Chapter 30 - Eliminating a Demon

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Joffiel woke up to the sound of her ringing cell phone. She stood up and checked who was calling her. She saw that it was Realyn. But before she was able to answer the call, her phone stopped ringing. I wonder how she acquired my number? Why is she calling me anyway? Joffiel prepared for her work and then called Keidi to bring her to the company. Joffiel arrived early at Azazel Company. Unexpectedly, Realyn was waiting for her. "You are late! Are you always late like this?" Realyn exclaimed. "I am sorry, but I am 20 minutes early, Ms. Ria. Is there something wrong?," Joffiel said. She knows that Realyn has planned something to do with her. It is the first time that they will talk to each other privately. Joffiel remembers all the things that her team told her. They want Joffiel to do her best to avoid Realyn as much as possible. Everyone knows that being incontact with Realyn means a lot of trouble. “Well, you are late for me. A good worker comes to the office earlier than that. Anyway, I have prepared files for you to review and I want you to finish it today. I will need those reports before 4o’clock. So you better do it now,” Realyn ordered. “I see, let me see it,” Joffiel said as Realyn handed her a thick stack of files. “I wonder how you would finish those, you poor little thing,” Realyn whispered, trying to ridicule Joffiel. “I’m sorry? What did you say?” Joffiel asked. “Oh, nothing. I said, I know you can finish those reports before afternoon,” Realyn explained. Joffiel checked the files carefully. She realized that it has nothing to do with her tasks and she knew that Realyn is only doing this to hinder her from focusing on their project. Joffiel arranged the files carefully then handed it back to Realyn. She said, “It’s definitely not my job to review any of these files. I think you should get someone else to do it for you. This kind of report is not a job for my team right now, so why are you giving me a different task unrelated to our work?” Realyn forcefully grabbed Joffiel’s hand to get her near her then shoved the files on Joffiel’s chest. Joffiel stands still and brave to face this demon closely. The bloody red color of Realyn becomes darker and blackish as if it is the color of a thick blood. I need to eliminate this demon at this company before she could bring havoc and ruin the innocent lives of the people that are working here. I won’t let that happen again, not on my watch. Joffiel thought to herself. “Don’t make it hard for me, Joffiel. Don’t you try to go against me. Since you want to be the apple of our eyes and you want all the attention, now you have my attention so do this job. You are just new here and I am one of your bosses! You should do what I order you to do and I am not asking for it, I am ordering you to do it,” Realyn said. Joffiel smiled at her. She teased, “As far as i know we have the same level of position here in Azazel Company. So you can’t just order me around. I know that I don't work for you, Realyn. If ever I am wrong, I will ask Sir Fenril to clarify things.” Joffiel discreetly looked at the CCTV camera installed last week to ensure that they can be seen on it. She knows that Realyn does not know about it. One wrong move, Realyn might be terminated by the company. She's left Realyn. But when she was about to enter her office, Realyn grabbed her hair and pulled her back by the hair. She did not expect that Realyn would do this to her. She thought that as long as the CCTV captured the scene, people would clearly see that Realyn was the one who started it. "Do you think that Sir Fenril will believe a newcomer like you? Don't ever think to turn your back at me, you stupid girl!" Realyn said while holding Joffiel’s hair, losing out of control. "So this is what you are going to do if I don't follow your orders? Hurt me? You are finally showing your true color. Aren't you scared of being caught?" Joffiel said then slapped Realyn’s hand and let go of her hair. She looked at Realyn with sharp eyes. "Why would I be scared of someone like you? As if you can do anything to me. You’re just a nobody! I have been working here for so long, whe are you treating me like that? Don't you know that all people who don't follow my orders will be terminated when I want?" Realyn asked. "Sorry, Realyn. But not today. You can try me if you want," Joffiel said, challenging Realyn. One loud slap was felt by Joffiel. She fell to the ground. She didn't guard herself to stop Realyn from hitting her. This is exactly what she wants to happen, to eliminate her from the company. After eliminating the demon in the company, she will deal with it later on outside the company. Joffiel has to fight against demons like Realny. What is the purpose of her training in heaven if she will not be able to find and eliminate demons around her? She is well-informed that demons should not spread negativities and wrongdoings in this world. "What's going on here? This is a lot of trouble," Shane is panicky running towards them and quickly approaches Joffiel to help her. "Tell your director to know who is the boss here and learn how to respect me. This will be reported to the high authorities and I will not let this pass. I will do anything to expel you in this company," Realyn said, threatening Joffiel. Realyn fixed her blouse then walked away like nothing happened. She's proud of herself for laying her hand against Joffiel. She wants to get Joffiel out of this company because always gets the recognition, especially from Fenril. Shane helped Joffiel to stand up. She didn't see everything that happened. But she is sure that what Realyn did to Joffiel is against the rules of the company. "That woman is so evil. She has the nerve to hurt you in front of CCTV? She will surely pay for this," Shane said. "Well, she does not know that there are CCTVs installed around here. If we did not request for the installation of CCTV, then maybe I will get fired because of what she did. Now, I can attest that I am innocent," Joffiel assured. "Finally, she found someone who can face her. One reason that we do not have a permanent director in our department is because of that woman. She always do nasty things to the previous ones. She wants all the credits and recognition of having successful programs," Shane said. Joffiel thought of why there are only six people in her department. Are they having a hard time finding new employees because of this demon? Something has to be done as soon as possible. Joffiel thought to her mind. "I am glad that the five of you are still strong and tirelessly working here. I know that you are having a hard time dealing with Realyn until now. As long as I am here, I will do anything to stop her from touching all of you," Joffiel assured Shane. Joffiel knew that Realyn was belittling everyone in her team even before she came into the company. "When the last director before you resigned, I already printed my resignation letter, as well as my teammates. But, Carlo, Jas, Maori and Jessica have their own families to feed so they cannot let go of their work. They are just persevering for their loved ones. That is why they can not lose this job. Because of Realyn, we learned to talk behind her back. I know that it is wrong, but we can't help it. No one will listen to employees like us anyways," Shane sadly expressed. Joffiel was more determined to expel Realyn from the company after hearing what Shane told her. "Is that so? Well, this time, Realyn will pay for what she did to all of you. Let's wait for her report to the higher ups and you should be my witness. Speak up. You don’t have to worry because I'm on your side. I will not let Realyn continue on doing bad things to everyone in this company," Joffiel said. "I will stand for you, Joffiel and I will really tell the truth. I have enough already. I cannot take it anymore. She needs to be expelled from here. She's testing everyone's patience, I will not voice out my rights," Shane bravely said. Shane looked at the files Joffiel was holding. Joffiel didn’t realize that Realyn forgot to get it from her. This is another evidence that Realyn passed her work to another director. Both Shane and Joffiel smiled and knew what to do next. “I have a plan and I know we can expel her from this company,” Joffiel replied. They went back to their places and focused on their work. Joffiel is already enjoying her job so she won’t let a demon hinder her from doing it. But while in the middle of their work, Drew called Joffiel for a sudden meeting. As usual, she already expected what it was about because Realyn threatened her earlier. "Hello, Joffiel. So what happened? Realyn came here to report about something that happened between the two of you. So tell me, what did you do to Realyn?" Drew asked in a low voice. "I did not do anything to her, I didn't even do harm to her. What really happened is that she was the one who hurt me physically and threatened me because I refused to do her job. She tried to pass to me her work load," Joffiel answered, bluntly. "Really? But she has told a different story. Why would she give you her job? It is clear that you have different departments. Now I don’t know who is telling the truth," Drew said. "That's right, we are in different departments and I have lots of work to do on our project. That is why I refused to do what she ordered me to do. I don’t know why she still insisted that to me. Well, let the CCTV footage and this file be my proof," Joffiel said and showed Drew the files that Realyn handed her. Drew nodded. He knows that Joffiel wouldn't do what Realyn is accusing her of. Realyn has a good personality when she talks and socializes with Drew or the other directors who have a higher rank than her so Drew was really confused on which one is telling the truth. He saw Joffiel that she is confident and does not even feel nervous. He's hoping that Joffiel will not be the one who is aggravated because in fact, Drew was the one who asked Joffiel to work with them. I will just stay neutral for now. I don’t want to take sides because we need them both. Drew thought to himself. "Oh, look who's here. Someone who doesn't respect me," Realyn said, trying to mock Joffiel. "Enough, Realyn. Let's wait for Sir Fenril for further discussion. Please remain quiet for a while," Drew interrupted. Joffiel smiled at Realyn because Shane is now holding the files of Realyn. Shane is outside waiting for Joffiel's call before entering the conference room. She was not allowed to enter since only directors and other bosses are allowed inside to discuss the issue. "What in the world happened? Another issue? The project has not started yet, now you are already giving your boss a headache?" Ashe said, showing her most disappointed face reaction. Joffiel knows that a demon will always be a demon and they will just side with each other. She is not just sure if these two demons know each other's true identity. She thinks that maybe these two conspired with each other to terrorize the people working in the company. It looks like Ashe is siding with Realyn because she is an old employee here. I am just new here and I can already feel the hate of Ashe towards me. I just hope that I won’t have to deal with them at the same time. Joffiel thought to herself. Fenril arrives and looks like he is a bit disappointed in Joffiel. Now, Joffiel understands the level of trust in this work. They will give their trust to the older employee and it disappointed her. "What happened, Ms. Ria?" Fenril asked. "Can you explain why you are reporting Ms. Joffiel? Can you tell us everything that happened?" "Thank you, Sir Fenri. Please hear me out. It is just about Ms. Joffiel does not know how to respect me. Can’t she see that I am just trying to help her be more accustomed to her work. I don't know why she's being mean to me, although I am very nice to her. She even pushed and slapped me in the face! I swear, I did nothing to her. She knows that I am telling the truth," Realyn claimed. Joffiel showed them her amused reaction. The thing that Realyn had said was the opposite of what happened. Realyn is trying to turn everything against Joffiel so that Joffiel will turn out to be the one that started the commotion. "What's with the reaction, Ms. Joffiel? Are you proving Realyn's point?" Ashe asked. “See? I told you! Look at her, she is trying to mock all of us!” Realyn exclaimed. "I just find it weird that you are siding with her. I am also surprised that your sympathy is only for Realyn without hearing my side. Just because I'm a newcomer means I am not trustworthy for you," Joffiel said disappointedly. No one spoke after Joffiel expressed her disappointment. Even Realyn was taken aback. "I will never do what Realyn is accusing me of. Hurting someone will not make me look superior. I was the one who received physical abuse from Realyn. She pulled me, slapped and pushed me to the floor because I did not accept to do her own job. She keeps on insisting me to do a job that is not in my line of work. I know my rights. If you think that I am lying after I show my evidence, I am willing to resign. I will call someone that can testify for me," Joffiel explained. She saw Realyn smiling and mocking her. Joffiel stood up and opened the door. She called Shane to testify that she did not do anything wrong. Shane explained what she saw. She admitted the reason why employees under their department resign is because of Realyn. They can now do their job peacefully because of her. "If you are going to terminate Joffiel, I will resign too. I don't want to stay at a toxic workplace like this. Please watch the CCTV to know the truth. See it for yourself," Shane said. Realyn gasped at what she heard.
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