alpha and so on. This helps to minimize the issues that can occur on a day-to-day basis. The heads of each Ranks handle the smaller issues while the Alpha handles the bigger ones. "What do you mean a troublemaker?" I ask a little defensively. I have no idea why the statement of this girl being a troublemaker bothers me but it does. I notice Dad narrow his eyes at me due to my reaction. "I don't know son. The last time I saw the girl she was a baby. All I know is Monica says she likes to talk back, she's rude, and always getting into fights. All you have to do is lay down the law to her." Mom answers. Ace growls in my head not liking anything mom just said about this unknown girl. Why am I reacting like this? "Ok, mom. I will talk to Noah and Jonah. in the meantime send me their files so I can prepare the paperwork and accept them into the pack." I say. "Sure thing. Oh, I just know you boys are going to love Monica." Mom says excitedly before she leaves. Dad stays though. He's been looking at me oddly since I reacted to the mention of the girl. "A word of advice. Don't jump in the pool before checking the temperature. Things aren't always as seem and make the choice right for you and all will fall into place." Dad says. I'm a bit confused by what he means. "If you're saying not to accept this mating right off the bat, I'm not. There are conditions to this. I know mine but after I've spoken to my brothers we will present them to you and Mom. We will get to know Monica first and see how she performs and gets along with the pack before we make the final decision." I tell my dad. As I said before. I'm not going into the blind. I want the right fit for my pack. I don't know this Monica. "I understand and will try to make your mother see the reason for this," Dad says with a small proud smile before he leaves my office. It makes me wonder if he knows something I don't.
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