Chapter 37 - Renovation

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Joffiel wonders why Fenril is looking for her. Maybe it is something about the project. He might tell me something important. She thought to herself. Joffiel knocked at the door of Fenril’s office then entered. "Good day, Sir Fenril," Joffiel greeted, politely. "Oh it’s you! Please come in! Please take a seat and make yourself comfortable," Fenril ordered. “By the way do you want some coffee or tea?” "Thank you, Sir. I guess I'll just have a cup of tea,” Joffiel replied. “Ashe, you heard the lady. Please make us some tea. Thank you,” he ordered Ashe. Joffiel followed Fenril. She sat on the chair in front of Fenril's table while Ashe was standing beside them. So Joffiel tried to keep her actions in a normal way as much as possible. Joffiel feels a weird feeling, as if there is something wrong in the whole place but she can’t figure out what it was. She thought maybe it is because of Ashe’s presence inside the room. “Anyway, why did you call me, Sir? Is there something you wanted to ask me personally or do you need some reports to be finished? It seems unusual for you to call for me privately," Joffiel asked. "Well, there is nothing wrong, Joffiel. It is just that we will be having a renovation at your department. We need to move you to the next floor since the other department with you is fully occupied. Your department's space needs to be improved because we are planning to hire more employees under your team and I think that will give much favor to you and your team," Fenril explained. Ashe put the cup of tea in front of Joffiel. She has no reactions at all. Joffiel is used to this kind of situation although she feels that there is something going on inside the room. Joffiel knows that every demon is behaving differently and Ashe is one of the serious type one so maybe it affects the mood inside the room. "I didn't know that it could still have an improvement when in fact the department is big enough to accommodate new employees. Well, thank you for considering our department to have additional employees. More manpower means easier tasks for each of us and for me, it is such an honour to be able to handle a bigger team," Joffiel said. "It is simply because Fenril trusts you and you should be grateful about that but don’t be too proud of it," Ashe interjected. Joffiel smiled at her. She knows that there is something between Fenril and Ashe. Ashe doesn't even call Fenril "Sir" or "Boss" when Joffiel is around. Joffiel is hoping that Fenril will not be influenced by the evilness of a demon and would not go down the wrong path because of Ashe. Until now, Joffiel can't see what kind of person Fenril is. Her eye of discernment still doesn't work on Fenril but Joffiel is quite used to that. "That's right. Your ideas are always giving every decision a big impact. Until now, the project you suggested is still ongoing by the moment and everything is just very effective. More people are patronising our brand and we were able to increase our sales in which competitors were far left behind," Fenril said in a very joyful tone. “Thank you for your positive comments, Sir,” Joffiel replied. After the discussion, Joffiel went back to her department and explained to her team that starting tomorrow, they will be working on the next floor temporarily. It is good news for Joffiel since her task will be easier to perform. “Wow! It is big news for us! Even Sir Fenril is so excited about our performance that he wanted to upgrade our department,” Shane exclaimed. “But I am not so sure about the fact that they will add more employees to our department. Are they going to hire new ones or get them from another department then transfer them here?” Carlo wondered. “I think it is still good news for me. Well, let’s just see first what will happen,” Jas added. Joffiel texted Snow about the news. She said that their department will be working on their floor for a while because their floor needs to be renovated. Both of them are excited to share a room to work with. Since Joffiel is a director, she can easily give a lecture to those who gossip about other employees. This is a perfect timing for her to do her task. She just needs to befriend the other director. Days have passed, the false malicious stories about Snow are still circulating around the company without her knowing. Joffiel can't take it anymore. She and the male director are already close and told him that she heard three of his team spreading fake news about Snow. They decided to solve it together so it won't have to go to the higher ups and worsen the situation. "Snow, take care of yourself. I brought you some fruits. I know that you and your husband are busy so I just thought that maybe preparing some healthy foods like fruits is not one of your priorities. I want you to be healthy both in body and mind," Joffiel said, ensuring that Snow's workmate heard it. "Thank you, Ma'am Joffiel. I really appreciate you and Sir Patrick for being concerned about me. You are a big help to me," Snow said. "It's not a big deal, Dear. In fact, Sir Fenril will give all pregnant employees an allowance for healthy food. They will start next week, including some packages of groceries. Isn't that good news?" Patrick said. Patrick is also a kind-hearted person so Joffiel made this an opportunity. They will catch the mastermind of this fake news spreader before Snow hears it. It is a good thing that Snow does not know too many other employees yet. "Thank you so much! It is a big help for us. My best friend would be happy when she hears it. She was the one who kept on buying healthy food for me and I owe her a lot," Snow said. Patrick and Joffiel looked at each other. Their plan is happening on what they expected. Joffiel secretly checked the woman who was spreading fake news. The woman only lowered her head. Other people now know that Snow has a husband and her best friend is still on good terms with her. "Miss Jelly, please come to my office. I have something to discuss with you," Patrick said. Since Patrick and Joffiel are sharing one office, Joffiel can go with them to listen to their conversion. "Yes, Sir?" Jelly asked. Patrick seriously looked at Jelly and showed his disappointment towards her. He cannot believe that he has a team who gossip and spread false accusations or stories about their other co-workers. "I know what you have done! Spreading malicious issues about Snow will never make you superior to her. You are just disappointing yourself by minding other people's businesses. Instead of focusing on your goal, you still chose to focus on someone. Why are you doing this?" Patrick exclaimed. Jelly cannot answer Patrick. She is now feeling guilty. She is doing it to pull her workers down. Just like Realyn's behavior, she wants all the attention and praise to be on her. She was obviously influenced by Realyn. "Miss Jelly, doing that won't do any good for your life. Pulling down other people will not help you to improve, it will just corrupt you inside. You are just creating misunderstandings between other people. You should get rid of jealousy because it will bring you down, I assure you," Joffiel interjected. "Who are you to say that?" Jelly shouted. Patrick stood up and looked intensely at Jelly. He said, "How dare you say that to Joffiel? She has the same rank as me and she has the right to give you advice. Clear up your mind, Miss Jelly!" Jelly started to cry. She keeps saying sorry but still doesn't admit what she did. Joffiel knew this kind of self justification. "We don't want this issue to be heard by our bosses so please do something. Correct your mistakes. I will give you a week to fulfil this task, else, I will do appropriate methods to get you out of this company. You know that spreading rumors about other people can make you go to jail," Patrick said. "Yes, Sir. Thank you for giving me a chance. I don't want to go to jail because of this mistake. I promise to correct my mistakes as much as I can," Jelly said. "I am so sorry, Ma'am Joffiel, for my behaviour earlier. I promise not to act like that again." "I accept your apology, Miss Jelly. I hope that you will do it wholeheartedly. Do not correct your wrongdoings with other mistakes. Learn from this lesson," Joffiel said. "I am watching you, Miss Jelly. Do as I say. I don't tolerate this kind of attitude and you know that. Don't abuse my kindness," Partick reminded. Jelly nodded and promised that she would voluntarily say sorry to Snow and admit what mistake she made. Joffiel is still not sure if Jelly is really sincere with her words. She needs to always check Jelly's behaviour just to make sure no one will be a victim of false accusations.
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