Chapter 33 - Incentives

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Many days had passed since Realyn left the company and was defeated by Joffiel. Many people from Azazel Company felt easy and comfortable when Realyn left. There are no more issues and threats to them when working on their jobs. “Ma’am Joffiel! Here’s the report that you asked for. Everything is going fine and smooth since Realyn left the company. Everyone is a lot more productive now because no one will bother them and give them a load of work that is not included in their job,” Carlo said then handed the files to Joffiel. “Oh, thank you, Carlo. Just in time. I need to review this before lunch because Sir Fenril will be looking into it. And I am glad too, that everyone feels easy now when doing their jobs here in the company. Toxicity in the company will be lessened or maybe removed since Realyn is gone now,” Joffiel replied. Shane came and she joked “What do you mean gone? It sounded like she had passed away.” “I mean, she is gone for good here in the company. No one wants her here anyway. She is spreading toxic vibes among the employees that causes low productivity at work,” “Let’s just hope that there will be no one else like Realyn to come and work among us here in the company. I am tired of those kinds of people,” Carlo said. “Well, anyway. Let’s just go back to our work. By the way Shane, how are you? Did Realyn bother you these past days? I was really expecting that she will try to have her revenge on one of us,” Joffiel explained, pretending that she did not know what really happened to Realyn. “Okay, I’m going to leave you guys for now. I have to keep going. See you later,” Carlo said. “See you, Carlo,” Shane said. “I was surprised too that Realyn did not try to bother me these past days. I was actually preparing myself in case Realyn will try to do something against me. I am just thankful that she did not show herself to me,” Shane explained. “I see, that’s good. I was just worried that Realyn did something to you,” Joffiel responded. “How about you, Ma’am Joffiel? Did she do something to you? How can you be so sure that she will not come back for us?” Shane asked. “I think we still need to be prepared in case she will come back,” she added. “No, she did nothing to me. Maybe she went far away because of too much embarrassment. That is why we don’t have to worry about her. Trust me,” Joffiel assured. “Okay, Ma’am Joffiel. Let’s hope your words will come true. By the way, I need to do something else too. See you later Ma’am Joffiel,”  Shane said then left to do some errands. Joffiel went back to work to finish the reports that she needs to review. The program Joffiel and her team planned was successful and indeed gave an unexpected result. Many students and other professionals patronized their new products. They even choose random students to have free cellphones who are not capable of paying monthly due to poverty.  Joffiel insisted on giving some free phones to random students that deserve it even if her own salary will be used. Since the program was successful, Fenril reimbursed the money Joffiel had spent for this event.  "This is more than what I have expected. You have such a bright mind, Joffiel! Your team improved a lot and I know you have a big part in their improvement. Your team is becoming popular here in the company. I will give you incentives and I know you all deserve this. Congratulations to you and your team!" Fenril announced.  The whole team didn't expect that they would be given incentives. This is the first time they will receive this kind of treatment since Realyn kept on meddling with them and taking most of the credits for herself before.  "Thank you, Sir Fenril! On behalf of my team, I will assure you that we will always do our best in our jobs here in Azazel Company," Joffiel said.  "Always be good working to each other so that your performances will keep on improving," Fenril reminded.  "Yes, Sir!" Shane said.  After Fenril left the department, the team took a break and went to the company's canteen for their lunch.  "If you are free on Saturday, let's celebrate this successful project," Carlo invited.  "I work at a coffee shop from 3pm to 11pm. I am available in the morning until 2:30pm," Joffiel said.  "So it is going to be lunch time? Are you all okay with that?" Shane asked.  Everyone agreed at the said time. Joffiel can't fully express her happiness since her teammates are now definitely turning to better people. She now understands the negative effects of a demon near people.  About Ashe, Joffiel knows that she cannot eliminate her immediately. She is a demon but she doesn't hear any bad feedback from other employees. Ashe is just straightforward and does not trust anyone. Joffiel wonders why she is like that and why there are demons in this company.  After a long day, Joffiel went home early since the stocks of the coffee shop went out. They already hit more than the expected sales in a week. She cooked some food for her and her friends. "You are so busy nowadays. Early going to work and going home late. Do you still sleep? How can you still look pretty and you don’t even have eye bags although you are working from 8am until 11pm? How are you able to do something like that, isn't it tiring? " Sheena asked.  "Well, I do sleep 6 to 7 hours a day and it is enough for me, but don't try to do it. I'm older than you. You should sleep at least 8 hours a day so you won't get pimples and eyebags," Joffiel explained.  "You are right. Maybe I should start eating healthy food. But anyway, how's your day?" Sheena said.  Joffiel is done serving their food. She cooked for Sheena and Marisson since it was her free time to chit chat with them.  "Well, I can say that it was a nice day. Our boss at Azazel Company announced that we had incentives since our project went above what we expected. About Denver Coffee Shop, we already sold out all of our stocks so we went home early. Isn't that great?" Joffiel told Sheena what had happened earlier.  "That's really great! Hitting two achievements at the same time! Congratulations, Joffiel. You really deserve to be recognized. You are one of the best of the bestest!" Sheena said.  Sheena called her mother to have dinner with Joffiel. Joffiel looked at the door where Sheena had left.  I am becoming closer to the people around me. Is it good to be attached to people? I hope that I am on the right track. Joffiel thought to herself.  "Good evening, Joffiel!" Marisson greeted. "You are early today huh? Are you done with your work?"  "Good evening, Marisson. Unexpectedly, the stocks of the coffee shop had been sold out. If there is no stock until tomorrow, we will have no work. That is what Sir Jayden had told us," Joffiel said.  "Oh? Sir Jayden was there? I thought he had a project to finish before next week," Marisson said in a confused tone.  "Actually, I was confused too when Sir Jayden went there about five times a week. He had his laptop and even forgot he was working past 11pm so I had to wait for him," Joffiel explained.  Marisson smiled differently upon hearing Joffiel's story. She really likes Joffiel for Jayden. Although Jayden is still studying, Marisson knows that they are already at the right age to choose if they want to love someone.  "What kind of smile is that, Mom? Are you teasing Joffiel?" Sheena asked, innocently.  "No, no! I am just wondering why Sir Jayden is suddenly visiting this coffee shop frequently. It is very unusual of him," Marisson explained.  "Well, I am thinking the same way. His focus was only on the laptop. I think he is searching for something or doing paperworks," Joffiel said.  "He is studying. Maybe he has a lot of things to do in his studies, plus at a young age, he is now handling some of their coffee shops," Marisson added.  Joffiel is confused why there are lots of young people, even the teenagers are handling businesses already. She thought of Keidi who has an unfortunate past before. She thinks that people are destined for what they are today. But one thing she learned from the past was, a simple act of help can make their lives live differently.  "Is he okay? Studying and handling their coffee shops at the same time? The pressure is too high for him," Joffiel asked.  "Don't worry about Sir Jayden. He knows his time management so well. Well, that's why I was shocked that he went to a coffee shop where you have been working and also stayed late," Marisson said.  "He even drove me home last time since I let Keidi go home early," Joffiel said.  Marisson was amused. She really feels there is something strange with Jayden when it comes to Joffiel. And why the coffee shop's stocks were being sold out was because Joffiel attracted many people.  She knows that Joffiel is a big asset for a coffee shop so they hired more than two security guards just to make sure no one is stalking Joffiel badly. They want their employees to be safe all the time. 
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