Chapter 31 - The truth

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"Why are you talking about? Why are you saying that, Shane? Did Joffiel threaten you to tell these lies? How could you do this kind of thing, Joffiel? Are you not ashamed?" Realyn asked Shane, furiously. Now Shane went up straight to where Realyn was to give her a hard slap in the face. She really wanted to do it to Realyn since she knows exactly what Realyn did. She knows that Realyn deserves that. All the people inside the conference room, except Joffiel, are shocked by what Shane did. This was really her first time to raise her voice against someone in the company. Shane really felt angry against Realyn. "See? Look at what she did. Aren't they guilty? So hurting someone is their way of proving something? You know nothing and yet you are acting like this. You are acting like a crazy b*tch!" Realyn shouted while touching the side of her face that was slapped by Shane. "How can you do that, Ms. Realyn? You are still acting like you did nothing to hurt Joffiel. Well, I can prove everything. Let's check the CCTV first so everyone will know what your true color is. I am so tired of dealing with your stupid acts. You always wanted to kick out our new director so that all the credits and praises will be yours. Don't you feel ashamed?," Shane said. "Shu---" "Enough! Let's check the CCTV and end all of this. Both of you must be ashamed of what you guys are acting now in front of everyone!" Ashe said, interrupting Realyn. Ashe ordered Drew to get the copy of the CCTV video that Shane was saying to prove what she wanted to prove to everyone. She knows that Drew is not biased when it comes to work so she entrusted it to him. Fenril is now massaging his forehead due to stress from the commotion that Shane and Realyn made. He doesn't know which one of them is telling the truth. It is new to everyone that Shane acted like that. They thought that Shane would not burst into anger because of nothing. They knew that something really was happening. Joffiel looked at Realyn with a big smile. She handed her the files. She said, "I am sorry, I was not able to do your work. We have to finish the work in our department so this is not my priority at all." When Realyn was about to get it, Fenril snatched it to take a look at it. “Let me take a look at this first,” Fenril said. Upon reading the files, he saw it was indeed Realyn's task for yesterday and today. He cannot believe that he did not see it sooner. When the CCTV confirms who was telling the truth, he would definitely get rid of one of them. "Our technical team already gave us a copy. Let me play it to the bigger screen so we can watch it clearer," Drew said. Realyn seems uneasy. She did not know that there is no CCTV around that area so she carefully chose it so no one could see them. She can't believe that Drew got a copy of their video. She was trembling with fear "How can you say that it is not manipulated? I know this kind of recording can be tampered and edited. It is hard to believe such things," Realyn asked. Drew saw that Realyn is very nervous and is sweating a lot. "Why are you feeling so nervous, Ms. Realyn? You should not worry if you know you are really telling the truth. Plus, I just got the copy a while ago. How can the technical team manipulate it? They don't even know who Joffiel was," Drew calmly said. “Who told you that I am nervous? I am not nervous at all,” Realny explained. “Okay, but why are you sweating a lot?” Drew pointed out. “Well because the air conditioning system here is not good. Can someone raise the aircon level?! It’s very hot in here already! Why is the maintenance team not doing their job to fix the aircons?” Realyn exclaimed. "Just say it already, Realyn. We know that you are just scared of being caught. Sir Fenril, If you keep her in this company, our team will never succeed. I am so tired working in this toxic environment and it is because of Realyn. This will be the last time that this happens. If you guys are still on Realyn's side, then there will be no justice. Giving up this work is the best thing for me to do," Shane bravely said. "Okay. I can understand what you are trying to say but first, let's watch the video so it will be easier for us to determine what we should do," Ashe interjected. Drew went to the projector and played the video on a large screen for everyone to view everything that happened easily. Everyone's attention was on the monitor. Everyone saw who did the first move, it was Realyn. Murmurs from the ones watching started to be heard around as they talked about Joffiel and Realyn. They saw that Joffiel didn't even hit Realyn, which is what Realyn is trying to claim. They gasped when Joffiel fell to the ground and Shane went up straight to help her. The video has a sound so all the conservations were heard by everyone. It is clear to everyone who was telling lies. Realyn felt embarrassed and looked on her feet just to avoid the stares and glares from the other directors. She knows that something really bad will happen to her. She trembles in fear as if she is about to pass out. Her sweat is dripping even harder now. "So what can you say about this video, Ms. Realyn? Would you like to tell us now that you are the one who started this issue? Everything is clear in the video and it is quite hard to deny it" Ashe said. "It's definitely her fault, actually many bad things that happened in this company are her fault! How can an evil person admit her wrongdoings? She will never admit any of it!" Shane said, angrily. Joffiel secretly stares at Ashe to see her reaction towards Shane's statement. She is waiting for Ashe if she will do something at this moment. But Ashe just raised her right eyebrow. Joffiel knew that a real demon will react to what is fact against them. "I am so disappointed, Ms. Realyn. All employees here know that I do not allow this kind of thing and wrongdoings inside the company. I can not and won't let this pass. I didn't know that the real problem of their department was you, until now. You keep on meddling on their job. Now, focus on yourself because you will no longer work here in my company. Pack your things now and I don't want to see around after an hour," Fenril said while looking at Realyn with a sinister smile. Joffiel didn't even react. At least, she proved that Fenril is not biased and keeps the company in good hands. She is right to take the opportunity to work at his company. From now on, everything will be easier now, she thought to herself. "What? Wait! This is so unfair. I've worked here for so long. Why are you terminating me? I admit that I did that because I don't feel Joffiel is fit for that job. I deserve to have a second chance, Sir Fenril! Please give me one more chance! I promise I will not do it again," Realyn cried. "If I knew that you are doing these kinds of things inside this company, you would not have a chance to work here for so long. You cheated on us by ruining other people's lives. All you want is everyone's recognition and you only think about yourself. You don't care for your team. Don't you have a conscience?" Fenril said. "Well, the one with the CCTV video is the only truth about me. I did not do what Shane had told you about me. She hates me so much and wants me to get out of this company! That is why she is making up stories to deceive everyone! Maybe she is the one who wants attention and recognition!" Realyn said as she is still denying her wrongdoings. "No more lies, Ms. Realyn. Get out of this company as Mr. Fenril had said," Ashe said. "What a shameless woman! We don’t need someone like you in this company." “No! Please! Sir Fenril! Please give me one more chance! I don’t want to leave this place! I want to be with you always! I only wanted to please you, that is why I did all of these things! I did it for you, Sir Fenril!” Realyn pleaded. She tried to approach Fenril but his body guards held her down and dragged her away from Fenril. She was crying and shouting while being dragged out of the conference room. After being dragged out from the room, she quickly wiped her tears then furiously walked down the hallway to gather her things because she knows that Fenril is serious about what he said. Fenril dismissed the meeting and already settled the issue, then she approached Joffiel to talk to her. "We are sorry for what happened, Ms. Joffiel and Ms. Shane. We promise not to let this happen again. I did not know that she was doing this kind of thing right under our noses. For the compensation, we will give you one week of vacation after the program scheduled this coming few days," Fenril said. Joffiel saw how happy Shane was. Shane’s eyes almost cried from what happened earlier in the meeting. "Thank you, Sir Fenril. However, I would like to turn down the one week vacation since I don't really need it. I promise to work harder and break the chain of ‘resigning directors' by staying at this job as long as I can," Joffiel said. "I agree with Ma'am Joffiel, Sir Fenril. We will do our job honestly as usual," Shane said. “If that is your decision, then be it. Good luck to the both of you. I have to leave you for now as I have to attend something else,” Fenril replied then left. Ashe approached the and interjected "What a very courageous woman. I hope that this kind of unfortunate event will not let you lose hope or affect your work here, in the company. I just can’t believe that you were able to oppose someone like Realyn." She smiled then left the two. After the meeting, Joffiel and Shane went back to their department and told the four members of their team that Realyn was now terminated at her job position. Now, Joffiel is thinking again of another way to eliminate Realyn for good on this planet. Everything is going well as planned. Joffiel thought to herself. “Nice! At last! She would not bother us anymore!” Carlo exclaimed. "You guys did great. Finally, we can easily do our task without her around," Maori said. "Let's forget about her. She will no longer do bad things to us. Luckily she made a bad move," Joffiel said. After her work, Joffiel will find Realyn and she needs to do the last thing to eliminate her. She needs to fight and it's the only thing she could do. Killing a demon is not against the rule, in fact, it is one of the angels' tasks. "What if she waited for us and did her revenge outside the company? What should we do next?" Carlo asked, nervously. "That's what I am about to say. Joffiel and Shane would be in danger. We should look out for them. We all know that Realyn will just let this kind of thing pass. She would surely plan something to get her revenge on us," Jas said. "Well, you can check on Shane. As for me, I know what to do if ever Realyn would find a way to attack me. I know how to fight. Nothing to worry about me. I can take her on head to head," Joffiel said. After a stressful day at the company, Joffiel once again went straight to the coffee shop. She can’t help but to think of Realyn. She needs to be careful because Realyn might come to her anytime when she is not aware. After arriving at the coffee shop, Joffiel saw her boss. She prepared herself to start her work. She noticed that their boss is frequently visiting them. Even her workmates at the coffee shop are confused by his presence because it is unusual for him to visit often. They are doing their best to look good in Jayden's eyes. All of them were properly trained by Joffiel, especially on handling their attitude towards customers. There are times that customers complain but Joffiel told them that it's normal to happen and it is a good way for them to learn from their mistakes. Keidi is now undergoing training. Joffiel lets one of the staff teach him so that they can work different tasks. Joffiel wants all of them to undergo training on how to train new employees, so in case that she is not available, anyone from the team is able to do it. Joffiel is now taking the orders of the customers. She wants a different task everyday so that she will not get bored doing the same thing. "Is it true that you made this cake?" a customer asked Joffiel. Joffiel nodded. She said "Yes, Madam. I hope that you liked it! Please try that one," then pointed at one of her creations. "I definitely love it. Do you customize cakes? Like fondant cakes? I believe that you can make customized cakes and make it your own business," the customer said. "I don't think it's allowed here, especially since we have cakes in the shop. But I will look forward to it, Madam. Thank you for your suggestion," Joffiel said. A few more talks then the customer bought a cake then left. Now, Joffiel is thinking of what the customer said. She can maybe make customized cakes for special events, such as birthdays of someone close to her Joffiel saw that Jayden was still in the coffee shop, as if he was waiting for someone to come.. "Do you want some coffee, Sir Jayden? You have stayed for so long," Joffiel asked. "Yes, please. My usual order before I leave," Jayden answered. "Noted, Sir Jayden. Is there something more you want?" Joffiel said. “That’s all, thank you,” he replied. The stares of Jayden makes Joffiel wonder why it feels like there is something familiar with him. She feels that Jayden knows her for a long time. It is like she knows Jayden personally since she already saw him on the screen flashed by Angel Zai. After a few minutes, Joffiel brought Jayden a coffee. Why did I become close to him? Do I have a related task with him? Or he is the one who will help me for my future tasks? I wonder. Joffiel thought to herself. After their duty, they cleaned the coffee shop and did the last tasks before closing. Jayden is still working on his laptop so Joffiel told her team to go home already and she will be the one who will take care of the shop. "Keidi, you should go home already. I have something to do after closing the shop," Joffiel said. "Are you sure? I can join you if you want or just call me if you want me to drive you home," Keidi said. "No, it's alright. You should sleep early. I can handle myself," Joffiel assured. Keidi had nothing to do so he followed Joffiel's order. Joffiel doesn't feel tired anymore. She knew before that heaven only let her feel the tiredness on her first day being one of the people living on this planet. Joffiel sat down at one of the chairs. She doesn't want to distract her boss. Due to his work, he didn't realize that it's already 11 in the evening. "I am so sorry, I did not look at my watch. Thank you for waiting for me to finish my work," Jayden said. "It's okay, Sir Jayden. It is still my job to look over my team. I will make sure that everyone is safe," Joffiel said. "I like your kindness. We are very lucky to have a manager like you. I hope that you can teach them how to properly handle their attitudes towards customers," Jayden said. "Sir Jayden, actually, we are already done at that part. They know how to handle different kinds of situations. I trust my teammates and I can proudly say that they are kind-hearted employees," Joffiel said. Jayden was shocked. He didn't know that this young woman knows different aspects in life. It made him more curious about Joffiel. "I will drive you home," Jayden insisted. "No need, Sir. The coffee shop is just walking distance from my apartment," Joffiel said. "I insist. I have let you wait and as what you have said earlier, it is also my job to look for everyone's safety. So let's go?" Jayden said. Joffiel smiled at him. She said, "Okay, Sir. As if I can reject your offer."
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