Chapter 29 - Beyond Blessed

1660 Words
Keidi was early for his second day of work being a driver of Joffiel. He went early to Joffiel’s place. Joffiel was glad that everyday she can see that Keidi is improving. Joffiel made breakfast for her and for Keidi. “Here, eat up. It is a good thing to start your day with food in your stomach,” Joffiel said. “Thank you, Ma’am Joffiel. By the way, after I bring you to your work at the Azazel Company, should I wait for you or should I go home, then come back when you are going to Denver Coffee Shop?” Keidi asked. “You can go back home and do your house chores while waiting for me. I will call you when my work at Azazel is done so you can fetch and bring me to the coffee shop. On the weekend, I need you to come with me because we will buy books to help you for your future studies,” Joffiel said. “Do not call me Ma’am Joffiel, just call me Joffiel. I feel old when someone keeps calling like that.” “Thank you, Ma’am Joffiel! Uhm, I mean… Joffiel. Don’t worry, you are not going to be late on all your appointments. I will promise that I will always be earlier for you,” Keidi promised. After a few minutes of preparation for her work, Joffiel asked Keidi to bring her to the company. “Are you ready, Joffiel? Should we go now?” Keidi asked. “Yes, let’s get going. I want to come early to the office. I have lots of things to do now since our project was approved by Sir Fenril,” Joffiel replied. “Okay I will prepare your car,” Keidi responded. “Actually, that is not my car. I mean, it is a car that was lent by the Azazel company. They found out that I do not have a car and I just commute and walk to the office. That is why they lent me one for me to use. The problem is that I do not know how to drive so I hired you,” Joffiel explained. Keidi took Joffiel’s car and they went to her office. Joffie came early as usual and did her job early. By her diligence, her teammates are making her their inspiration to do well on their tasks at work. Joffiel intentionally does it to somehow help to prevent them from turning into real bad people. Seeing their behavior and attitude becoming better, Joffiel feels good and she knows that she is still on the right track. Joffiel went to Maori, she wanted to make sure that the project was starting smoothly. She wanted to get the best employees that are suited for the project. “Hey, Maori! How’s your task? Have you already listed the names of our employees who will be part of our team? I need to see the list whenever it is ready,” Joffiel asked. "Good morning, Ma'am Joffiel. Yes, all things are well-prepared as planned. Jas has already finished her financial reports and will be submitted to Sir Fenril's office after your review. We chose the best employees for this project so that everything will turn just fine," Maori responded. Jas came and handed the financial reports to Joffiel. “Here are the reports you asked for, Ma’am Joffiel. It just needs your final review so I can submit it to Sir Fenril’s office. He is expecting it as soon as possible so I worked on it quickly and precisely,” Jas said. “Great! Just one time! Thank you, Jas. You are right, we need to submit it as soon as possible. Let me go and review this for a while,” Joffiel said and she immediately went back to her office and reviewed Jas’ reports. After a few minutes of reading and reviewing Jas’ financial reports for the project, Joffiel signed on it to assure that everything on it is correct. Joffiel went to Jas and gave her the final report that was ready to be submitted to Fenril’s office. "Looks good to me. You can now send it to Sir Fenril for further review," Joffiel signaled. Carlo saw Joffiel and Jas talking and approached them. "We are so productive nowadays. Thanks to Ma'am Joffiel," Carlo said. “I agree,” Jas said. "Well, it is not because of me. It is because you guys are helping yourselves to become better everyday. We should acknowledge our own contributions to this work. We are all doing our best so keep your head high and think all failures are just for us to improve. I am happy to see our team performing the tasks well," Joffiel elucidated. Everybody went back to their work. After hearing what Joffiel said, their spirits were lift up again. The event they planned will be on next week. Joffiel and her team are required to work outside so having a car is really advantageous for Joffiel. She cannot walk that far. Now she understands why Drew requested a car in behalf. After many days, Joffiel found out that the color of her bracelet is giving her a sign that Keidi is getting better. She could see the big improvement in his personality. She looked at Keidi and found out that he already changed for good. He now has a green color and with no touch of redness. Joffiel can't help herself but smile. "Is there any problem, Joffiel? Why are you smiling like that? It is creeping me out," Keidi teased. "I am just happy seeing you becoming a better person everyday. When is your enrollment?" Joffiel said. "Next week, Joffiel. I found a school with no tuition. Luckily, I passed the entrance exam. I will just submit the asked requirements and then I will be able to study there," Keidi explained. Joffiel tapped Keidi's shoulder. She said, "Don't worry about me when you have classes. I will go to driving school to learn how to drive. Also, don't forget that your salary will not be based on your attendance. I will base it depending on your honesty and loyalty. Always do your best and do not do nasty things again." Keidi agreed to what Joffiel had said. He has no right to do bad things again since was already given another chance to continue his dreams. Joffiel was surprised again to see Jayden looking at them. Keidi opened the car's door for Joffiel and waited until she got inside the coffee shop. "We will be needing one crew since the customers here in this branch are increasing in numbers. Do you have someone in your mind that you could recommend to work here?" Jayden directly asked Joffiel. "I did not expect that this shop had more customers than the others. This is good news for us," Jofiel said. "Actually, I already have someone that I will recommend. I hope you give him a chance to work with us." "Well, it depends. Who is it?" Jayden asked. Joffiel smiled and looked outside the coffee shop. Jayden followed her eyes and saw Keidi going home using Joffiel's car. "He got imprisoned due to robbery. But wait! I can assure you that he is a changed man now. He just really needs a stable job to pursue his studies and be able to support his daily needs. I promise you, he will not cause you any trouble," Joffiel explained. "Well, If it is not you, I would not believe it. I do believe that you can sense the good in people. I trust you so make a schedule for his interview next week as soon as possible," Jayden said before he left. After her work, she happily announced to Keidi that he will be having an interview for another part time job. She will also be there to listen to Keidi's answers during the interview. "That is another blessing for me. Changing to become a good person really gets an award. I hope my parents are proud of what I am doing today. I was not even able to return the favor of helping them," Keidi said. "Know in your heart that whatever good things you have done, your parents will be proud of you, as well as our Creator. Always look on the brighter side, especially when you start working on Denver Coffee Shop. They want the employees to have a positive vibe. Being a kind person is one of their important aspects when choosing applicants and I know I can count on you on that part," Joffiel said in a soft voice. "I am doing what you always wanted me to do and you helped me a lot, words cannot express my gratitude towards you, Joffiel." Keidi was indeed happy and the green color of him became more visible. After their conversation, Joffiel immediately scheduled for Keidi's interview on Friday. The day of Keidi’s interview came. Fortunately, he passed the exam and interview. Jayden wants him to work as soon as possible. "Congratulations, Keidi!" Marisson greeted. "Thank you, Sir Jayden, Ma'am Marisson and Ma'am Joffiel. I will do my best for this job," Keidi promised. The second bead of Joffiel's bracelet marked a star. Her task with Keidi is now done. However, even if her task is done, she will definitely help him when he needs her. "I am beyond blessed," Keidi claimed. "Indeed! Keep up the good work and focus on your studies. If you need help, just ask me," Joffiel said. Joffiel hugged him because of happiness. She already completed two tasks. She looked up at the sky and thanked the Creator for guiding her. I know you’re always there to help me. She thought to herself.
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