Chapter 40 - Positivity

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The renovation of the Community Outreach Department's office was finally done. The whole team of Patrick thanked them because they learned a lot of things, especially on being kind and thoughtful. Joffiel and her teammates went back to their department. They were amazed by the outcome of the renovation. The whole office looks modern and properly organized. Joffiel has a cozy office inside the department. Even though they went back, they still promised the department of Patrick to hangout and have lunch with them in the company's canteen. Jelly promised that she will treat them sometimes. While Joffiel is enjoying the view on her office's window, Shane suddenly interrupts her. "Joffiel, Sir Fenril is looking for you again," Shane said. Joffiel raised her eyebrow. Fenril is asking to see her again. She is just thinking it is related to the renovation of the department. "Oh? Why is he asking me to come again?" Joffiel asked. "Actually, I also don't know. I noticed that Sir Fenril is so comfortable with you. He was not like that before. As much as possible, he doesn't want to meet his directors. When he meets one, meaning there is a problem within the department or project," Shane explained. Joffiel remembered that it was not the same for her. She doesn't recall Fenril being strict or hard at her. She won't think malicious thoughts against Fenril because there is no reason for that. She is proud that Fenril is becoming more kind, even though some think that it's just for Joffiel. For Joffiel, this is just a stepping stone for a better future for him. She just shrugged and followed Shane since they both have no idea why Fenril is calling her. "I hope that this is not bad news. Maybe it is about hiring new employees under our department. He mentioned it, the last time we talked. Our team will be getting bigger soon," Joffiel said, hoping that she will only hear good news. "Having new employees under our team is good news. Who would have thought that Sir Fenril trusts us this much? He knows that you can handle more people," Shane said. "Well, there were employees who resigned in our team before they assigned me as your new director, right? Maybe it is time to hire new employees since we need more people in our team. Our projects mostly are outdoor activities," Joffiel said. Shane nodded as she remembered there were only five left in their team before Joffiel came to their department. She agreed, "Yes, yes! You are right, Joffiel. I hope Sir Fenril will hire more employees for our department. Six people in a department is kinda boring." When they arrived in front of Fenril's office, only Joffiel went inside since Ashe said Shane is not allowed to join Joffiel and Fenril's conversations. Ashe and Shane are left to the Assistant's office. "Good day, Sir Fenril!" Joffiel immediately gave Fenril a warm greeting. Fenril noticed the attitude and behaviour of Joffiel. He became more interested in her since she doesn't show any nervous or bad habits. Joffiel is different from the other directors. Fenril can see the high level of Joffiel's confidence and this is what he wants from his employees. "Good morning, Miss Joffiel. I just want to inform you that you will be the one assigned for the final interview of our new applicants for your department. I will let you and Drew handle this activity. You just need to follow some requirements needed in an applicant. Here is our guideline," Fenril announced and ordered. He handed Joffiel a file and explained it in detail. As what Fenril expected, Joffiel immediately understood it since she is a fast learner. Another reason why Fenril is comfortable with her is because she is smart and does not ask him a lot of questions not understanding what he is saying. Instead, Joffiel sometimes asks questions, in which Fenril can also benefit from that. "Thank you, Sir Fenril, for trusting me. I promise that I will be neutral and not going to be biased. You can count on me," Joffiel assured. "I know you won't cheat, that's why I am appointing you to do it. The final interview will start tomorrow. Good luck to your new teammates," Fenril said. "I will review their profile later so that I could get ideas of what questions fit them," Joffiel said. "That's great! You can start reviewing their profile now. Go back to your work. Thank you for always understanding my bossy side," Fenril said. Shane and Joffiel went back to their department. Joffiel told Shane what Fenril ordered her. Once again, Shane was amazed by their conversions. There was no hint of Fenril being strict on Joffiel. Shane feels that they are now lucky since their boss is giving their department a fair attention unlike before. She was really grateful that Joffiel became their director. For Shane, Joffiel is like an angel in disguise who came from heaven because Joffiel saved their career. Joffiel is like their lucky charm. Her life, as well as her teammates, changed. "I will also look into the kindness and behaviour of new applicants. Not just the knowledge and being talented, but also how to interact with other people," Joffiel said. She is currently reading the profile of the applicants given by Fenril. Some of them have a lot of experiences. Some of them are also smart and have a good profile. Now, Joffiel will look at their attitude and behaviour to know who deserves to work at Azazel Company. "Yeah, that's a bigger aspect when you are looking for new employees. Plus, we don't want to be stressed by the issues. We already have learned lessons from Realyn and Jelly. Adding hard-headed employees will be a challenge for us," Shane agreed. "I really want to avoid that kind of employee. But, if ever we hire an employee with a bad character, we can always help them to be in better shape," Joffiel said. "Well, I guess we cannot really avoid bad people. Nowadays, it is easy to pretend and act differently to someone. We only need to protect ourselves and don't trust too much," Shane said. After work at Azazel Company, Keidi fetched Joffiel. This is their daily routine. Keidi really had changed. He is currently studying engineering now and enjoying what he is doing. His intelligence is no joke. It is just, his life was ruined by his own father. Luckily, his relatives tried to help him study. Jayden already offered him to work on their main company once Keidi graduated. "Joffiel, I have a class later 7pm. Sir Jayden allowed me to go to school at 6:30 pm. After class, I will immediately go back here," Keidi said. "Sure! Good luck on your studies," Joffiel said. Jayden is in the coffee shop again. As usual, he is busy on his laptop. Other staff assist him, since Joffiel and Andrew are busy. Joffiel is baking cakes. The customers are always picking the cake she made. While busy, she did not see Jayden beside her watching. She stepped back a little when he saw the reflection of Jayden on the pan. She bowed her head and greeted Jayden. "You are doing a good job, Joffiel. Don't mind me, continue what you are doing," Jayden said. Instead of just watching, Jayden helped her on baking the cakes. Joffiel was amused at Jayden because he knows how to do it. At a young age, he already knows many things to do. Joffiel believes that Jayden is a well-raised man and indeed a blessed one. "I have a question. How do you know when a person is kind? I know that this is one of the qualifications you are looking for employees," Joffiel asked. "That's the purpose of a self-evaluation exam and the interview. We prepared questions that will determine the honesty and loyalty of a person. If you remember your exams and interviews, then you will realize what those are," Jayden answered. "Oh, thank you. I will be interviewing our applicants at Azazel tomorrow. This is my first time doing it so I need to learn more. I want my new teammates to be kind and hardworking," Joffiel said. "That's good. Next time, I will allow you to join the interview if ever we are going to hire new employees for this shop," Jayden said. Joffiel smiled because of Jayden. He was one of the kind and just like her, he doesn't even show any negative behaviour. Is he an angel? But I can see his color just like a normal person. Maybe there are kind people just like him. Joffiel thought to herself. "Thank you, Sir Jayden. We deserve more people with the same kindness, like yours. The world is full of different crimes and evilness. Spreading kindness to the people you are with, is a big help to change their perspective," Joffiel said, suddenly. "You are really concerned about the attitude of people, aren't you?" Jayden said. "Well, being negative minded will not help everyone. Thinking like that will just worsen the situation. If you have positive thoughts, that would help you to be motivated. Set your mind to be positive as always," Joffiel reminded.
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