Chapter 36 - Confirmed

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Joffiel made sure that Snow would remember her face. She wants to be noticed by Snow when they cross their paths at Azazel Company. After her work, Joffiel immediately went to the lobby to wait for Snow. She saw the women who were gossiping about Snow. They just passed by since they didn't know Joffiel. The bracelet of Joffiel is still giving signals when she is near her task. Before she works with the woman who is spreading the malicious news, she will observe the victim first. Making sure that she knows the truth before finally making a move to become closer with these women. After a few minutes of waiting, Snow came and walked to the lobby. She saw Joffiel standing in a corner. She can’t help but to notice Joffiel. "Oh! It’s you! I can remember you, aren't you the manager of the Denver Coffee Shop nearby? Are you also working here at Azazel?" Snow asked, shocked to see Joffiel in the company. Joffiel smiled at her like it was just a coincidence to meet each other again. She answered, "Yes. I have a part time job at that coffee shop. I have different work schedules here and at the coffee shop so I took the chance of working there to have some more income for myself. It is also a different type of company so I won’t violate any company rules that prohibits us from having a part time job in a company that competes with them." Snow seemed to be fond of Joffiel because Joffiel is a hard working person. "Wow! Actually, that was amazing. You know how to manage your time very well. I cannot do that since I already have a small business so I want to focus on that and my job here at Azazel. My goal is to have a sustainable business and not fully depend on my work here. We all know that working in companies like this is not always permanent. There might come a time that we need to resign for the job due to different circumstances," Snow said. Joffiel was amazed at Snow. It seems like her task with Snow will be easy to handle since she is approachable. "I think you are just making the right decision. It's okay to have a business rather than working in two competing companies with the same industry. At least, we didn't break the rules and contracts of our main job," Joffiel explained. Joffiel seems satisfied with their conversation. Snow is easy to talk with so she can get the information needed as soon as possible. "I am glad that we have the same vibes on this," Snow said. "By the way, I really like the quality of your food and services at the coffee shop. I even recommended it to my friends. My husband and I will definitely be your regular customers. If you have time, we can hang out sometimes! I still can’t believe that you are working here at Azazel." Joffiel again used her eye of discernment to Snow and found out that Snow is kind and innocent. It is giving her more reason to help Snow with these kinds of rumors about her. If Snow is pregnant, she should not feel stressed about these malicious stories about her. It might affect her pregnancy and most of all the baby inside her. "Sure! Here is my contact number. I hope we can hang around soon! By the way, you can call me Joffiel. I’m always at the coffee shop so I’m sure we would be able to see each other often there," Joffiel handed Snow a small card containing her details and contact number. "Thank you. I will text you later so that you would know my contact details too. You can call me Snow," Snow said. After their conversions, Snow went home first since her husband was already waiting for her. Joffiel now proved that the woman who gossips is telling different stories. Snow is not pregnant with her best friend's boyfriend and did not steal anyone. Joffiel and Snow became friends after a few days. Joffiel learned that Snow is working at Azazel for one year and she doesn't have friends inside the company because she trusts no one. Snow blames Realyn for this. She was glad when she learned that Realyn left the company. Snow changed when she had a chance to talk to Joffiel, her point of view of the company changed. She knows that Joffiel is kind and trustworthy at her first impression. Joffiel visited Snow’s office to check on her. It was their break so she is free to visit other departments. She is trying her best to learn more information from Snow. She will use it to complete the task. “Hello, Snow. How are you today?” Joffiel asked. “I’m good. I did not expect that you would come here today. It’s good to see you!” Snow replied. “Well, I just visited you to see your office and to ask you if you want to eat lunch with me,” Joffiel explained. “Sure! I don’t have anyone to accompany me anyway. Let’s go!” Snow said, merrily. They went to the canteen and ate together. It is a good thing for Joffiel to have a chance to bond with Snow. "You know, I really admire you. It is my first time seeing someone with a positive mind all the time. I hope I can be like you. I don't want some stress," Snow said. "Why? What's bothering you?" Joffiel asked. "I am pregnant so I need to lessen my work at my business. This is my first time having a baby so I really feel different. Sometimes I am emotional, happy, confused, and etc. It is really hard to explain sometimes," Snow answered. "Well, if you are pregnant, you should be more positive. Don't let a simple thing stress your productivity or doing what you need to do. And that is right, you should lessen the things that might burden you because it might affect your pregnancy," Joffiel said. "That's right. I don't want my baby to feel stressed too. My husband, my best friend and her boyfriend are the only people who keep on watching and protecting me. I need to help myself too but it’s just really hard for me," Snow said. The task of Joffiel is now currently improving. Snow and her best friend are still on good terms. She can now connect the dots and conclude that all the rumors about Snow are not true. Everything is becoming clear now for Joffiel. Joffiel decided not to tell what she had heard a few days ago at the coffee shop. She just wants to protect the inner peace of Snow, especially that she is pregnant now. Stress will be one of the dangerous things while having a baby inside her womb. "Don't worry, I will teach you what I do just to maintain a positive and stress less life. I love to share some ideas and I hope that it will really help you," Joffiel promised. "Tell me when you are available. Let's have some coffee together and talk about life. I really want to know more about you. You’re the first person that I know I can trust inside the company," Snow said. “Thank you for trusting me,” Joffiel responded. After lunchtime, Snow and Joffiel went back to their workplace. Shane approached Joffiel, she asked "Do you know her? I saw you were with Snow earlier. I am sure that you have heard the rumors." "She was at Denver Coffee Shop last time with her husband. Our path crossed here in Azazel so we introduced ourselves to each other. She is so kind and I am very sure of that. There is no truth in any of the rumors that is roaming around," Joffiel explained. "Oh, really? I don't know where I got the news that she got pregnant by her best friend's boyfriend. I didn't know she had a husband anyways. Just what you are reminding us, I did not believe the rumors without further evaluation and proof. I just let them and not meddle with the issue," Shane said. The malicious stories spread that fast. I didn't know that some people who heard that will spread it too to others. What's their problem? Don't they have work to finish? Or they just don't know how to mind their own businesses? Joffiel thought to herself. "Yes, don't meddle in some issues you are not involved with. Protect your peace of mind. Tell our teammates not to be involved in any kind of issues we are not related with. I just don't want any of you to be caught in those lies," Joffiel said. Fenril ordered Drew to call Joffiel so she went directly to Fenril's office. It is her first time that she will talk with Fenril without Shane. "Drew, what is it all about?" Joffiel asked. "I don't know either. I don't think that it is bad news since Sir Fenril is in a good mood and he wants to talk to you," Drew answered.
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