Chapter 6 The Truth

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"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." -James Baldwin POV: Stella It's finally Sunday evening and I've finished packing everything. We leave early in the morning. The truck is all packed up. Mom and I each have a bag of things we will need that is quick to get to such as clothes and toiletries. "Stella! Come down here now!" Mom yells from downstairs. What does she want now? When I get down to her I see Luca is here. "I'm having a going away party. I expect you to stay out of the house until after midnight. Do not come back or show your face until then." She orders. "Are you kidding me? We're leaving at three in the morning. I have to be up at two a.m." I argue. "I don't care. Now get the f**k out!" Mom yells. Seriously. Where am I going to go? I don't have any friends. "Fine," I say annoyed. Maybe I can ask Uncle Zander if there's a spare room in the packhouse I can stay in tonight. I am not driving for hours with an hour or two of sleep. The Shadow Knight Pack is two states away. It's going to take us two days to get there. I still haven't spoken to Uncle Zander about him being my birth father. I do want to ask him what happened. He was already mated to Luna Jane when I was born. Nathan is a year older than me. I should talk to him before I leave in the morning. I just haven't because I'm a little scared and nervous. I texted Nathan to ask if Uncle Zander is home or still at the packhouse. The sun is going down and I will soon be left outside in the dark. Being outside at night is dangerous with no wolf alone in a werewolf pack. My phone buzzes notifying me of a new text message. It's Nathan responding to my text. Uncle Zander is still at the packhouse but will be leaving soon. Nathan is with him. I tell him I'm on my way. I want to talk to him. Uncle Zander might be my biological father but my dad will always be my dad. I can't see Uncle Zander as my father. I still see him in the same light as I have always seen him. I just want the truth. I make my way to the packhouse. Nathan is standing outside the door waiting for me. "Hey, are you sure you want to do this?" He asks. "Yeah, I may not get another chance. No regrets, right?" I say. "No, regrets," Nathan repeats me. He turns around and opens the door letting me inside. "Oh Nathan, what are you doing with her? I thought we could hang out." Violet stops us and rubs herself up against Nathan. " Violet, I can't tonight. I'm hanging out with Stella. We're going to see my dad." Nathan tells her annoyed. Violet glares at me. "I told you to stay away from him. You are such a slut." Violet says. Her statement makes me want to gag. Nathan lets out a fake gag. "Violet don't be gross. I would never see Stella like that. Also, I'm not into you so stop throwing yourself at me. The only reason you want me is because of the Luna position. Sorry to break it to you but that belongs to my fated mate." Nathan tells her. It doesn't surprise me that Violet is going after Nathan to be Luna. After all, she was only my friend for her popularity. Nathan brushes past her without sparing a glance at her. I follow him as Violet glares daggers at me. "Gross. I can't believe she thought that of us. You're my sister. Yuck." Nathan comments disgusted. "I know." I agree. We enter inside of Uncle Zander's office. "Hello, Stella. What are you doing here so late? Don't you have to be up early?" Alpha Zander asks. I sit down in one of the chairs in his office. "Dad, she knows. I couldn't hide it from her any longer. She's leaving and I might never see her again." Nathan says. "You did what?"Uncle Zander says displeased and shocked. He looks at me guiltily. "I acknowledge the facts but you are not my father. I just want to know the truth. You had an affair with my mom?" I ask. "No." He sighs. "There was no affair. Nathan was three months old. Jane had taken him and went to visit her parents. David had been on a mission outside the pack that same week. This is why I didn't go with Jane. I had to stay and watch the pack." He says before pausing. "Nathan maybe you should go. You shouldn't hear this story." Uncle Zander says to Nathan. "No way. I want to know. We both deserve the truth. Especially after what Monica has done to Stella." Nathan refuses to leave. "Don't be stubborn." Uncle Zander says. "Can you two not argue? I still need to find somewhere to sleep tonight." I say annoyed. "What do you mean you need a place to sleep tonight?" Nathan asks. "Mom kicked me out tonight. She's having a party and doesn't want me there. Now can continue with the story?" I respond. "Yes, I was at the bar with Reece one night. The night of your conception. Monica had been at the bar out partying around. She approached us and the three of us had a drink together. What I didn't know at the time was my drink was spiked with a drug. I started to feel dizzy about fifteen minutes after the drink. Monica saw this and "helped me" home. I don't physically remember anything after that. Monica taped the entire thing for proof. I don't think either one of you wants to see that. Anyway, Monica was trying to become Luna. She thought she could get Jane to break our bond and it almost worked. Luckily Reece had been out with me that night. He thought something was off with the drink after I got dizzy so he did some digging and found out the truth. It was three months later Monica tried to break our bond again. This time with her pregnancy with you, Stella. David knew you weren't his. He had been away on a mission for two and a half months. The math didn't add up. I came completely clean to him. This was our arrangement. If I claimed you it wouldn't look very good so David claimed you. I had no issue with it. It was only after his death that I had an issue leaving you with Monica. Jane and I fought a lot over it. In the end, she won that argument." Uncle Zander tells his story of how I came to be. "I wish I could say I was shocked by this but I'm not. Sadly this isn't the worst thing she's ever done. Thank you for telling me." I say. "I am sorry Stella. Can I ask you a question?" Uncle Zander asks. "What is it?" I ask. "How did you lose your wolf really?" He asks. I was afraid he was going to ask me this. I look at Nathan before I let it all out. "Mom did. She was angry because I embarrassed her so she took away my wolf as punishment. Ava sacrificed herself so I could live. If she kept fighting it We both would have died that day. It only showed me even more that she never wanted me." I answer as I fight the tears. A loud angry growl is heard in the room. It shakes the wall. This causes me to jump and let out a small yelp. I look up to see Uncle Zander's eyes glowing red in anger. Is he mad at me? Did I deserve to lose Ava? "Why didn't you tell me this before, Stella? I could have done something then." He asks and sighs as he calms down. "This is my fault. I should have fought harder. I am so sorry you went through that." He says. "It's fine. In three months it will all be over. I'll go to Stanford and become a lawyer. I will completely separate myself from my mother and cut all contact with her. I'll spend that time healing." I explain my plan. "Wait you got into Stanford!?" Nathan says. I laugh. "Is that all you got from that? Yes. I got a scholarship. I don't have friends, remember so I was able to keep a 5.0 GPA." I say. "Well, I can't have you being smarter than me. I'm older." Nathan says. "Boy don't be an i***t. Girls are always smarter and mature faster. At least that's what your mother likes to tell me." Uncle Zander says. "So about a place to sleep, is there an extra room here that I could stay for the night? If I wait to go home, I will only be able to get a few hours of sleep. I am not driving like that." I ask. "You can sleep in my room. I can go home and sleep in my old room." Nathan suggests. Nathan lives in the packhouse while his parents live in their own home. "Ok," I say. "Well, now that this is all settled I need to get home and you both have to get up in the morning. Good night." Uncle Zander says. "Good night." Nathan and I say. We all go our separate ways after Nathan shows me to his room. "Good night, Stella," Nathan says before he goes. "Nathan, wait. You'll always be my friend right?" I ask him. "Yeah, always. You also have a big brother now too. We'll keep in contact right?" Nathan ask. "Of course," I say. He smiles and leaves me. At least I still have one friend.
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