Chapter 43 - Moving on

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Joffiel asked Keidi to help Leyzel to get her things in his ex-boyfriend's apartment. Leyzel finally decided to temporarily live with Joffiel. "Really? Leyzel is going to live here?" Sheena asked. "I am so excited! I now have two sisters!" "I asked her to stay here. She has nowhere to stay so I suggested Leyzel to stay here since the apartment can accommodate three people. His ex-boyfriend dumped her like he didn't even love Leyzel. Let's help her to be happy again without that man in his life. Are you willing to help me?" Joffiel said. "Are they living in one apartment that is why Leyzel needs to find a new home?" Sheena asked, innocently. "Yes, Sheena. She really needs to stay away from what is hurting her. Leaving the apartment is the best choice she could," Joffiel answered. "I see. I hope she is really okay," Sheena said. "Don't worry too much. Your new sister is a strong-independent woman and knows how to handle this kind of situation. We just need to support her to every battle she's experiencing right now. But overall, she can pass this trial," Joffiel assured, making sure that Sheena won't be bothered by the attitude and behaviour of Lezyel since they need to hide the truth of their identity. "Okay. I will help you make her happy again" Sheena said. They both agreed to help Leyzel and treat her just like their sister. Now, Joffiel decided to cook food for them. As usual, Sheena helped her to prepare some ingredients. "I am glad that the holiday is one week. We can help her by going out. What do you think?" Sheena said. "Going out?" Joffiel asked, since she was confused by Sheena's suggestion. "Like going to an amusement park or museum. We can also go to beautiful places such as beaches or farms. I miss travelling. All I do is study and do my homeworks. It's kind of boring," Sheena explained. Joffiel got an idea from Sheena's suggestion. Since Leyzel will live here, I should ask her to resign from her work. Her last task is her ex-boyfriend so she doesn't need to work for her daily needs. I am here to help her. Joffiel thought to herself. "That's a good idea, Sheena. I also want to see the beach. Let's look into it. Ask your mother to join us. The more, the merrier. I hope she's available," Joffiel said. "I forgot to ask you. Why are you on a vacation when the coffee shop should be operating especially on holidays?" Sheena asked. Joffiel should really work in a coffee shop but when she found out that Leyzel needs help, she filed for a one week vacation leave. Jayden approved it without further questions. Instead, he said that he will handle the shop himself while Joffiel is on vacation. Jayden knows that Joffiel might get tired working at two companies so he lets her do whatever she wants. For him, Joffiel is important to his company. He is planning to recommend her to their company to have a higher position when she is at the right age. "Sir Jayden let me have a vacation leave. He will manage the shop. Don't worry, I already planned this since Leyzel needs our help," Joffiel explained. "He is really kind when it comes to you. I smell something fishy," Sheena said. Joffiel pinched Sheena's nose. She does not want to be teased with someone. Having a boyfriend is a big violation for her task. Sheena will not understand her situation. "There's no something fishy, Sheena. He is just kind, not only to me but also to my co-workers. Maybe you can't see him interacting with other people. When you get to know him more, you will realize that he is a kind-hearted man," Joffiel explained, hoping that Sheena would get her point. "I see. You know, Sir Jayden is like a brother to me so I wanted him to have a girlfriend like you. But then, I realized that he is still too young for that and he should focus on his studies," Sheena said. Joffiel felt relieved after what Sheena had said. She really wants to stop Sheena from teasing her but she does not want to hurt her feelings. "That's right, Sheena. He's still too young and we should not control other people, especially when choosing someone they will love. Always remember that, okay?" Joffiel said. "Noted! Another reminder for me. You are right. Even me, I don't want someone to tell whom I will love. I got it now. I should apply in my mind the situation I am thinking before saying it," Sheena said. After two hours, Keidi and Leyzel arrived. They assisted Lezyel to bring all her things inside the apartment. Keidi put the bed they bought earlier. "We need to eat first before continuing this. Let's eat," Joffiel said. "I didn't know that Keidi is just a teenager too. Amazing, isn't it?" Leyzel said. "I am glad to meet Joffiel. She helped me to become a better person. I was so hopeless before and about to do something bad again, but she stopped me from doing it. This is my life now and I am very thankful for that. I even continued my studies and have two jobs to support myself," Keidi said. Leyzel felt happy and looked at Joffiel. By that look, they already understood each other. Leyzel is sure that Keidi was one of Joffiel's tasks before. She is also close to the people she helped in her tasks, just like Joffiel. She didn't just resist being in love with the man in her last task. She already regretted what she did and promised herself not to go back to the man who almost ruined her life. "You are blessed because there is someone who believes in you even if she does not know you at first," Leyzel said. "Consider yourself blessed when you start to see the beauty in every little thing around you," Sheena exclaimed without looking at the three persons in front of her. "Woah! That's my girl! You are learning to give a little advice. I am so proud of you," Joffiel said in a proud tone. "Learned that from you. I am applying it to myself. Glad to tell it to others," Sheena said. After eating, they rested for a few minutes then continued organizing Leyzel's things. Sheena and Keidi went home since it's already late in the evening. Keidi is using Joffiel's car so it is okay for him to go home late. "How's your feeling?" Joffiel asked Leyzel. "Actually, I feel better now. Thanks to you!" Leyzed answered. "Why do you dress like that? Is it intended?" Joffiel asked again. "No, it's not. This is only what I afford. I don't know how to dress like a normal person. Everything is expensive! I can only buy our food. My ex-boyfriend let me stay with him. We are actually going one year this year, but this happened," Leyzel said. Leyzel is almost turning twenty years old this year. If she did not fall in love with her last task, she would have a better life now in heaven. She is probably a real angel now. But things went differently. Joffiel thought to herself. "I would like you to take your time for yourself. Resign at your work and just stay here. I will provide what you need. Since he is your last task, you need to prepare yourself when you two meet again. Build yourself and finish your task without any attached feelings to him. Can you do that?" Joffiel said. "I don't want to bother you, Joffiel. It's okay for me to work since I need to give a share to your monthly payment on this apartment," Leyzel said, rejecting Joffiel's offer. "How can you focus when you are busy? Remember, you still need to train your way of thinking. Being stressed at work will worsen your situation. If you are too shy to stay here without paying bills, maybe you can do house chores in return. I want to help you, Leyzel. You need to help yourself too," Joffiel reminded. "If you insist, I will definitely do it. I want to become a real angel. I know that I have to be brave when the time has come and our path crosses again. I need to help him to have a better life with his parents," Leyzel said. Joffiel sighed a relief. She can now train Leyzel to control her feelings or thoughts again. It doesn't matter to Joffiel how long it would take as long as Leyzel can go back to heaven once she finishes her last task. "What happened between him and his parents?" Joffiel asked. "My ex-boyfriend decided to live alone since his parents are trying to control all his moves. He felt like a prison in his own family and house. Then he met me at the grocery store. I became his ears whenever he wanted to open his feelings. Until one day, I found myself being affected by the negative thoughts and a few days after, I was in love," Leyzel told. "So your task is to help him unite with his family?" Joffiel asked. "Maybe this will still be your task but it's not that easy since he is living with another woman. He might not listen to you if you talked to him directly." Leyzel stared at the wall blankly. She doesn't know what to do next. Even his ex-boyfriend's parents don't want to see their son. She's glad that his parents are nice to her and they see that their son acts differently when he is with Leyzel. However, they did not see it coming that their son would cheat on her. "Do you have any suggestions? I am running out of ideas. He's not in the apartment but I still need to move out. I think he's with his new lover," Leyzel said. "Well, if you can't find him, work with his parents. Use his parents to lure him out and make them unite again. Of course, you need to convince his parents first that they should forgive their son and have a new life again with him," Joffiel suggested. "They are actually rich. Kerby is just greedy and he wants to get all his inheritance, including their company. That's the reason why they fought. He has an older sister and supposedly, she was the Heiress of their company, not Kerby. When he found it out, he protested and threatened them to be out of his life. His parents did not tolerate him, instead, asked him to do what he was threatening," Leyzel added. "Kinda weird. Where did he learn to be greedy? You should also look for those people who are close to him. Get rid of the bad influence first and give them advice on how not to meddle in someone's life or decisions. One factor that a person becomes greedy is the influence or the mind being corrupted by the other people," Joffiel said. "You have a point, Joffiel. As far as I know, he has this group of friends whom he's with all the time. All they do is party and drink alcohol or beers. From the very start, I doubted them without seeing their faces. Kerby didn't even bother to introduce them to me," Leyzel said. Now, Joffiel is having a better understanding of Leyzel's situation. She became the comfort and someone to lean on of Kerby. While comforting Kerby, Leyzel became vulnerable. She started to care for someone so hard that it made her feel negative emotions, just like a person. "Then let's find out who his friends are. While I am on a vacation, we need to start your training. I think you already finished your contract at your work so you can now resign," Joffiel said. "Yes. Actually tomorrow is the renewal of our contract. It is a perfect time to get to know you. I really hope that I can fulfill my promises to become a real angel and be able to help Kerby," Leyzel said. "Don't worry, it's never too late to change. If the people are given many chances by our Creator, what more if you are chosen to be a real angel?" Joffiel assured. "Tomorrow, I will resign. I believe in you and this is the best thing for me to do. I also hope that in the future, Kerby will learn a lot from me. He should focus on his goals, not his friends' whims," Leyzel said. Joffiel starts to notice that Leyzel is now regaining her trust in herself. This is a good sign for her that when Leyzel realizes all the sacrifices she made for her tasks before, will now be paying off. She announced that they will have an outing on the weekend so that they can relax and take time for themselves. Leyzel felt excited since she didn't experience going out with friends. All her life was dedicated to her tasks and eventually became responsible in helping Kerby for almost a year. "Oh! One of your stars is blinking. Does that mean I am starting to be a good angel again?" Leyzel noticed. Joffiel looked at her bracelet and confirmed that the star really is blinking. She smiled at Leyzel and it gave them a new hope.
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