Chapter 5 - Angel

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A few days later the Creator took Joffiel and sent her to heaven. Joffiel is just an innocent child and she does not understand what is happening. The only thing she knew was to play with other angels that is in heaven. She does not feel sick nor became hungry because these things can only be experienced outside heaven. She can move freely in heaven and do everything she wants as long as it does not violate the Creator’s rules. As years passed in the world of humans, Joffiel grew up as well. Gradually, she came to understand what is happening in heaven. She is learning that heaven is a place made by the Creator for angels and humans that became an angel. As young as seven years old, Joffiel was assigned a couple of simple tasks that were assigned to her in heaven. She could easily surpass all the tests assigned to her by the Creator. Sometimes, the older angels would tell or discuss to the younger angels about how different they are from humans that live on earth. Joffiel would always listen carefully and enthusiastically whenever an older angel would teach them. "Why are there angels who don't come back here? I want to come with them too. Do they play with other angels that don't live here?" Joffiel asked, innocently. Her fellow angel smiled and ruffled her hair. They are aware that Joffiel is smart and always curious about what is happening around her. She always tends to ask questions about things that she does not know yet. "You are too young to know those things, Joffiel. When you reach the right age, you will also know everything. For now, just follow what we have taught you," replied by the angel who is always taking care of her. “But I want to play with them too!” Joffiel insisted. “You can play with the ones that are here instead, my Dear,” the older angel replied gently. Joffiel just nodded and went straight to her playmates. She trusts the older angels that is why she did not ask any more questions. Everytime her questions are not answered, she would prefer to keep the questions to herself and remember to ask them when gets older. The older angel just shrugged her shoulder. It was difficult for her not to tell Joffiel about those things that she knew. It is strictly forbidden to tell young angels about angels becoming evil for some reasons. Not so far away, Joffiel watches the other angels as they go down to the world of humans. Every time she saw that process, she became more and more curious of what the older angels were doing. She wanted the time to run faster so that her tasks will be like the way the older angels have. She wanted to see the world of humans too. “Joffiel, I have been looking for you everywhere. I knew you, you are watching the older angels go to the human world again. Come on ! Let us play!,” her childhood friend, Anna, asked her joyfully. Joffiel looks at Anna, she thinks that she’s the only young angel that is curious about the task the older angels were doing. “Well, okay. You lead the way!” Joffiel replied happily. Joffiel accepts Anna’s invitation to play since she was not doing anything after all. The things that angels at her age did were only playing and doing the simple tasks that are assigned to them. As the two young angels were walking, they came to where their friends are. They joined them on what they are doing. “I will be 13 years old next month. I will not be able to join you guys any more on the task next month. One of my older angels told me that the Creator will be giving me a different kind of task,” said one of the older angels in their group. “I wonder what kind of task will be given to angels that become 13 years old?” asked one of the angels that is 11 years old. “I'm not quite sure yet. But when I learn about it, I will definitely tell it to you guys,” the older angel replied. Joffiel feels amazed by what she has heard. She felt that it would feel good to have tasks other than what they have. She wanted to do something different other than the simple tasks that are given to angels of her age. Joffiel wonders if it has something to do with going to the world of the humans. She is very excited to go there and meet the humans. “Wow! You will wait for us, right? You should not forget us. We will also become 13 years old and will be reunited with you! We will be able to help each other on tasks again,” one of the angels said. Joffiel noticed that almost all of them were excited about being on that age. They knew that they would be able to go down to the human world and be trained by higher angels. They are not yet aware of the peril of some task that is given to some older angels. In their eighteenth year, their main tasks will be given to them. The new tasks that will be given on their thirteenth will only be for training them for their main tasks. It is a preparation for the harder tasks that will be given to them. “I’m very happy for Wilver. Finally, she will have new tasks awaiting for her,” excitedly said by Anna. The angels do not have any emotions to be jealous.They usually love to hear good news from their fellow angels. They are happy about each other's achievements, especially when they finish the tasks that are given to them. They help and cheer each other so they could have the courage to finish all their tasks. Surrendering is not an option to them. They became happier instead of being down on having many tasks. They are more encouraged every time they get more tasks. “Congrats, Wilver! I’m very happy for you. Soon, we will be your age. I’m very excited to do new tasks with you,” Joffiel said. “It will not be long until we will be able to accomplish new tasks with you Wilver!” one of the younger angels shouted. They make sure that they could spend all the time left for them to be with Wilver. They played as much as they could and did tasks together. Some of them would wait longer before they could be with Wilver. All of the angels that would be having new tasks will be transferred to the other side of heaven. They could see each other afar but won’t even have a nick of time to be together. When they are at the right age, as they finish their task in the human world, they will become a mentor to young angels just like the one that takes care of Joffiel. After one month, Wilver bid farewell to her playmates including Joffiel. They hugged each other and congratulated Wilver. All of them are happy and do not feel any sadness or pain when parting with Wilver. That’s the advantage of being a young angel, they could not feel any bad emotions and only felt what is good. “I still have four years before I could follow where Wilver will be going. I can wait patiently,” Anna said cheerfully. Joffiel counted how much she had to wait before she could go to where Wilver will be going. Six years, she counted. She still needs to wait six years before she could be with the other older angels. “I still have six. I will wait patiently for my time to come to be able to go there. I know it will be fast. I'm just super excited to be given a different task,” Joffiel said to Anna. “At least we will only be separated for two years. We still have a long time to do our task together as a kid,” Anna replied. Even Anna is aware of what is happening, but unlike Joffiel, she is not very curious and she does not ask questions about those things. She just let things happen. “Well, I did not even realize that seven years have passed after I was born. I’m just very curious about what the human world looks like. Is their place as beautiful as heaven, or is it even prettier? I wonder what humans do, do they have tasks too?” Joffiel said. “I’m also not sure about that. However, I don’t think that there would be a more beautiful place than this place. There is only happiness and goodness in this place. And I think that is so much fun,” Anna replied. After Joffiel thought about it, she agreed with Anna. There would never be a place better than theirs. They are at a perfect place and they could not even think what would be changed so it would be better. Joffiel and Anna roam around at their place. Every part of their place is assigned based on their age and has their own gates. An angel cannot pass a gate that is not assigned to them. They are not allowed to take a foot on that place if they are not at the right age. Joffiel and Anna came to a gate. As they gazed upon the gate, they saw other angels on the other side. They also saw Wilver so they waved to her. Wilver is together with the other angels that they also played with when they were young. The teenage angels are being gathered. They assembled and seated as they listened to an announcement. Joffiel and Anna think that they are being given a task. Anna and Joffiel could not hear anything on what the announcement was about. They can only see an older angel speaking to the crowd of angels. They just passed by as they felt that the other angels were busy on their tasks that are given to them. The two of them continue to roam around and appreciate all of the wonderful things in their place. They feel good seeing them as if it was their first time to see those. Joffiel and Anna held hands and walked happily while singing to themselves. After some time, several years have passed. Joffiel came at the right age to have her own new tasks. She turned 13. She’s very excited and very happy to know what the older angels do. She waited patiently to know more things about the human world. She reunites with Anna, who will be left behind. She also tried to look for Wilver, then she realized that Wilver is not in that group anymore. She learned that Wilver is already in the human world to finish her main tasks. “Joffiel, come here. I will show you everything that you need to know,” an older angel told her in a calming voice. The angel that invited her is also her new mentor. The angel is the one assigned to guide Joffiel in that place of heaven. She thought that her mentor would not change even if she got her new tasks. She did not have time to say goodbye to her old mentor, but she’s happy that she could have another mentor that would teach her new things. Joffiel said goodbye to Anna, then she excitedly followed her new mentor. She felt excited to meet new friends too. She smiled as she saw the other angels being accompanied by their own mentors as they went down to the human world. “Did you notice the five gates before you came here, Joffiel?” Joffiel’s new mentor asked her. Joffiel looked at her mentor and just nodded. Back to when she was just seven years old, she could only see three gates. She was a little bit surprised at the new things she is seeing. As she came to where she is, the two gates suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. She does not know what is the purpose of the two gates. She knew the purpose of the three gates. The first one is for the young angels, where she came from, the second one is for angels aged 13 to 17 years old and finally, the last gate is for 18 years old and older. “What is the purpose of the two gates?” Joffiel asked. Her mentor smiled at her and answered, “That’s what I want to explain to you. The gate that is gold in color, is for our God.” Joffiel became full of joy. Even from the time she had her consciousness until the present, she did not see their God. She thought that she could have the opportunity to see their Almighty God. “Is there a chance that we could see Him?” Joffiel asked innocently. Her mentor just shook her head. She explained, “We could not see our God. We could only feel them in our heart and our mind. That’s where the faith of an angel is being built that even though you could not see Him, you would still believe in His presence and in His goodness to all of us. Joffiel became more amazed at the new knowledge she had earned. She thought that their God is the same as them, physically. Instead of being confused, Joffiel's trust and faith became bigger to their God. “How about the silver gate? I can’t think of anything that it would be for,” Joffiel wondered. “That’s for us, your mentors. For angels that finish all of their tasks from their childhood up to the main tasks in the human world,” Joffiel’s mentor answered. “You will experience a lot of hard tests but don’t give up. Strengthen your faith to our Lord and all of the tasks will be very easy for you. You will only be called a true angel if you passed all of those tests,” Joffiel’s mentor added. Joffiel now became confused. All of her life, she thought that all of them were true angels but that’s not the case. As she heard that her mentor was encouraging her to not give up means that the main tasks in the human world are really hard. She then realized that the human world will never be as beautiful as heaven. “Whatever tasks will be assigned to me, I will handle it. I will never give up. I will become a true angel like you. I promise,” Joffiel said enthusiastically to her mentor. “That’s a good thing, Joffiel. Just continue to be courageous at every test that you will be facing. We will start your training in the next few days. Just believe in yourself and most importantly, our God, and you will be successful,” her mentor said. Joffiel became very happy with what she had heard. She really wanted to have her new tasks. Finally, the time has come for her.
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