Chapter 42 - Fourth Task

2022 Words
Joffiel saw a woman crying when she went to the comfort room to check Sheena. It is normal for Joffiel to see some people crying in a public place. The woman wiped her tears as Joffiel silently entered the comfort room. The woman is one of the cashiers at the grocery store inside the mall. Joffiel is trying to act like she doesn't care, just to make the woman won't feel embarrassed. The bracelet of Joffiel suddenly emits a blinking light which means, this woman is her new task. Joffiel secretly glanced at the woman to memorize her face. She noticed that the woman wore an old-fashioned outfit. She also has big eyeglasses. Joffiel opened her bag to get the tissue and handed it to the woman. The woman smiled and did not decline Joffiel's kindness. Joffiel even gave her a comforting smile. "I know that life is too hard sometimes, but always remember that you need to fight your own fears and weaknesses. It's okay to cry, it's part of our battle. Just don't forget to get up and continue your battles," Joffiel adviced, not looking at the woman. Joffiel could not help herself, but gave the woman motivational words. She feels that the woman is kinda different from the other people she's seeing. "Thank you for your concern, Miss. I just can't stop myself from crying. My heart is so heavy," the woman said. "I understand. It is okay sometimes to cry. It will help you lessen the heavy feelings inside your heart. Let it out. After that, don't forget to pick up your self," Joffiel said. "Woah, thank you again! It is nice to meet someone who has a positive mind. Continue to spread kindness. I really appreciate your concern," the woman said in a positive way. "Don't worry, that's my goal in life, to spread kindness and be thoughtful to everyone. Kindness has no price," Joffiel assured. Sheena went out of the cubicle. She also noticed the teary eyes of the woman. Just like Joffiel, she is soft hearted and always wants to help other people. Sheena went beside the woman. "Miss, why are you crying? Do you want someone to talk to? Joffiel and I are willing to listen to you," Sheena said, voluntarily. "Thank you, young lady. My boyfriend broke up with me earlier but don't worry, after I cry, I can pick my broken pieces again. Just unlucky to have an unfaithful man. I am considering this as a lucky day since I finally got out in a toxic relationship," the woman said. The woman emits green light which means she is kind. Joffiel is just confused and curious why the green light is different from other people. Joffiel sees her as a strong woman. Even though an unfortunate event happened, the woman still managed to smile and assure them that she is okay and can handle the situation. It means that the woman is independent. However, Joffiel is still not sure what really the woman feels inside her heart. Sheena hugged the woman. She said, "I cannot relate to the pain you are experiencing right now. I hope that your heart heals very soon." Joffiel is proud that Sheena is now showing her kindness to another person. The impact of Joffiel's kindness and lessons to Sheena is now showing. "Honestly, I also do not know your pain since I don't even experience getting in a relationship. However, I can see in your eyes that you are a strong-independent woman. I can feel that you have a deeper reason why you are crying. I am not going to ask you for details, but if you want someone to lean on, you can call or text me. I will give you my number. I also don't have many friends here since I am a new resident here. Hoping to be your friend," Joffiel said, hoping that the woman will accept her. Joffiel needs to be friends with her so that she can have a deeper understanding of the woman's main problem. She knows that the task is more than a breakup. If it is only about breakup, then the woman will not be on her task. It can be resolved by her own way of thinking and handling the situation. The woman accepted the contact details of Joffiel. Sheena was so happy that she even thought of having a new friend. "By the way, I am Joffiel and she is Sheena," Joffiel said. "I also forgot to introduce myself. I am Leyzel. I am working here so you can easily see me," the woman said. "Well, see you around? Your break time is about to end. I hope to see you again and let's have some meal sometime," Joffiel said. "Sure thing! Thank you for listening to my drama today. Don't worry, I know that we will meet again. Thank you again, Joffiel and Sheena. I really appreciate the little things you did for me," Leyzel said. Since Joffiel and Sheena need to go home before the sun sets, they bid goodbye to Leyzel. They are both happy and satisfied with their activities today. They already bought what they needed and even got takeout food for their dinner, including Marisson. "Do you think that she's really okay? She's crying but still has a positive mind. I am starting to adore her. I feel that both of you have similarities, except for crying. I don't not even see your sad reactions," Sheena said. Joffiel was stunned for a while. She did not expect that Sheena had noticed such a thing. Even though Joffiel wants to think Leyzel is an angel, she cannot imagine it because Leyzel cried and even got sad. "Every person has a different way of thinking. Set your mind to always think positively. For me, being sad will not resolve my problems. I used to think differently," Joffiel explained. "Noted again! Thank you for always reminding me. Mom would be so proud of me if she sees me becoming a good woman," Sheena said, proudly. Joffiel went back the day after to the mall to see Leyzel since it is still a holiday. She has a strange feeling. The green light of Leyzel is different from the other people around which still bothers Joffiel. She saw Leyzel busy packing the groceries of the customers. She is still smiling even though the time was so tiring and almost time for out. She still waited for Leyzel to know the truth. After Leyzel's work, Joffiel called her. Joffiel invited her to have dinner at her apartment. Leyzel is a bit hesitant since she just met Joffiel the second time around. "Leyzel, I just want to confirm something that's why I am inviting you to my apartment," Joffiel said. "I want you to be directed to the point. What is your motive?" Leyzel asked. Joffiel thinks that Leyzel is really different from the other people from her tasks before. This is just giving Joffiel more hints about the real identity of Leyzel. "Are you an angel?" Joffiel asked. Leyzel was stunned at Joffiel's question. She did not expect that someone younger than her would know about her identity. She shyly looked at the ground. She felt embarrassed because she's an angel but, showing negative emotion was Joffiel's first encounter with her. This was her first time meeting an angel here on Earth. "I didn't know that you are also an angel. Let's talk about it when we get in your apartment," Leyzel said. Joffiel excitedly nodded and called Keidi to fetch them. Leyzel was also shocked when she learned that Joffiel has a car and driver. When they arrived at Joffiel's apartment, Joffiel prepared food for their dinner. She has no plan calling Sheena since she and Leyzel need to talk privately. "When did you start feeling negative emotions? You are starting nor to follow our rules," Joffiel said. "Well, I fell in love. I know I am wrong, I admit. I thought that this feeling is nothing since he is just one of my tasks. I saw myself starting to feel a different emotion. We became lovers but after a year, we broke up because I saw him cheating on me. I also failed my task on him. I lose my hopes and I think the Creator will give me punishment sooner. I am scared of becoming a devil, Joffiel. I really don't know what to do," Leyzel explained. Joffiel can't believe that some angels are really falling in love with people. She does not see herself being in love. "To be honest, you are my fourth task. I don't know why an angel like you will be my task. Let me figure it out. Can you help me?" Joffiel admitted. "Oh really? That's actually weird. I thought our tasks were only for people here. But I am hoping that your task is letting myself continue my task becoming an angel. I know I did violate our rules," Leyzel said. Joffiel already had a feeling on her 4th task. It looks like it is easy to do, but in reality, this is not familiar with Joffiel. Leyzel is still kind, but she violated the law. There are consequences for them, worse is becoming a devil. Joffiel does not want to see her co-angel falling into such things. "Do you think that my task is helping you to bring the Creator's trust again?" Joffiel asked. "I hope so. When I started to fall in love, I felt different negative emotions. I know that time was a crucial part of my task. I even sacrificed becoming a real angel just for him. In the end, he just cheated and went to his new lover," Leyzel said. Joffiel noticed the way Leyzel dressed and how she put make ups on her face. Leyzel is gorgeous but she is hiding it. But for Joffiel, having a messy look should not be the reason on which a lover tends to cheat and look for a prettier girlfriend or more handsome boyfriend. "Let's build up your character first. You need to control your emotions. Remember your training, it will help you a lot. I am here to guide you," Joffiel said. "I am trying to do that but I keep on losing my hopes. I don't understand what is something he wanted and found it in his new lover," Leyzel said in a sad tone. Joffiel held Leyzel's hand because she is having negative thoughts again. She said, "Clear your mind. You are at your negative thoughts again. Starting today, control your mind and see everything in a good way. You can do this. Believe on yourself!" "Thank you, Joffiel. I am so sorry for acting like this. I promise, I will try harder and not easily give up," Leyzel promised. Joffiel hugged her. She promised herself that she won't fall in love. There are lots of temptations but she needs to resist it. These are only the challenges of the Creator for them to test their loyalty being a real angel. "Well, where do you live? Do you want to stay here so I can easily help you regain your strength? We can set up another bed here since it is actually good for three renters," Joffiel said. "Are you actually for real? I am looking for a new apartment since my ex-boyfriend wants me to get out of his apartment. That's why I was crying yesterday. I don't know where to stay. I am lucky to be found by you," Leyzel said, gaining her hopes again. "Yes. Luckily, Sheena insisted on going to the comfort room. My bracelet also gave me a hint that my fourth task was just nearby. You are the only one who was inside the comfort room," Joffiel said. "Take a look at my bracelet, it still has a signal." Leyzel checked Joffiel's bracelet. She can now see each other's bracelet since they already know that they are both an angel. They will never see each other's bracelet if they do not know their real identity.
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