Chapter 47 - Forgotten

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Joffiel is now reading the file that Fenril has sent to her. They will have to choose one orphanage to help for the long-term period of time. She felt happy because she learned that many companies are already doing this kind of activity. Big or small companies are donating money to those who need help. "I am quite excited about this project unlike before. Our first task made me almost leave the Azazel company," Maori said. "We have the same feeling, Mao!" Shane said. "Now, we're already more than ten in our department. I'm sure that we will enjoy this task since helping is our main goal." "Why? Didn't you guys experience this task before?" Joffiel asked. "We did experience this task but not this kind of excitement. I think we had a lot of pressure before because of Realyn but now, we feel different!" Carlo exclaimed. Realyn left bad memories to some of the employees at Azazel. She's now thinking if Ashe is doing the same thing just like what Realyn did. Ashe is very vocal and straightforward so she's sure that someone can feel the pain being belittled by her. Joffiel talked to new employees under her team. Some of them have red colors so she will work for it, to influence them to have a kind-hearted heart. "Joffiel, Sir Fenril is looking for you. Go ahead and meet him now," Drew said. "Okay, I am coming," Joffiel said. Ashe opened the door. As usual, she is just staring blankly at Joffiel. On the other hand, Joffiel greeted Ashe. She still needs to act nice at Ashe to get her trust. "Fenril keeps on asking you to be here. That's kinda weird," Ashe said looking at Joffiel head to toe. Joffiel chose not to talk to Ashe. It's better to be silent than to offend Ashe in just a word she doesn't like. She knows that Ashe is hard to please. "Good afternoon, Sir Fenril. Drew said that you are looking for me, that's why I am here," Joffiel greeted. "Come in and make yourself comfortable. I will discuss the project and how your team would deal to the chosen orphanage," Fenril said. Joffiel sat in front of Fenril. The director of the Finance and Accounting Department came and sat beside Joffiel. "Good afternoon, Sir Fenril," the other director greeted. "We need to discuss how much we will donate to the chosen orphanage. I need the both of you to work as one. This will serve as another marketing strategy for us. If the people know we are helping an orphanage, they will trust us more," Fenril said. Fenril introduced each other. The Finance and Accounting Department's director is Meika. Using Joffiel's ability, she saw that the director is kind. She felt relieved because having to work with the other department would not decrease their teams' productivity. She believes that Meika has a lot of experience when it comes to this kind of project. This will lessen her work since she doesn't need to compute the donation. Maori and Jas will help each other to get the information from Meika's team. "Understood, Sir Fenril. When will we start this project?" Meika asked. "As soon as possible. Don't worry, I will join you when you already chose one orphanage. I am going to help talk to the one who manages them," Fenril said. Even though Joffiel cannot see Fenril's real color, she can feel that he is kind. He even thought of the people in the orphanage. She knew their company has a lot of organizations that are still being supported on. "Joffiel, I trust your team. Choose the one who needs the help the most. I trust the both of you since Meika was one of my top employees. I know you could be too, Joffiel," Fenril added. "Thank you, Sir! I appreciate you trusting us for this program. We will think of interactive and fun activities for the children and let them know you," Joffiel said. "Your heart is so close to the children. How cool!" Meika awkwardly smiled at Joffiel. This is the first time that someone talked to Fenril like that, excluding Ashe. Ashe and Fenril are friends so she can joke or talk friendly to Fenril. "Hmm. Not really, Joffiel. I just want to help them. I know they have a bright future ahead and I don't like them ending up wasting their life. If possible, I will help them find a new family who can love them like their own child," Fenril said. "I like how you think of me. You make me feel I am too kind." "Aren't you kind? You always think of people's situation. My first project here in Azazel was not only to market our new products, but also to help students and teachers. Having a great leader makes the employees more happy and productive," Joffiel said. Meika and Joffiel went out of Fenril's office since they already settled the project and all the information needed was discussed. "I think Sir Fenril likes you. I have been working here for too long. This is my first time seeing him smile while talking to his employee. He's kind, you are right. But he's not used to smiling or greeting people excitedly. Only Miss Ashe can make him smile but we don't know the reasons," Meika said. "Is that so? Maybe he is trying to change and smile a lot so that when the media interviews him, he can show the kindness he has," Joffiel said. "He's only like that to you. What if he likes you? Like in love?" Meika intrigued Joffiel. Joffiel pouted. She remembered Leyzel and promised herself that she will not fall in love with humans. She cannot violate their rules since becoming a real angel is her goal. "I don't think so. I have no plans to get in a love relationship. I am happy being like this. Having a boyfriend never got in my mind. That's cringe!" Joffiel said while laughing. Meika and Joffiel became closer because of the new project. Since the Community Outreach Department's office became bigger, Joffiel allowed the team of Meika to work with them. One room is not yet occupied so she let them use it. "Are we allowed to go out tomorrow at working hours to check the orphanages?" Joffiel asked. "Of course. It is our job to check them out. When do you want to go?" Shane said. "Tomorrow so that we can start reporting to Sir Fenril. The earlier, the better. Let's continue to gain his trust for our team," Joffiel said. "I understand, Joffiel. I will tell this to Carlo and Jessica. They already formed a team which will do the collecting of information to different orphanages," Shane said. In the Denver Coffee Shop, Joffiel waited for Jayden to give his picture. She can't deny that the picture is cute and there is something she feels but cannot explain to herself. There is a familiar feeling but she chose to ignore it. "You keep on looking at the picture. I doubt that you didn't like Sir Jayden." Keidi suddenly appeared beside Joffiel. "Don't assume, okay? He looks familiar to me. That's all. Keep your mouth quiet about this. I don't want other people thinking that I like him. You know me, I won't let myself fall in love with someone. It's not my goal," Joffiel said. "Don't talk like it is your final decision. Sometimes destiny will change your mind unexpectedly," Keidi reminded. "Well, let's see. But for now, I don't have time meddling with other people's lives. I'm okay with my life and the friends I have now," Joffiel said. Jayden suddenly entered the shop so Keidi went back to his work and Joffiel greeted him. She let him go to his favorite spot. "Sir Jayden, I found this picture in a book. Is this yours? The staff said that you donated this book so I assumed it's yours," Joffiel said. Joffiel handed the book to Jayden. Jayden looked at it and gave Joffiel an awkward smile. "I'm glad that you found it. I don't want someone making fun out of it. Thank you for returning it back to me," Jayden said. "It's nothing, Sir Jayden. I was curious about the books donated so I checked them then found this book," Joffiel said. "You should read that. I guarantee you that it is a good book since that's my favorite one," Jayden assured. "Woah! Why are you donating this if it's your favorite book?" Joffiel asked. She actually started reading this book when she's alone in the apartment. She really likes it but does not want to admit it to Jayden. There is no reason for her to tell him that she is currently reading it. "If you find it interesting, why not share it? It is nice to find someone who shares the same interests, just like you," Jayden said. Joffiel nodded. She understands every word Jayden is saying. She felt the same thing when she became friends with Leyzel. They shared the same perspective and aspects in life. "You are right, Sir Jayden," Joffiel agreed. She gave the menu to Jayden. "Do you want something to eat?" "I will order later. I'm still full," Jayden answered. "By the way, Christmas is near. Think of creative designs for this branch. Your team needs to cooperate to achieve better results. Do something." Joffiel is confused, what Christmas is. She didn't ask Jayden since she does not want him to think she's clueless about the events people are celebrating. She just agreed and promised to do her best. In her free time, she looked for the meaning of Christmas. She found that this kind of event is for kids and family. She doesn't understand one thing she had read on the Internet. They don't celebrate birthdays in Heaven since every day is a blessing for them. "Keidi, help me to learn more about Christmas. We need to make a design for this shop about that event. Also, Christmas promo should be there," Joffiel said. "What? You don't know what Christmas is? Or perhaps, you have a different religion. Don't worry, it is easy to think of creative designs and promotions for Christmas," Keidi said. "I know a little information but it's not enough tho," Joffiel said. "We don't celebrate Christmas, that's why I am not familiar with it." If Denver Coffee Shop will celebrate Christmas, then there is a high possibility that Azazel Company would celebrate that too? Joffiel thought to herself. Joffiel went home. She wants to ask Sheena about it but she knows that Sheena is already asleep. Joffiel is going home at 11:30pm then will go to Azazel Company at 7:30am. She doesn't have enough time on weekdays. "All I do is work at two jobs. Do I need to let one of my jobs go? I'm worried that it may affect my tasks. I only have a little free time every weekday," Joffiel said to herself. She shook her head. It is not the right time for her to think of giving up one job. Her four tasks had already finished without sacrificing her jobs. She needs to earn money not just for her basic needs, but also to help other people using the money she worked hard for. She's glad that she doesn't feel tired even though her sleeping time is not enough for a normal person. She looked at her phone to see her photos with Leyzel. She noticed that Leyzel was erased in all the pictures she had. "Do Sheena and Keidi remember her? All the traces of Leyzel were erased. Is this what will happen to me once I accomplish all my tasks?" Joffiel talked to herself. Early in the morning, Joffiel waited for Sheena to come out. She gave her a box of cookies for her snack time at school. "Sheena, do you know someone named Leyzel?" Joffiel asked. "Leyzel? I never heard of her name. Why did you ask?" Sheena answered. Joffiel confirmed that all the people the angel helped will eventually forget him/her once she went back to Heaven.
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