Chapter 3 Her News

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"Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness." -Steve Maraboli POV: Stella As soon as I got home mom slapped me across my face. Luckily Luca had already left by the time I got home. I couldn't be more grateful to the moon goddess for this. He had a border patrol shift he couldn't be late for again. Uncle Zander has already warned him twice about it. Our Alpha likes the three-strike rule. I've been home for two hours now and she still hasn't told me her news yet. Sometimes I think she makes things up just so she can yell at me. For the first hour, I endured her punishment for talking back. Let's just say I have yet another broken rib. Tears and sadness are best friends. They have never left me and provide me with a sense of calm. I'm now cooking my mother the dinner she demanded I make her. This house I live in is not my home. This hasn't been home in a long time. A home is somewhere you feel happy, loved, and safe. I feel none of those things in this house. I'm more like an unpaid live-in maid. Now that I'm turning 18 in the next three weeks I can do something about my living situation. I will be speaking to Uncle Zander about moving into the packhouse. I'll still be trading hells but the abuse won't be as bad there. At night the abuse in the packhouse will be worse because Alpha Zander works there during the day. Beta Shane and Gamma Reece are always around too. They don't allow bullying as Alpha Zander does. Beta Shane replaced my dad as Beta after he died. Normally in the case of a ranked member's death, their oldest child takes over. I wasn't of age and unfortunately a female. Now I'm a broken wolf so I will never be the pack's Beta. A female can be the Beta, it's just a little unorthodox. In a werewolf society, the male is the leader. It's more common for a Gamma to be female than a Beta. Anyway, If the child cannot take over for whatever reason, the Beta's sibling would take over. My father was an only child. Uncle Zander chose Shane as his beta. My mom is still technically the female Beta of the pack but most people look at Beta Shane's mate as a Beta female. My mom could have taken the sole Beta position but opted out of it. She's been hoping for a better opportunity. You see my parents aren't fated mates. My grandparents arranged for them to mate. My dad wasn't finding his fated so he agreed to mate with my mother. My mom isn't from this pack. She's from the Shadow Knight pack. I have family there. My grandparents are still alive. I have an Uncle. Mom doesn't like to talk to them much. We've never gone to visit them. I met my grandparents once when I was seven. They send me a birthday and Christmas card every year. Maybe I could reconnect with them after I've left for university. It would be nice to have a place to go when school lets out instead of coming back to this pack. Uncle Hayden comes around at least twice a year. Mom doesn't like it very much. I think he only comes around for me. He calls me every Thursday to check on me. I've thought about asking him if I could just come stay with him for the summer. Maybe that would be a better choice than staying here. I wouldn't be in an abusive environment anymore. I'm not sure how people are in the Shadow Knight pack. They will most likely treat me like they do here. I'm broken and weak. No pack in their right mind would ever accept me. I've thought about going rogue and just leaving the pack forever. That's what I'd essentially be doing for my original plan to go to university. I won't be coming back unless I have to. "Where is my dinner!? I thought I told you to clean this mess up!" Mom yells from the living room. She's talking about the vase she threw at my head earlier. I've been busy cleaning the other stuff she broke and threw at me. "I can only do so much at once! Your stupid dinner is done!" I yell back annoyed. I'm not a magician. I can't just make it all disappear. If I could do that, I'd make her disappear and never return. My hair is suddenly tugged on hard. I'm thrown to the floor. "Did you not learn your lesson before? Do I need to make it more clear to you? You get one warning today since I'm in such a great mood today. Go clean that mess up and come sit down for dinner. I have great news to tell you." Mom says. "Fine," I say clenching my jaw. If I say anything back it will be much worse and I'm already in a lot of pain from earlier. I set her plate in front of her on the table before I go clean up the broken shards of glass from what was once a vase. Mom must be in good spirits because rarely does she allow me to eat with her. I always have to wait till she's done and eat whatever scraps she leaves me. I'm not allowed to cook for myself. If I want to eat something I have to have her permission to do so. The only time I would get to eat a full meal was at school. Now that it is no longer an option. I just need to make it through the rest of today without pissing her off. I finish cleaning the broken vase up and sit at the table with her. I look at her asking permission to eat. "Fix your plate and sit down." She says. She is in a good mood. She's not only allowing me to sit at the table with her but eat as well. It makes me curious to know what this news of hers is. I know it's nothing good for me. If she's happy about it, it will undoubtedly be beneficial to her and very bad for me. I make my plate and sit at the furthest side of her. I decide to eat my food before she changes her mind. I've eaten half my plate by the time she speaks up. "We're moving. You have a week to pack up the house. All my dreams are coming true. I will finally be Luna." She says. What!? Who in their right mind would make her their Luna? Wait, did she say a week? That's before my birthday. I legally have to go with her unless I can get Uncle Zander to agree to let me stay without her. Well, it would be more like getting her to agree. She hates it when I mention Uncle Zander and around him. "Where?" I ask. "The Shadow Knight Pack. You will be given a set of rules to follow while we are there later. I expect every last one to be followed always. Do not embarrass me in front of my family and friends." She says. "I understand. Do I have to go? I can stay with Uncle Zander. He won't mind." I take a chance. Her face turns red in anger. "No! Don't ever mention him again. How dare you side with him after what he did to me. You are coming with me and that is final. I may not want you but I will never leave you with him." She says seriously. She gets serious like this anytime I mention him. I've never been able to find out what he apparently did to her. I've always got the feeling that she's covering something up. Normally she'd be angry and hit me. This is never the case when it comes to Alpha Zander. She gets a red on the face angry but serious and calm all the same time. "You're finished eating. Go clean the kitchen. Then put my glass of wine on my nightstand. Since Luca is busy tonight plug in Franando. He needs a good charge before I play with him." She orders me. I give her a nod and take my plate to the kitchen. At least I got to eat most of it. It doesn't take me long to clean up. I pour her a glass of wine and put it in her bedroom where she wants it. Then I grab a tissue and get Franando out of her nightstand drawer and plug him into the charge. Franando is what she calls her vibrator. I hate when she makes me touch him. It is so gross. Once I have everything done I get myself ready for bed. It seems I have an entire house to pack up and she will not be helping at all.
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