Chapter 3 - Miracle

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After seeing the pregnancy test results, Jopphia and Samuel went back to their doctor to confirm is Jopphia was really pregnant. Even though they return there for more than anyone could think of, they did not care about what other would say, they did not care about their own tiredness and hardships. "I hope you are well, Jopphia," Samuel said nervously. They went back to the first Doctor they had checked up with. That is one of the best Doctors in their area. Jopphia could not understand how she was feeling. She is still afraid of the possible negative results of the tests she took. "Mrs. Jopphia, you are next," said the Nurse. "You can sit here inside to wait." They are earnestly waiting for the Doctor. All they did was pray again. In Jopphia's mind and heart she knows she is pregnant. She has high hopes because she has tried the pregnancy test several times. A patient came out. The Doctor also called them so they got up from their seats. The couple is very nervous. Jopphia thought to herself that when the doctor sees them, the doctor will just tell them that they can really not have a child. "Oh, it's nice to see both of you again," said the Doctor. "What are you here for?" The couple looked at each other. They do not know if the Doctor will believe what they will say. Jopphia took a deep breath. She said, “I was dizzy and vomited for a few days. When I almost fainted, I told my husband about it." The Doctor frowned as he listened to what Jopphia told him. The doctor also reads the couple's records from back then. "Samuel bought a pregnancy kit to make sure I was pregnant. I tried a few pregnancy tests, and the result was always positive," Jopphia added. "With your result before, you are both barren. How could that happen?" the Doctor asked confusedly. Samuel and his wife were already expecting such a reaction. Even the other Doctors they talked to before will definitely react like this. "Even us were surprised," Samuel said. "We just do not want to miss this opportunity, that my wife is very likely to be pregnant." The Doctor nodded and stopped for a moment. The Doctor does not believe Jopphia is pregnant but was curious about what they said. The doctor thought to himself that it may be just another disease, so the result of the pregnancy test is positive. The couple is just waiting for the Doctor to say something. The Doctor is simply writing on a prescriptive piece of paper. "You will need to have an ultrasound again, Ma'am Jopphia, so we may be sure what that is," the Doctor said. The doctor wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it over to the couple. "Your schedule is already there and what else needs to be done." The Doctor also explained what was written. Jopphia will have an ultrasound tomorrow. The next day, Jopphia had an ultrasound. They waited for the result to be returned to the Doctor. The couple went to church again. They are never tired of praying for a child. After praying, they went back to the hospital to face the Doctor again. They did not preview the result. They want the Doctor to tell the truth directly. The Doctor's eyes widened. He said, "I never thought this would be even possible." Jopphia clinged her hand to her husband. She was confused by the Doctor's reaction. "Doc., What does the result say?" Samuel asked nervously. The Doctor presented the ultrasound result. He said cheerfully, "Congratulations, Mrs. Jopphia and Mr. Samuel! You will have a child! Jopphia is indeed pregnant! And even I could not believe it." Jopphia burst into tears of joy. Samuel could not contain his excitement. "I will become daddy!" Samuel shouted. He hugged his wife with great joy. Even the Doctor couldn't believe it at first, but he was happy for the couple. It is not simple what the couple went through to achieve what they have been asking for, for a very long time. When the two calmed down, the Doctor spoke to them again. "You will need to have a monthly check up to make sure you and your child are both healthy and well," the Doctor said while writing down something. "This is also your list of Vitamins. Just tell me if you have any allergies to the ones that I will prescribe to you." "Nothing," Jopphia replied. Thank you very much, Doc.! " Jopphia's smile did not leave her lips. "I have been a doctor for almost 40 years, but this is the first time that I have encountered a patient like you Mrs. Jopphia," the Doctor said. "You and your spouse are lucky and you have been blessed by an angel." When they returned home, they immediately reported the result to their relatives. They could not contain their joy that they celebrated for the blessing they had received. Every month the couple would go back to their doctor to have a checkup and was always given good results. Jopphia's pregnancy was healthy and she was well taken care of by her husband Samuel. The couple went back to their normal lives. Jopphia was more diligent in their work. Samuel simply did not allow Jopphia to do the heavy work. "How are you feeling, Jopphia?" asked her friend Amira, who had just returned home from a vacation. Jopphia happily showed her belly to her friend while patting it. Amira seemed surprised by what she saw. The last news she knew was that the couple was barren. "It looks like your stomach is four months old, I think?" asked Amira. "It looks like your pregnancy is healthy, too. I can see that your husband is taking good care of you." "It's been six months. It's really a miracle given to us that I got pregnant. Even the doctors could not believe what happened. Truly a blessing from the heavens," Jopphia said. Jopphia got teary eyed while talking to her friend because she remembered how hard she waited for this. Amira caressed Jopphia's stomach. She smiled and burst into tears, too. She did not also expect that Jopphia would be pregnant. Even her could not give them hope then. "Both of you are lucky, you have been blessed with a child," Amira said. "That miracle baby is a great blessing to both of you. Don't stress yourself too much and take good care of yourself." Amira brought many treats to Jopphia. That would help for her friend’s cravings. "I wonder, when will you know the gender of your baby?" Amira asked. Jopphia smiled at her. She replied, "Whether it is a female or a male, Joffiel will be the name of our child."
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