Chapter 2 Six Years Ago

787 Words
"Life is divided into three terms - that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, to live better in the future." -William Wordsworth POV: Stella Six years ago after Stella's father passed... "Hey, Stella, Violet and I were thinking of going to see a movie this weekend. I know you're going through a lot right now but maybe you could join us." Tera asks. She's one of my best friends. I've been blowing them off lately. I lost my dad two weeks ago. "I'm sorry Terra. I'm just not feeling it. Maybe next time." I tell her sadly. "Oh, ok. Next time." She says sounding worried. A horn honks and she runs off. Her mom is here to pick her up. We just got out of school. With my dad gone, I have to walk home now. My mom wouldn't remember or care to pick me up. I could take the bus and will in the future. I just feel like being alone right now. I've been isolating myself lately. I love my dad and miss him but I am so angry at him. He left me with her. I walk home deep in my thoughts. The one person I thought would be there for me during this time isn't. Nathan is my best friend and the future Alpha. Now he's avoiding me. I tried to ask him if I did anything but he told me to leave him alone. I think he just needs some space. Maybe he's grieving my dad too. Our families are very close. He called my dad Uncle David as I call his Uncle Zander. Maybe space is something we both need. It gives us time to reflect and process our feelings. I finally make it home and walk through the front door only to get the shock of a lifetime. My mom is straddling some guy on the couch. Her shirt and bra are completely gone. My dad just died two weeks ago. I always had a feeling she was cheating on my dad and this only confirms it. Mom hasn't shed one tear over the loss of him. It's almost like she's happy he's gone. I scream at the sight in front of me. "Mom! How could you!?" I scream in tears. She scoffs at me. "Excuse me. Go to your room Stella. I'm busy." She says annoyed. "No! He needs to leave! What about dad?" I sob and scream at her. "Babe shut that brat up or I'm leaving." The mad says. "Gladly," Mom says. She gets off him and grabs me by the arm harshly. I struggle to get out of her grasp so she sinks her claws into my arm for a better grip. This causes me to yell out in pain. I beg her to stop but she won't. She throws me in my bedroom and locks me inside. "It's ok Stella. You'll always have me. I promise." Ava tells me. She's my wolf. "No, it's not. I'm all alone at home now. She doesn't care. She hates me." I sob to my wolf. "I love you. You have your friends." She says. I know she's right but I just continue to sob for hours. The sun has gone down by now. Everything sucks right now. "Ava promise me you will never leave me." I suddenly say to my wolf feeling vulnerable and alone. "I promise." She says. My door is suddenly slammed open revealing my mom and the guy standing behind her. "Hold her down." My mom says. "What?" I ask scared and confused. A sinking feeling fills me. I feel sick suddenly. I shake my head no furiously. "No, No!" I scream. The man holds me still as my mother asks him to do. "This is for embarrassing me today. Don't ever speak to me like that again. Here is your reminder." Mom says deadly serious. She pulls a syringe out from her pocket. I struggle to get from the guy only for his grip to get tighter. Mom injects the syringe right into the top of my spine. Instantly I know what it is. Ava howls in pain. "No, STOP IT! YOU'RE KILLING HER!" I screamed but it was futile. My vision begins to blur. My body feels like it's on fire. My breathing is harsh. "I'm sorry Stella. I can't allow you to die. I sacrifice myself for your life. Goodbye, my friend." Those are the last words I heard from my wolf before everything went dark. This is the day my entire life changed and my wolf broke her promise to me. She left me as everyone else has.
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