Chapter 41 - Fruit picking

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"You are really busy nowadays, Joffiel. We don't even eat meals together. I missed hanging out with you," Sheena said. Joffiel pinched Sheena's cheeks. She said, "Since I don't have work today due to the Holidays, do you want to go to the mall?" “Of course! I want to!” Sheena said, excitedly. “There is a new restaurant nearby. Do you want to visit it?” “Let’s go. Change your clothes, Sheena. I will wait for you here. Don’t forget to ask the permission of your mother.” Joffiel said. Marisson is working even though today is a holiday. She has a higher position so being busy all the time is normal for her. Sheena learned how to be independent so she was used to it when her mother is working on holidays or taking overtime. After a few minutes, Sheena went back to Joffiel’s apartment. Joffiel did not bother Keidi so she and Sheena decided to grab a car. Joffiel remembered the first day Sheen treated her to some clothes. She thought that it was now the time to return the kindness to Sheena. She now has a stable job, not only one but two. Joffiel wants to see Sheena happy when they are hanging out together. "Wow! I didn't know that the restaurant you are referring to is also a farm," Joffiel said in an amused tone. "Yes! Isn't it beautiful?" Sheena asked. "We can pick some blueberries and other fruits available. However, it has an entrance fee excluding the fruit picking." Joffiel looked around and realized that the place can also handle different events since it has a function hall. She thinks that this might help her job for community programs. "Indeed, beautiful!" Joffiel agreed while nodding her head not looking at Sheena. "What about fruit picking? Do you know their pricing?" "It is per kilo basis depending on the fruits you will pick. It is not that pricey so we need to try it," Sheena explained. "It's my treat, Sheena. Let's do whatever you want today. Pick some fruits for your mother too," Joffiel said. They ordered food for their lunch. While waiting for the food to be served. They decided to walk around the farm and took some pictures together. Sheena immediately posted their photos to her social media accounts ang tagged Joffiel's account on it. Sheena told Joffiel to open her account so that Joffiel can see the photos. Joffiel noticed that the friend requests increased in number. Some random people keep on messaging her even though she knows no one. "I think our food is ready. Let's go back first. We'll do the fruit picking after lunch," Joffiel said. Sheena nodded her head and followed Joffiel inside the restaurant. Joffiel noticed the picture of Jayden on Sheena's phone when they were checking the photos they captured earlier. "I noticed Jayden's picture on your phone. Do you like him or are you just fangirling since he is really talented and handsome," Joffiel asked. "He is my inspiration. I am not into him, alright? I just want to be like him soon. I saved his picture since whenever I see his face, the more motivation I am gaining. I really adore him and treat him as my brother," Sheena explained. Joffiel felt curious about Jayden. People around her like Jayden and even respect him. At a young age, he was able to handle a business. Her thoughts of Jayden being an angel felt nothing. No angel will stay long outside heaven. "He is really hard working. I am curious about him. Can you tell me more about him?" Joffiel said. Sheena smiled at Joffiel like she was teasing her. It is true that Sheena likes Joffiel for Jayden since they have similarities. "He loves to read books. His favorite book is Hovictus: The Rise of the Archeans. You should read that too if you have free time. He is good at swimming and one of his outdoor activities is going to the nearest lake to fishing with his father," Sheena told. "Woah, interesting. I want to try fishing someday. It looks like it is fun to do. I will also try to find that book," Joffiel said. "He likes summer but his favorite shape is crescent. He is not biased when it comes to people. Sir Jayden is a blessing to some people," Sheena added. After eating, they went fruit picking. Joffiel is enjoying the life of being a person. She's learning many things about them but she knows that it is only for a short time of period. Once she finishes her tasks, she will immediately go back to heaven. They went to a mall after the fruit picking. Since Keidi is free, he accompanied the two. "You know, I am so lucky to meet you, just like Sir Jayden. I am now surrounded by good people and it makes me feel special," Sheena expressed. Joffiel was touched on what Sheena had said. At least she has been improving day by day. She is confident that she will accomplish all the 10 tasks before the year ends. Where do I need to go to find my 4th task? The earth is so big and I am still exploring. Joffiel thought to herself. "Do you want to go to a clothing store? Let's buy new clothes for ourselves, my treat," Joffiel said. "Really? Thank you, Joffiel!" Sheena said, then started to walk faster to go to her favorite clothing store. Joffiel looked at Keidi. She was with him for so long but she did not even buy him new clothes. She said, "Keidi, pick 10 clothes for you. This is my treat since I got my bonus. Don't be shy, you are like a brother to me." "Oh? This is too much, Joffiel. Thank you for your kindness," Keidi said. Joffiel has saved a lot of money and she doesn't even need much of it. She will use it for her future tasks if ever she needs to help someone, especially when money is the problem. "It is just a small thing, Keidi. I really love treating people if they deserve it. This is what I love," Joffiel explained. "I will do the same, Joffiel. I want to become a better person. I will make sure to always help people in a good way," Keidi said.
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