Chapter 44 - Beach

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Another day had passed. Joffiel and Lezyel started their training to control Leyzel's emotion. Leyzel improved a lot since she has already undergone training in Heaven. It gave her more strength and courage now. The challenge for her is the time that she and her ex-boyfriend meet again. "Am I really improving, Joffiel?" Leyzel asked. "I can't wait to fulfill my promise to our Creator that this last task of mine will be accomplished. "Yes, Leyzel! Just a few days, you will completely regain the strength and confidence you had lost before. After we go to the beach, we will find the friends of Kerby," Joffiel said. "You know, when I resigned, I overheard some of my co-workers that finally I resigned. They don't like me because they are claiming that I am plastic and pretend to be kind so that our supervisor will praise me. I made the right decision to resign to escape from a toxic environment," Leyzel said. Joffiel knows that there are really toxic co-workers. She already experienced it at Azazel Company. What they need is to stay strong and don't be bothered by the negativity of other people. "It's normal. If you are doing a better job, instead of being happy for you, they will try to bring you down. However, there are still some people who keep on routing for you so don't give up. That's the life of people, we need to be used to it. I was subjected to the same situation. The other director plotted a scene to accuse me but in the end, she was the one who got terminated. I also eliminated her, since she was a demon," Joffiel explained. "Wow! You experienced fighting with a demon? That was so amazing, Joffiel. I think you are different from us. You are so brave and not easily swayed by the people. You're one of my inspirations. I know I will see you soon in Heaven. We can do this!" Leyzel said. "Didn't you try to fight against a demon? Or do you even encounter them?" Joffiel asked. "Well, I didn't experience that. How can you say when the person is a demon? Is there any sign?" Leyzel answered Joffiel's question with another question. Joffiel raised her eyebrow. This is her first time being with another angel in the human world so she does not know what are the capabilities of other angels. "You didn't know the eye of discernment? You can tell whether a person is good or bad by the color they are emitting. If it is a color green, then he or she is a kind person. On the other hand, red color means bad. But there is another one, the dark red, that's the color of the demons," Joffiel explained. Leyzel did not know about the ability that Joffiel has. She realized that every angel has different tasks. When she met Joffiel and got to know her, she had a feeling that Joffiel is not just an angel. She has harder tasks than her. "Maybe we are really different from each other. I do not have that kind of ability. My tasks are just simple but I chose to violate the rule just for a man. I think that you will have harder tasks so please stay strong too. Always remember that we will see each other in Heaven soon," Leyzel said. "Oh really? That's weird. I recalled what my mentor said before going in here. She said that the tasks given will depend on the angel's strength and capabilities. Some angels have bigger responsibilities and maybe I am one of them?" Joffiel said. Weekend has come. They already took all the things needed for the outing. Marisson did not come because of her work, however, she allowed her daughter to join the outing. She trusts Joffiel so she knows that Sheena is safe. After two hours of travel, they finally arrived at their destination. Sheena is extremely excited, as well as Joffiel and Leyzel. This is the first time that Joffiel will see the beauty of the sea. "Wow! So this is what a beach exactly looks like. I can say that this is really beautiful but Heaven is still the best place for me," Leyzel said. Joffiel's eyes widened as Leyzel vulgarly said the word "Heaven". "Everyone knows that Heaven is really beautiful and all of us want to be there," Joffiel said just to make sure no one will suspect them. Leyzel covered her mouth using her hand. After that, she mouthed sorry to Joffiel. Joffiel understood her since there are instances that you will say unexpected things. "I really love vitamin sea! I hope that we can get a simple house near the beach. I want to visit this kind of place often," Sheena said. "Keidi, don't be shy! Join with us! Come on!" Joffiel and Leyzel laughed as Sheena pulled Keidi just to join them. Keidi is just shy but deep inside, he is also excited. The last time he went to the beach was with his parents. They were happy that time and his father was still kind and not doing bad things to other people. How he wishes that he could bring them back and start a new life. "Keidi, here is our food. Get whatever you want. I made this for us and it's good for many people even though we are just four here. It's better to have more than less," Joffiel said. "Thank you, Joffiel. You are always thinking of us. Don't forget to relax and enjoy. You deserve this kind of outing," Keidi said. "I just realized that your name sounds like my ex-boyfriend's name, Keidi. But I know, you are a very different man," Leyzel said. "I will not cheat, Leyzel. Also, I do not have time for a relationship. My studies and work are my priorities. I need to achieve my goals first," Keidi assured. Since they are conservation when it comes to outfit, Leyzel and Joffiel chose to wear rash guard clothes. Sheena is wearing shorts and a cropped top. Joffiel didn't bother to intrigue the outfit of Sheena since everyone has their own choice, especially wearing clothes. In an instant, the two angels already know how to swim even if it's their first time. They are teaching Keidi and Sheena how to float and swim so that no one is left behind. "Many boys are looking at you, guys! I don't like their stares. It gives me shivers," Sheena said. "Wait, why on earth will I see Kerby here?" Leyzel said. "What? He is here? Where?" Joffiel asked. "Maybe he didn't notice me since I am not wearing huge eyeglasses. You definitely turned me into a different person. I looked like a well-dressed woman because of you. Thanks for that," Leyzel said. Joffiel smiled because Leyzel didn't show any negative thoughts. Her fourth task became easier since Leyzel is also an angel. She just loved an unfaithful man and that's the only thing she violated. Leyzel's last task is not her task, Joffiel only needs to make sure that Leyzel will not repeat the same mistake she did "What are you going to do now?" Joffiel asked. "She should walk head up high and don't bother to look at him. He doesn't deserve your attention," Sheena said. Leyzel laughed. She said, "Don't worry, there's no way I will love him again. Ruining my own life is not my thing to do. I have learned my mistake and this should be avoided. Repeating my mistake will make me look like a fool." "Wow! You and Joffiel have the same way of thinking. If I didn't know you, I would think that you two are sisters. Both of you are gorgeous and smart!" Sheena said. "That's a different story, Sheena. We could be sisters too," Leyzel said. "Kerby is wearing floral polo. The friends with him right now are maybe those influencing him." Unexpectedly, the men who Sheena pointed to went to their place. Joffiel tapped Leyzel's shoulder to let her know the situation. She whispered, "They are here." "Hello, ladies! Would you like to join us?" the man asked. Kerby was with another woman, indeed. The woman is clinging to Kerby like someone would steal him from her. "We just want to swim. No need for other activities," Sheena answered. "We are asking your two sisters. You are too young and not allowed to join us," the other man said. "Do you guys really care for other people? Or you just want to enjoy yourselves without thinking of any situations that may affect other people's lives?" Leyzel said. "Yes, she is too young to join your group of friends. But we are the only guardians who's with her so who would look for her if we join your silly games?" Kerby and his friends were shocked when Leyzel looked at them. Even the new girlfriend of Kerby was stunned looking at Leyzel. "What a coincidence, Kerby. Your ex-girlfriend is looking so pretty today," the man said. "You're so cheeky. Don't you know how to respect other people? Are you proud of your wrongdoings?" Keidi said, giving the group of Kerby a warning. "Woah, woah! Easy, man. I am not hitting on Leyzel. Just admiring her beauty. I saw her pictures before with Kerby and she was not dressed and looked like this," the man explained. Joffiel looked at Leyzel. She feels relieved when Leyzel is just calmed and just staring at Kerby and his friends blankly. She hold Leyzel's hand just in case that she lost her control. This is an unexpected day for Leyzel so Joffiel needs to be more aware and careful. "Please, leave Leyzel alone. She's here to have fun and not to be bothered by anyone. Learn to mind your own business too, not everyone will like your ideas. Keep it yourself," Keidi added. "Also, you have your mother. Come to think of it. If you are disrespecting other women, what would your mother or sister feel if this happened to themselves? Don't let the bad things you are doing, will be felt by your own family," Joffiel added to what Keidi had said. Some of the men can't look at Joffiel's eyes. The friends of Kerby felt embarrassed and asked the man who keeps on talking to Leyzel to stay out of it. Using the eye of discernment, Joffiel confirmed that these people are really a bad influence to Kerby. Even Kerby showed a color red as a sign of being a bad person. "So feisty," the man said. Kerby and his friends had left. Sheena continues to swim and easily forget what happened. "I think my task is now starting," Leyzel said. "Well, it is a sign that the Creator is giving you another chance to finish your task. Thanks to Keidi, what he said earlier can help you," Joffiel assured.
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