Chapter 39 - Successful Task

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Joffiel, Snow and Shane are trying their best to comfort Jelly because she is bursting into tears. "We understand how you feel, Jelly. You just have to be strong, make up for the things that you have done. We will be here for you so you don’t have to worry," Shane said. Andrew brought water when he notices someone with Joffiel is crying. “Here, let her drink this. I hope this will help her to calm down,” Andrew said. “Thank you Andrew,” Joffiel thanked him because he already did what Joffiel would like to do. She does not need to stand up and get Jelly a cup of water. She really trained her staff very well to be prepared in this kind of situation. "I know that I don't have true friends. Those co-workers who I am telling the stories are also spreading issues against me. I thought ruining them secretly can make me happy, but in the end, I am not. Snow is too good for me, I thought that it would be hard to compete against her and I didn't like her at all so I included her in my list. I have learned from you now that whatever revenge I do, I am still the one who is losing. Now, I will avoid doing my mistakes again and being happy without doing bad things is the best thing that I can do to somehow make up for my mistakes," Jelly told. Snow hugged Jelly and comforted her. Joffiel was amazed by Snow's kindness. Even though Jelly made a malicious story about her, she was even able to offer her shoulder to cry on. "My family and relatives don't even like me at all. I don't have someone to depend on, so I became cruel to everyone, including myself," Jelly added. Snow reacted like she was shocked. She thought that Jelly is really happy that's why she's secretly admiring her. Jelly is also very competitive and knows her job well. Snow did not expect that it turned out Jelly's life is miserable. "Why are your family and relatives hard on you? If it's okay for you to tell us," Joffiel said. Jelly wiped her tears. She answered, "They think of me as a useless daughter because I didn't follow what they wanted me to be. Being a doctor is not my thing or goal in life. I followed my dreams, that's why we end up like this. They are just kind to me when I am giving them money. Even my relatives are asking me for money. Why do I need to experience these unfortunate days?" So this is the reason why she behaved like that? Her trust issues are on a different level. Those people who are bringing down others, are actually the ones who are suffering from sadness. Life is really hard for them. Maybe there are the same cases with Jelly. I hope that they can surpass that challenge. Joffiel thought to herself. "I am glad that they still funded your studies even if they did not want what you had chosen. I am glad you finished your course you wanted so much. Besides, there is nothing wrong in working in an office," Shane said. "Oh, about that! I became a working student just to pay my tuition fees and be able to support my other expenses. We are rich, but I cannot feel it. They did not support me and did not even give me a cent to pay for my school. I am still happy that I followed my dreams. However, I failed because I ruined someone's life by making an issue which is not even true," Jelly said. Jelly is now becoming direct to the point. She is expressing her feelings openly. Joffiel felt relieved because Jelly now knows how to handle the issues she made. She is really regretting all the mistakes she made in the past. "It is not too late to correct all your mistakes. You can always start a new life and make sure that you won't be the reason why other people are suffering. Snow already forgave you. Let that be your inspiration to tell others the truth. We are here to support your kindness," Joffiel said, giving Jelly a motivation. Snow held Jelly's hand. She felt bad for what the impact of Jelly's family they made to Jelly. The trauma of being alone will not be forgotten by Jelly. "I can be your friend, Jelly. Just because you made a mistake doesn't mean you are plastic to me. I believe that you can make it, you can be a good woman," Snow said. "Really, Snow? I can't believe that you still trust me even though I did many bad things against you. Thank you, Snow. Thank you for believing in me," Jelly said while her tears were starting to fall again. "Joffiel and I are willing to be your friends as well. Don't think you are fighting alone. We can always be there for you wherever you want. You are not alone," Shane said, giving Jelly more motivation. They did a group hug. After making things clear, they decided to go home. Snow was fetched by her husband, while Shane made sure Jelly's safe going home. The day ended with a peaceful conversation. Joffiel knows that her third task will be fulfilled sooner. Jelly is not a hard-headed woman so it was easy for her to know Jelly's intention. She just needed someone to talk to. Having deeper thoughts and no one to lean on made her life miserable. She realized that even though there are people who love making trouble, there are also other people who love to forgive and forget. Joffiel is getting more understanding of what people actually think. Some of them are not hard to read. After many days, Jelly already started telling the truth to everyone. She explained her faults and even promised that won't do it again. She also hopes that everyone will not end up being like her. She also talked with two co-workers who were with her to gossip. She said that they need to stop it too because talking behind a person and making a false statement is a form of defamation and a crime. Joffiel and Patrick helped Jelly to explain the issue. Patrick also asked for forgiveness since he was not able to monitor his staff's mental health. Patrick and Joffiel are willing to listen to anyone who wants to admit their mistakes or if there is someone who needs help. As their boss, they will stand and act as their parents in their department. The employees understood the situation and also asked for Snow's forgiveness because they believed Jelly's story. Since Snow is too kind, she wholeheartedly accepted all the apologies of her workmates. "I am glad that the issue has been resolved. Thanks, Miss Joffiel, for helping us to pass through it. There will not be a problem on Sir Fenril's part. At least as a leader, we now know how to solve an issue within our department. I also promise to always check on them, especially on their mental health," Patrick said. "We cannot avoid that kind of issue, Mr. Patrick. There will always be someone who will pull down others. Some people do not know how to mind their own business. We just need to be calm and don't revenge even if someone did us wrong. Winning your goals or dreams is your best revenge," Joffiel said. "You are right. You know, I am so amazed on how you handle your team so well. I can see that they are so hardworking and don't talk behind others. Perhaps you can teach me more because I really think of you as a good role model," Patrick praised. Joffiel thinks that this kind of praise has a bigger impact when it comes to self reflection. She knows that if someone was amazed by her kindness, there is a tendency that even her kindness will be an inspiration and act good to everyone. Joffiel looked for Jelly and checked out what color does exist with her. She smiled when she saw the green color with Jelly. The star of her third task is finally visible. She is so happy seeing Snow and Jelly becoming closer. Snow is really willing to be friends with her. Their other teammates are starting to be friendly to them. Everything has changed. "She really did what she had promised. She is indeed a smart and productive woman. Her skills and knowledge would be wasted if she was removed by Sir Fenril," Shane said. "Jelly is now a kind-hearted woman. I can feel her sincerity after all. She is now enjoying her days being kind," Joffiel said. Another task was done. There are only seven tasks left for Joffiel to fully become an angel. Joffiel needs to wander around different places to find her next task. She's always excited at her new task. It feels like a puzzle to find her true self. When she is helping the person on her task, there is a large impact on people who surround it. More people are becoming better and can see kindness which will help them to act like that too. Spreading kindness is like a domino effect. If one person chooses to be kind to one another, the person he/she will help can spread kindness and positivity too. This is what Joffiel is doing right now. Even if the person is not in her task, she will still help and act kind to them. Being kind is not a hard thing to do. Joffiel smiled and went back to her work. She is now at peace again.
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