Chapter 4 - Unfortunate

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Few days from now, Jopphia will give birth soon. She is feeling uneasy and she is feeling strangely nervous but she still remains positive all the time. She keeps on thinking that she should remain calm because being stressed and tired might affect her pregnancy and the baby inside her womb. "Jopphia, you've been walking around for a while. Can you sit down first? I'm the one who is getting dizzy because of you," Jopphia's Mom said. Jopphia feels like she is going to give birth anytime today. She can feel that her stomach hurts badly and yet she does not want her mother to know what she is feeling. She thinks this might make her mother a lot more nervous. She finds it difficult to sit up. That is why she keeps on walking back and forth inside their house to divert what she is feeling and she seems to get diarrhea every time she tries to sit. As seconds pass by, Jopphia is feeling more weary. After mustering the courage to tell her mom what she is really feeling, Jopphia talked to her mom. "Mom, I think I’m about to give birth. WIll you please call Samuel? I don't think I can hold it longer anymore," Jopphia told her mom as she writhed in pain. After hearing what Jopphia told her mom, her father immediately went out to call Jopphia's husband, Samuel. Her parents were disconcerted from what Jopphia said and started to panic. “Samuel! Quickly! Jopphia thinks she is about to give birth!” Jopphia’s father shouted outside to get the attention of Samuel. Samuel rushed inside their house when he heard what Jopphia’s father said. "Jopphia! Are you alright!?” Samuel shouted upon seeing his wife. “Breathe, breathe." Samuel held Jopphia’s hand. Jopphia was having a hard time to stop the baby from suddenly coming out. “Please, please, please, not yet my baby. Don't come out just yet, give me a little more time,” Jopphia said as she touches her stomach and tries to breath slowly. She feels that her child is already moving frantically in her stomach. Samuel carefully carried Jopphia inside their car. Jopphia keeps on talking because of the pain she feels. She is feeling a tremendous amount of pain. "Take a deep breath, Dear. Everything will be alright," Samuel said to Jopphia to calm her down a bit. Samuel did not mind what he feels because he was working on their farm the whole day. Even though he is tired he will still do anything for his wife and child. He wanted to make sure that his family is always safe. After securing Jopphia inside the car, Samuel along with Jopphia’s parents quickly drove their car to the nearest hospital. Samuel saw Jopphia was losing breath so drove faster to get to the hospital quickly. He was still careful because Samuel did not want them to be caught in an accident. Soon after getting to the hospital, Samuel immediately got out of the car and went to the emergency room to call for assistance. Nurses rushed towards Jopphia, who is very weakened, to take her inside Samuel and Jopphia’s parents could do nothing but to wait outside for Jopphia to give birth. Jopphia’s parents were feeling nervous but they are also happy because they will see the child of Samuel and Jopphia. Samuel and Jopphia have been waiting too long to have a child. This is the day they have been waiting for so long that their prayers will finally be answered. "I can't wait any longer. I want to see Jopphia and my child. I just can't believe that Joffiel came out too early," Samuel said happily. He kept on looking at the door where Jopphia was taken. “I know everything will be alright, Samuel. Don’t worry too much. I know God has a plan for your family,” Jopphia’s mother said. After a few minutes of waiting, a nurse approached them. “Excuse me, Mr. Samuel?” Asked the nurse. “Yes it is me,” Samuel replied. “Your wife gave birth to a healthy baby girl. The doctor will soon come out. Please wait for a few minutes more,” the nurse said. The Doctor who took care of Jopphia came out happily. Their team looks proud and with a sign of relief on the successful operation. This gave a hint to Samuel and Jopphia’s parents that Jopphia's operation went well. "How is Jopphia, Doctor?" Samuel excitedly asked. "She's perfectly fine. She just needs to rest. You can check her in a while," the Doctor answered. Samuel suddenly hugged his wife's parents due to extreme happiness. They just waited for a while to enter Jopphia's room when she was designated to another room. Jopphia fell asleep while her child was being cared for by the nurse. Their baby is still being cleaned after Jopphia feeds her daughter. Moments later, Jopphia woke up and immediately looked for Joffiel and her husband. At the same time, the nurse brought their child next to her. "My daughter is so beautiful. She really looks like an angel. What more can I ask for?" Samuel said while his tears were falling as he carried Joffiel, their daughter. They both cried happily as Joffiel seemed to laugh. One of their dreams has finally come true. This is what they had been waiting for so long. They could not believe that Joffiel was in front of them now. Joffiel is a healthy and cheerful baby. "It's funny that when I gave birth to our daughter, she did not even cry. We even heard her giggle after the operation. Our baby is a different miracle baby," Jopphia said. Jopphia regained some of her strength soon after giving birth. Just seeing that Joffiel is energetic makes her even more motivated. "She seems to be always smiling even when she closes her eyes, right? She's really a blessing from heaven," Jopphia's Dad said cheerfully. Just a few minutes of their happiness and positivity, iit was immediately replaced by a concerned reaction. Joffiel's color changes. It was as if the baby was out of breath. They immediately panicked so they called the Nurses they saw nearby. The Nurses and the Doctor responded quickly to save Joffiel's life as soon as possible. Joffiel lost his life in a few moments. Even the Doctor did not know the cause of her death. They tried their best just to revive the baby, but it failed. "Time of death, 10:37 AM," the Doctor said sadly. They were surprised that the baby suddenly lost her life who was very energetic and healthy earlier. The Doctor came out and sadly looked at Samuel waiting for them. "Doctor, what happened to my daughter? Is she okay?" Samuel nervously asked. "I am so sorry, Mr. Samuel, your daughter didn't make it. We are also in shock that the baby died when we all thought she was healthy and doing fine," the Doctor answered. Samuel fell to his knees at what he had heard. The Doctor's next words did not seem to enter his mind. He was shaken and could not accept what had happened to his precious daughter. "No! It can't be! My daughter is still alive. I believe she is a miracle baby. She won't die that fast. We've been waiting for her for so long, why would it be like this?" Samuel loses his mind as he keeps on telling that his daughter is a miracle from heaven. Jopphia's parents have arrived to find out what happened to their granddaughter. They are confused as to why Samuel is crying and he is already sitting on the floor. They force Samuel to stand up. "What's happening here? What happened to our granddaughter?" Jopphia's mother asked. The Doctor and the Nurses who performed the operation on Joffiel sadly lowered their head. "Joffiel was gone, Mom. I did not know what happened," Samuel answered while trying to wipe his tears. Jopphia's parents were shocked. Not a single word comes out of their mouths. Even them could not believe what had happened to their granddaughter. They hugged Samuel. They are afraid of what will happen to Jopphia when she finds out the truth that her child is gone. The Doctor promised to find out the reason for Joffiel's death. They headed back to their office and could not help anymore. Samuel was devastated. He did not know how to tell his wife what had happened to Joffiel. He went up to Jopphia's room. Jopphia, on the other hand, was restless as she waited for her husband. "What happened, Dear? Where is our daughter? Where is Joffiel? Tell me!" Jopphia asked in a nervous tone. Samuel immediately embraced his wife. He could not say what had happened. He also could not accept the fact that their daughter was gone. "What happened to Joffiel? Please, answer me! I want to know the truth," Jopphia asked. Jopphia was just shaken. From the reaction of her husband and her parents, she seemed to have an idea of what was happening. She wished that these unfortunate happenings were just a dream. She hopefully thinks she was just sick so that this feeling is just a hallucination. Jopphia stood up and tried to remove all the things that are attached to her to find her daughter. "Please stop, Jopphia. You are hurting yourself. Our daughter was gone," Samuel said heavily. Jopphia loses her mind. Her family forced her to stop. She had just given birth so she should not do any movements that will let her wound be damaged. "It can't be! Why is this happening? Didn't we think Joffiel is a miracle baby? Give me back my daughter!" Jopphia said, stressfully. "I don't know either. The Doctor also doesn't know the reason why Joffiel died. He gave us a child but he also took it back from us early. Why is that?" Samuel said. Samuel stopped his wife from losing her mind by embracing her. It is difficult for them but they have to accept that this is the end of their child's life. Samuel helped Jopphia to go to the room of their daughter. They still hoped that Joffiel would be alive even though a few hours ago it was announced that the baby was dead. Jopphia was just dumbfounded as she stared at her lifeless daughter. Her tears flowed non-stop. "My baby, Joffiel? Mommy loves you so much even though I only touched and hugged you for a moment," Jopphia said to her daughter. It was very painful for Samuel to see his beloved wife crying in front of their lifeless child. He was disgusted with himself because he had done nothing to save his daughter Jopphia. All his hopes of having children again were gone. He fears that when Jopphia gets pregnant again, their baby might just be like Joffiel. He did not know why their daughter was taken from them so early. Jopphia, on the other hand, is in great pain. She carried Joffiel in her womb for several months, but her life did not last long after she gave birth to her child. Samuel advised his wife to go back to her room to rest. Samuel's parents are now watching over his wife. Samuel assisted Jopphia's parents in arranging Joffiel's death certificate, as well as funeral and burial necessities. Samuel did nothing. He just can't help it but accepted the truth. If this is what is set for them, he will gladly accept it. Somehow, he was also very grateful because they were still blessed by an angel like Joffiel. Their prayer to have a child came true, but it didn't take long. A day later, Joffiel's remains were buried. "I'm sorry for what happened to you and Samuel. I know that there is a good reason why this is happenin," Amira sympathized with Jopphia and Samuel. Jopphia hugged her friend. To this day, Jopphia's eyes are still heavy. She cannot help herself from crying. She knew in herself that she had not failed to take care of herself and her child when she was still pregnant with Joffiel. "I suddenly miss her laughs and smiles. She hasn't cried since I gave birth to her. My baby girl is very well behaved and sensible," Jopphia said. "We know that God has a reason for everything that happens to us. You need to stand firm for your daughter. We know that no matter what happens, Joffiel is our angel. She will be your angel. Right?" Amira said as for giving motivations. Jopphia nodded sadly. In her mind, she wished that her daughter was just by her side so that she could be happy again. She forced a smile for Joffiel. She did not want her daughter to think that she is always sad. She feels that her daugher is also sad when she is sad. The day passed quickly. There is really no chance that Joffiel will live again. Today is the day of her funeral, so Samuel, Jopphia, and their relatives are all crying again. At the last moment, Samuel and Jopphia hugged their daughter. They threw flowers before finally covering Joffiel's coffin. "Joffiel, please watch over us. I know you're an angel from heaven. I also know that there's a reason why you left us so early. Mommy loves you so much. I love you!" Jopphia cried goodbye to Joffiel. Samuel could not speak as he sobbed. No voice came out of his throat. Their relatives and friends had left. Only Jopphia and Samuel remained. They watched until the very end as Joffiel's coffin was covered. They saw an old woman wearing white clothes beside them. They were a little surprised but recovered quickly when someone who was covering the coffin greeted the old woman. "Don't worry, your daughter is an angel. God will not forsake her. There is a good reason why she had to say goodbye early," the old woman said. The couple was very confused by what the old woman said. They knew that they did not consider Joffiel to be a literal angel. To them it was a little angel who seemed to be a blessing to them. "What do you mean our daughter is an angel?" Jopphia asked, confusedly. The old woman smiled at them. She replied, "She is an angel." Samuel and Jopphia look at each other. They don't know where the old woman draws what she says. When they looked back to where the old woman was, she suddenly disappeared. "Where is she?" Samuel asked, incredulously. They tried to search the old woman nearby. They no longer see her. Those working in the cemetery are still busy with what they are doing. The couple was horrified because when they asked other people about the old woman, they said they had not seen an old woman they described. Jopphia tried to talk to a worker who greeted the old woman. The worker said that he greeted the child not far away from them. The couple just went home because of nervousness and fear.
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