Chapter 35 - Wife

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When Saturday came, the team of Joffiel gathered to have lunch as what they had planned to celebrate for their successful project. Everyone was feeling great because all of their hard work finally paid off.  At first they couldn't believe that their project succeeded. "Congratulations, guys! Even though there was someone who tried to ruin our project, we still achieved more than what we expected. I know at first I did not expect that everything would go according to our plans, because of Realyn. But after she left, everything became smooth," Shane explained. "That's true! We are beyond blessed, right? Although there is someone who is trying to bring us down, we still received more blessings than we expected. I guess we just deserve all of this. After all, we did our best for this project so maybe the creator saw our hard work and blessed us with this success," Jessica agreed.  Joffiel was happy to hear positive thoughts from her team. Even though they had a touch of wrongdoings before, they still managed to change to become a better person. Everyone can see how happy Joffiel was. Her teammates admire her so much that they respect her alot. "I am glad that you guys now know how to be positive all the time. I also want to remind everyone that we should not talk bad things behind a person. If we have a problem with someone, we can communicate with them or just ask them to have a clear mind about the issue. Don't just base on someone's story without further evaluation or proof," Joffiel reminded.  "You have a point. I already admitted my mistakes to our Creator. I used to talk behind because of Realyn. I have learned from you that we should not return the bad things people did to us just to have revenge. Peace of mind should be our goal and not to meddle with someone's life," Maori said, deep down her heart.  "Aw I feel like I will cry any moment. I'm so happy that our team improved a lot. I am very thankful that we have Ma'am Joffiel in our lives, she truly is a gift for us from heaven. Finally, we are getting the things that we deserve. I thought I would resign after the program. I did not expect to reach this far in my career," Jas said.  "Same with me. You know, I was at my max level of my patience when Ma'am Joffiel got reported by that woman. I am surprised that she was the one who was fired though. And I wonder where she is now? I hope we never see her," Carlo admitted.  Joffiel understood their past experiences. She really felt sorry for what happened to each of them when she was still not working under Azazel Company. Now, there is another issue to be resolved inside the company. Joffiel wants to help Fenril to eliminate the demons and finish her tasks related to their employees, so that it won't hinder their success. "We all worked hard for this project so the credits are for our team. The incentives that Sir Fenril promised will be a big help for us. We can use that for the team's progress or for our personal use of course. Let us work harder guys!" Joffiel said.  "Finally, I can give additional allowance for my brother's Thesis. It is such perfect timing! He needs more funds since he is a graduating student. How I wish he continues to study hard until he graduates so that he can help our family once he has a job,” Shane said. “Okay guys, I think we should get our orders now. Get anything you want and you don’t have to worry because it's my treat!” Joffiel said joyfully. They took their orders and ate merrily. They were talking happily and discussing many things about each other, trying to know more about each other. Joffiel was glad that no one was asking about her age and other details about her. She doesn't know what to answer since she is not allowed to lie. She is trying to avoid such questions using another question as her reply. Luckily all of her teammates are shy to ask her such questions. After the celebration they stayed for a while to have chit chat. “My goodness! I ate a lot, I am very full. Thank you Ma’am Joffiel for this best treat ever! It has been a long time since I have celebrated with you guys!” Carlo said. “You are right. I can’t even remember when was the last time that we did something like this. If it was not because of Ma’am Joffiel we would not be this much close to each other,” Jas said. “I guess, that is Ma’am Joffiel’s power, to unite everyone,” Shane joked. “Well, I guess we are all done now so we should go. Keidi is waiting for me,” Joffiel said. Everyone was full and happy and prepared to leave. Joffiel bids goodbye since Keidi is waiting for her. The training of Keidi was done so he is now working to face the customers. Joffiel is watching him to give her evaluation for what Keidi had learned from the previous training. Joffiel needs to be honest when giving some evaluations.  Unexpectedly, Jayden entered the Shop and went directly to the same spot where he is usually working. Keidi is a bit hesitant to ask Jayden for his order because he knows that this man is their boss.  Joffiel smiled at Keidi and gave him a go signal to ask Jayden if he needed something. “Go on, ask him if he wants to order something. Just think of it as a part of your training,” She said. Heidi approached Jayden and talked to him and he knew that there was nothing to worry because it was like Jayden is a regular customer only. “Excuse me Sir,” Jayden said. “Is there anything you want to order?” "I like how you have been polite and respectful to me. Joffiel really did a great council on you, right? You are lucky to know her," Jayden said. Unexpectedly, Joffiel heard what Jayden intended to say.  "Yes, Sir Jayden. You don’t know how grateful I am to Joffiel. She is like my sister now because of what she has done to improve my life to become a better person. I promise you and Joffiel not to disappoint the both of you, so I will do my best for this job," Keidi answered.  Jayden was a bit shocked but continued to act normal. He smiled at Keidi. He said, "Keep up the good work. I love giving incentives to the employees who are honest and working hard,” "Yes, Sir Jayden! Thank you for reminding me. I will not go back to my work so I can serve our client," Keidi said. “Anyway, I want a coffee, the one that I always order. And a piece of cake," Jayden ordered. “I will get it for you, Sir. Please wait for a few minutes,” Keidi replied. Joffiel sat next to Jayden. She knows she is a manager but she can’t help but to stare at him. She's just curious about her boss.  "Do you want some help, Sir Jayden? I noticed that you are so busy with your laptop," Joffiel asked.  "Thank you for your concern. I am just doing my research papers. I have a peace of mind working inside the Coffee Shop so I stayed here. If I need some help, I will definitely ask you," Jayden answered.  Keidi put the coffee and a piece of cake on the table of Jayden. Joffiel nodded to Jayden and went back to the front door to greet some customers.  Joffiel noticed Snow, the topic of those who gossip. She has someone with her. It is a man and looks like they knew each other for a long period of time. Joffiel decided to just observe. She doesn't want to make a move without knowing the truth behind the issue.  Since the other staff are assisting different clients, Jofffiel went to Snow's table to assist them. She said, "Good day, Ma'am and Sir! This is our menu. Thank you for choosing this place!"  Snow didn't recognize Joffiel since she didn't know her at the first place. "Thank you. We will call you once we have decided what to order."  The man kissed Snow's hand. Joffiel didn't react. She needs to calm herself and not to act easily and get distracted by these kinds of things that she sees around her.  Andrew is now assisting Snow and the man with him. Joffiel thinks that it is their first time to go here since Snow is not familiar with her.  When Andrew left. The man called Joffiel to assist them again.  "Thank you, Ma'am, for noticing me. I would like to request warm water only for my wife. I forgot it, sorry," the man said.  "Okay, Sir. Let me get it for you. Please wait for a while," Joffiel said.  Why did he say "my wife"? I need to find an answer since Snow was the topic of the girl in my task. I also want to help her to clear the issue circulating around the company. Joffiel thought to herself.   
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