Chapter 46 - Goodbye

2010 Words
"How's your vacation, Joffiel?" Shane asked. "Well-spent holiday, I guess? I am back to work again. So what's the latest update about our work?" Joffiel said. Shane opened her file and looked for the schedule given by their boss. "Well, our second project will start next week. Our first task was harder than this since we are back to what our team is designated for," Shane announced. "And then?" Joffiel asked again. "We will be having a community outreach program. Sir Fenril already gave an exact place where we are going to do this," Shane answered. "That made sense. My job is community outreach program director, that's why I was confused at first why Sir Fenril assigned our team to get a new target market of the new products of our company. Well, I guess we are now capable of doing other departments' jobs. Isn't that good news?" Joffiel said. "Maybe Realyn told Sir Fenril about that. At least we made it! Even though we were only six people in our team that time, we managed to accomplish our task," Shane said. Since Joffiel requested a vacation leave, Drew handled the final interview for Joffiel's department. Joffiel chose Drew because she trusts him when it comes to choosing new employees. Drew was the one who led her the way to work at Azazel Company. After checking the schedule, they went back to their work. Joffiel is now thinking about Leyzel. Her bracelet keeps on blinking two lights. It is a sign that Leyzel is doing her job smoothly. She can't wait to see and talk to her. She doesn't know if she will be able to see Leyzel after finishing her task on Kerby. She decided to text Leyzel to tell that she is very proud of her. After that, Keidi drove her to the Denver Coffee Shop. Her co-workers greeted her excitedly. Joffiel looked around and did not see Jayden. Andrew went near her. He said, "Are you looking for Sir Jayden? He went to his school. I don't know which country it is. His online classes were done so he needs to get back to submit many forms." "You assumed that I am looking for him huh? But anyways, thanks for the information. He knows that I will be back today so he didn't bother to tell me that he will go here," Joffiel said. "Don't be sad, Ma'am Joffiel. He will be back as soon as possible. He just needs to submit his forms or files and enrol again for the next semester," Andrew said. "Who said to you that I am sad? You are making me laugh, Andrew. Let's go back to work," Joffiel said in a defensive tone. Keidi laughed at them. Andrew and Joffiel didn't know that Keidi was listening to their conversions. Joffiel shook her head and went back to her work. She keeps on greeting customers and lets her mind be distracted by them. She went to the bookshelves and noticed one book. The title of the book is "Hovictus: The Rise of the Archeans" by iamlovelygreengirl. Unexpectedly, she found a baby picture in between the pages. These books in their coffee shop were donated by some customers and employees. "Do you know the owner of this book?" Joffiel asked the staff. "That was donated by Sir Jayden himself. Why, Miss Joffiel?" the staff said. "I found this baby picture. I will return it to him if he is really the owner of this book," Joffiel said. "That's the favourite book of Sir Jayden. You should read that too. I am sure that you will definitely like it. You can borrow that if you want, just like what we are doing. Sir Jayden allowed us to borrow and bring books in our home," the staff explained. "Really? Then I will borrow this and bring the picture back and will return it once he's back," Joffiel assured. She went home early just to check if Leyzel was there already. The door is locked and when she poked the doorbell, no one answered. "It's already late. Where is she right now?" Joffiel asked herself. She went inside the apartment and waited for Leyzel patiently. Leyzel did not reply in her messages. Joffiel baked a cake for Leyzel just in case that Leyzel did not eat yet. Leyzel is now with Kerby and his family. They decided to have dinner together. She successfully made Kerby bring back to his family. They cleared their past relationship and made a closure. "I really thought that you two could be together again. However, I am grateful that you have forgiven each other and decided to be friends. I love how you guys manage this kind of situation," Clara said. "Thank you, Auntie, for always helping me out. What mattered is Kerby being kind and thoughtful again. I am proud of him that he was able to get out from his toxic past," Leyzel said. "Even though we broke up, my trust for you did not change. I was shocked that you are close with my family. That made me change my mind about my friends and ex-girlfriend. I did easily trust my family since they are telling the truth. I am already planning to end my relationship with them. I heard them talking behind my back without them noticing me," Kerby said. Leyzel is still thankful that Kerby' feelings for her were already gone. Leaving them will not be hindering her plans. She can now go back to Heaven without them looking for her. "So what are your plans?" Leyzel asked. "I decided to continue my studies in the States. I want my parents to be proud of me and regain their trust. I cut all my communications to my toxic friends and started to talk to my old friends. I felt sorry for my old friends when I always rejected their invitations. I didn't realize that they are fun to be with and will give me a good influence," Kerby answered. Leyzel smiled at Kerby's mother. They know that Kerby is telling the truth. Since Keiara is investigating, she already knew that Kervy contacted his old friends. "Kerby, once you finish your studies, I will let you handle our company. I am giving this to you. As of now, I will just help Mom and Dad to run our company and resorts," Keira said, wholeheartedly. "No, no! No, Sister. Having the resort and restaurants is a big blessing for me. Just continue to make it more successful. I regret being greedy. I know that you deserve that since you are working hard to help our family," Kerby said. Leyzel was amazed by Kerby's reaction. In just an instant, Kerby has changed for good. She didn't expect that her task would end up like this easily. Her bracelet signalling that her last task was done. She needs to get back to Joffiel to tell the good news. "Kerby, thank you for being part of my life. Of course, even Auntie, Uncle and Keiara. I really appreciate all the efforts and love you have given to me. No words can describe how I am feeling right now but I know in my heart that I am happy. I hope that you guys continue having a kind-hearted heart. I really wish all the best for you," Leyzel said, honestly and wholeheartedly. "Why does it look like you are saying a final goodbye. Don't make me cry," Keiara said. Leyzel hugged her since Keiara is about to cry. She is emotional and very thoughtful to her friends and family. "That's actually true. I will say goodbye for good since I need to go back to my birth place for good. My friends are already waiting for me," Leyzel said. "We will definitely miss you. Thank you for helping us to change Kerby. Always remember that we are family even if the two of you broke up. I already treat you like my own daughter. I will respect your decision because I love you," Clara said. Kerby stood up and hugged Leyzel. He said, "Thank you, Leyzel. You turned my life into a meaningful one. Thank you for the love you have given to me and my family. I loved you and I really did. I know that there are better days ahead for us," Kerby said. After their emotional conversations, Kerby drove Leyzel to Joffiel's apartment. Once again, Kerby confessed all his wrongdoings to Leyzel and promised not to do it again. Leyzel trusts him since her task is now done, meaning that Kerby really turned into a good man. Leyzel found Joffiel sleeping on the sofa. She also noticed a cake and she knows that it's for her. She woke Joffiel up. She said, "Joffiel! I have good news for you so wake up!" Joffiel immediately opened her eyes and looked for Leyzel. Her bracelet signalling that her fourth task is already done. "Woah! That was so fast, Leyzel. Is it really done? I can't believe that you can make it just by one day. Congratulations!" Joffiel excitedly said. "I was also shocked about the result. It just happened too fast and Kerby changed his mindset for good. He even said that her sister can continue to manage their company since resorts and restaurants are already a big blessing for him. We even got our closure and he confessed all his wrongdoings. I know deep in his heart that he is telling the truth. I am so happy, Joffiel. My heart is now finally at ease," Leyzel said. "I am so happy for you too. See? The Creator didn't let you lose all your hopes. He made a way just to make sure you are going to be a real angel. Just trust in him," Joffiel said. A light suddenly appears in front of Leyzel. The mentor of Leyzel showed up to get Leyzel back to Heaven. Leyzel hugged Joffiel tightly and said all the things she was thankful for. "Let's go back to Heaven, Leyzel. You already accomplished all your tasks. It's time to accept your reward on your hard works," Leyzel's mentor said. "Can I get a few more minutes? I will just write two letters for Sheena and Keidi to bid my goodbyes," Leyzel asked. The mentor nodded and waited for her to finish what she was writing. Leyzel handed the letters to Joffiel. "Thank you, Joffiel. I know that we will meet in Heaven very soon," Leyzel said before accepting the hand of her mentor. Joffiel watched them entering the portal. She is very happy that she was able to witness an angel going back to Heaven once she finished all her tasks. "Someday, I will be able to do it as well. We will meet again, Leyzel," Joffiel said to herself. Early in the morning, she handed the letter of Leyzel to Sheena. Sheena was crying because she was not able to hug Leyzel. Joffiel assured that it is okay since Leyzel is in a good place now. Sheena accepts it and hopes to see Leyzel again if there would be a chance. When Joffiel and Keidi going to Denver Coffee Shop, she handed the letter of Leyzel. Even Keidi was shocked that Leyzel had already left the city. "So she already had a closure with her ex-boyfriend?" Keidi asked. "Yes. Things changed so fast. Leyzel did the right thing which made her ex-boyfriend become kind and thoughtful in his own family. He was able to cut off his toxic friends," Joffiel answered. "What made her leave this city then? Is it because of this guy?" Keidi asked, innocently. "No, Keidi. She just needed to get back where she came from. Trust me, her feelings for Kerdy were completely gone," Joffiel assured. "You really trusted her that early huh?" Keidi said. Joffiel smiled at him. She said, "Because Leyzel is just like me. We have the same mindset and believe me when I say someone is worth trusting for, just like how I trust you."
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