Chapter 48 - Orphanage

2015 Words
While Keidi is driving to Azazel Company, he notices Joffiel being silent. "Do you have a problem?" Keidi asked. Joffiel smiled at him to give him assurance that she's okay. She is just thinking of Leyzel. "I am just thinking of the name "Leyzel". Do you know someone who has this name?" Joffiel asked. "Nope. This is my first time hearing that name. Such a unique one huh?" Keidi answered. "I see. I really thought she exists," Joffiel murmured. "Maybe it's just a dream. Don't be bothered by that and focus on your goal for this day," Keidi reminded. Before going inside the company, Joffiel told Keidi that Shane will drive her to the coffee shop later. Her team will go to different orphanages to evaluate which one who needs help the most. Fenril allowed them to go out using their working time. He even insisted that they will only use their working time instead of going out on the weekends. They went to the nearest orphanage and observed the environment. Jessica is listing the needs of the orphanage while Carlo is talking to the one of the pioneers who established the orphanage. "It's a small orphanage and we learned that there are two organizations supporting them. Let's go to the next destination," Carlo whispered. "Okay. Let's move to the next orphanage," Joffiel ordered. Not far from the first destination, they already arrived at the second orphanage on their list. It is bigger than the first one. There are more children playing on the playground. There are also babies carried by the volunteers. "The number of the babies being left in the orphanage suddenly increased," Jessica said. "How did you know?" Shane asked. "I am one of them. My parents adopted me from this orphanage. I still remember my childhood days here. The number of children here compared to my batch was completely different. The count now is almost 10 times of my batch," Jessica said. Joffiel looked at Jessica. She can see that Jessica is now happy with her life. There are really unexpected stories behind every person. "I never thought that you had that kind of story to tell. I am so proud of you, Jessica. Look at you now, successful woman!" Carlo said. "I was shocked by your past. Do you think this orphanage needs our help?" Shane said. "I think, since the number of children in the orphanage increased. They need more assistance from different organizations or companies," Jessica said. "Okay, let's look into it. We will interview them. Let's decide later after interviewing the four orphanages," Joffiel said. Jessica went directly to an old woman. She hugged her and tried to hold her tears back. The old woman was the one who took care of Jessica. Joffiel can't help herself but smile. Jessica is someone who knows how to look back where she came from. She's still grateful to those who cared for her. "Their supply of food is lacking. Some farmers are donating their harvest if they have extra. The people in this place know how to help others. I think this orphanage really needs help from big companies or organizations," Carlo said. "This is not the same with the first orphanage we interviewed. Between the two, this will be our new option. Let's go to the next in line," Joffiel said. Jessica emotionally bid goodbye to the old woman. Her team waited for her to get inside the car. They heard Jessica's promises to the old woman that she will always visit them. "We didn't even know that she's holding back her past for too long by herself. I think she faced many hardships before," Shane said. "That's why we need to be always careful on the words we are going to say. We do not know what kind of hardships they are experiencing. Choose to be kind in this life full of unexpected things," Joffiel reminded. "You have a point. I still can't believe that she came from this place. Maybe there is a reason why she's not telling this," Carlo said. The other teammates of Joffiel are in the other car so they cannot hear what they are talking about. "Sorry if I made you guys wait. I just can't believe that I will see Manang after five years. I always visit this place but unfortunately, she's not there anymore. I grabbed the opportunity to talk to her when I saw her. Sorry if I interrupted our interview," Jessica explained. "Don't be sorry, Jessica. We are here for you and we understand that you really missed her. I hope that this will be our final orphanage to help out. You can have a lot of chances to talk to her if ever our team will decide that this orphanage is our final plan," Joffiel said. "Wow, really? Thank you! They really need help so I hope that our team will choose them. My life became better because of them. I'm proud to say that," Jessica said. After getting all information from the orphanages listed on their plans, they now need to decide which one will be their main target. Jessica is praying and hoping that it would be the orphanage who helped her. "We will continue the discussion tomorrow. I am expecting that everyone has their bet and explanation why you chose this specific orphanage," Joffiel said in a strict reaction. "Yes, Ma'am," the new employees answered. Joffiel went to Fenril's office to report their interviews to all the orphanages listed by Fenril. She already decided which one is the best for the program. Ashe let Joffiel in since she saw her holding a folder. She just looked blankly at Joffiel again. She already noticed the behaviour of Fenril towards Joffiel and it makes her cringe. She can't imagine Fenril being in love with a normal and poor person. "Good afternoon, Sir Fenril. I just want to report about what the information my team collected for this day," Joffiel started. "Good job. I didn't expect that your team would work on this as early as they can. They are becoming more inspired. Hiring you as a director was a good decision. You made my employees active and productive again," Fenril said. She was happy hearing the praises of Fenril towards her team. Her team before was being judged by other employees because they thought that they are incompetent. Realyn made her team's employee life miserable. "I already have a final decision which orphanage we will help. But before that, I asked them to think of one orphanage and explain to me why they chose it. I just want to hear their thoughts and to evaluate them myself," Joffiel said. "Sounds interesting. You know how to handle people very well. At a young age, your knowledge keeps on rising. If you accomplish all your tasks consistently, I might promote you to a higher position. I am counting on you," Fenril said. "Why are you too kind and honest to me, Sir Fenril? I don't understand why other employees keep saying that I am lucky to be noticed by you," Joffiel asked, innocently. Fenril is a good-looking man. Everyone adores him and was impressed by his overall aspect. Even Joffiel sees Fenril as a kind-hearted and very thoughtful man. Fenril laughed and looked at Joffiel seriously afterwards. He said, "Because you looked like an angel. You captured my attention by just looking at the picture Drew had sent to me before. I really want to make you a model but you refused," Fenril explained. Joffiel tried herself to calm down when she heard the word "angel". Even though Fenril is too kind to her, she can't still tell him the truth about her real identity. "Well, I hope that I am a real angel. But then, I realized that everyone can be kind without hoping for an exchange," Joffiel said. "Hmm, that makes sense. Anyway, you are doing the right thing. You will become a good leader if you keep on training them how to think and decide wisely. Let me know what is the result of your team's thoughts," Fenril said. "Sure, Sir Fenril. I will evaluate them tomorrow and let you know the result. I want them to get the best version of themselves," Joffiel said. Fenril gave Joffiel a lot of smiles and positive reactions. He handed Joffiel an invitation. Joffiel opened it and was shocked because it was Fenril's birthday invitation. "Oh! Advance happy birthday, Sir Fenril. Am I really invited? The venue sounds luxurious. I think I don't fit with that kind of place," Joffiel said, being shy at Fenril. Another challenge for Joffiel is to find a gift which her boss would really like to have. She's not rich like Fenril's friends. She is not capable of giving expensive gifts. "Don't be shy, Joffiel. I am expecting to see you there. You can bring Shane with you. Drew is also invited so don't feel you're not fit to be my guest," Fenril said while handing Joffiel another invitation. "That invitation is for Shane or any of your team if she's not available." "If that's what you want, Sir Fenril. Expect me to be there. Thank you for inviting me. This means a lot to me," Joffiel said. "Okay. You may now go to your next job. You are very industrious, Joffiel. Having two jobs is not easy to do. I am amazed at how you manage your time. Don't forget to give yourself a break," Fenril said. Joffiel thinks if she was able to say to Fenril that she is working too in a coffee shop. She doesn't recall telling it to him so maybe someone gave Fenril a detail about her. "How did you know that I have another job?" Joffiel asked. "I saw it myself. I'm confused why you are always going to Denver Coffee Shop so I found out that you are the manager of that branch. You are impressing me day by day. Keep up the good work. However, if you feel that you need to give up one work, don't give up your work here because I want to promote you soon. My company is so blessed to have an employee like you," Fenril said. Joffiel doesn't know what to feel. She needs to give extra care to her moves and behaviour since there are random people who keep watching her. Normal people should not get the idea that angels do exist on this planet. "But don't worry, I am not stalking you. I was just curious about your whereabouts since the day I saw you entering the coffee shop. I don't do anything bad," Fenril added. "Don't worry also, Sir Fenril. I don't think that way. Thank you for being concerned about me. It makes me feel happy if someone is looking after me," Joffiel said. After their conversion, Joffiel went back to her department and called Shane to tell about the invitation she received from Fenril. "This is your invitation. Can you go with me? I don't want to go there alone. I hope you are free that day," Joffiel said. "I think I am free. I will take note of the date to make it my priority," Shane said. "Wow, just wow! I didn't expect I would receive an invitation from our boss. You are really something." "Drew is also invited so I guess all directors will be there. On the weekend, let's go to the mall to buy dresses for us and gifts for Sir Fenril. Help me find a good gift even if it's not expensive," Joffiel said. "If you don't like expensive gifts, then make a gift yourself. Like making arts and crafts, sewing, crochets, and etc.," Shane suggested. Joffiel got an idea from Shane. She would like to try something new and different. She thinks that effort is one of the best gifts she can give to someone. "Thank you for your suggestions. I already have something in my mind. I would like to try making artwork," Joffiel said, excitedly.
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